Article 8 - Family Offenses Flashcards
FCA 812 (1)
Which of the following constitute family offenses?
(1) Identity Theft (1, 2, 3 degree), Grand Larceny (3 & 4 degree), and Coercion (2 degree or 3 degree, P.L. subds. 1, 2 or 3)
(2) Harassment (1 & 2 degree) and Agg. Harassment (2 degree)
(3) Stalking (all 4 degrees) and Menacing (2 and 3 degree)
(4) Disorderly Conduct and Reckless Endangerment
(5) Criminal Obstruction of Breathing or Blood Circulation and Strangulation (1 & 2 degree)
(a) 1,2 & 3 only
(b) 1,4 & 5 only
(c) 2,3,4 & 5 only
(d) 2,4 & 5 only
(e) all of the foregoing
(e)FCA 812 (1)
The family court and criminal court have concurrent jurisdiction over Criminal Mischief (degree not specified) and Attempted Assault between spouse and former spouse, parent and child or members of the same family or household, except where respondent is under age per PL section 30.00. Added by the 2009 legislature are Forcible Touching, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Abuse 3 and 2 degree involving a victim incapable of consent by the reason of some factor other than being under 17. The 2019 legislature added Unlawful Dissemination or Publication of an Intimate Image.
FCA 812 2.(d)
The proceeding for a family offense is initiated:
(a) at the time of arrest
(b) at the time of filing a petition
(c) at the time of a request for an arrest
(d) all of the foregoing
Answer (b) 812 2.(d) FCA
The initiation of a family court family offense proceeding takes place at the time of the filing of a family court petition or the filing of an accusatory instrument.
FCA 812 1.
Under article 8, members of the same family or household shall mean:
(1) persons related by consanguinity or affinity
(2) persons legally married to one another
(3) persons formerly married to one another
(4) persons who have a child in common
(a) 1 & 2 only
(b) 1,2 & 3 only
(c) 1,2 & 4 only
(d) 1,2,3 & 4
d) 812 1. FCA
All choices are correct. Persons related by consanguinity or affinity means all relationships either by blood or marriage. Persons formerly married to each other (strangely enough) meet the requirement of members of the household or family.
FCA 813 1.
The court on its own initiative, may transfer a family offense matter to an appropriate criminal court:
(a) with the consent of the petitioner and notice to the district attorney
(b) without the consent of the petitioner
(c) without notice to the district attorney
(d) prior to the commencement of the fact finding hearing
Answer (a) 813 1. FCA
At any time prior to a finding on the petition, the court may with the consent of the petitioner and upon reasonable notice to the district attorney, order that any matter which is the subject of a proceeding under article 8, be prosecuted as a criminal action in an appropriate court, if the interest of justice so require.
FCA 817
On its own motion the court may consolidate which of the following petitions with a family offense petition?
(a) child protective petition
(b) support petition
(c) paternity petition
(d) all of the foregoing
(d) 817 FCA
Petitions under article 5, paternity proceedings, article 4, support proceedings and article 10, child protective proceedings may be consolidated with a family offense petition. Once the consolidation takes place, the court may make dispositions as to paternity, support or child protection as authorized in those articles.
FCA 818
Pursuant to article 8, which of the following statements is/are least correct regarding proper placement of venue? In the county:
(1) where the alleged acts took place.
(2) of family or household residence.
(3) where a warrant in a paternity proceeding is lodged.
(4) where the residence is a shelter for homeless persons or families on an emergency or temporary basis.
(a) 3 only
(b) 1 & 2 only
(c) 1,2 & 4
(d) 2,3 & 4
(e) 1,2,3 & 4
(a) 818 FCA
Venue is properly placed in all except answer # 3. . A shelter for homeless persons or families as well as a residence under a program for victims of domestic violence qualify for the purpose of venue. Finally, the county of residence of any party shall be the place of proper venue.
We know that the court may consolidate a paternity petition with a family offense petition. However, this would occur AFTER the venue had already been placed
FCA 821 2.
Which of the following is/are correct regarding an arrest and initial appearance of an adult charged with a family offense when the family court is not in session?
(1) the adult may be detained until the next session of the family court.
(2) the adult may appear in a criminal court.
(3) the adult may be admitted to bail in the criminal court.
(4) the adult may be paroled for a hearing in the criminal court or the family court.
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 & 2 only
(c) 2 & 3 only
(d) 1 & 4 only
(e) 1,2,3 & 4
Answer (e) 821 2. FCA
When the family court is not in session an arrested adult shall be taken to the most accessible magistrate (155 1. FCA) thereupon the magistrate shall commit the arrested adult to the custody of the sheriff (in New York City, the Department of Correction, 1.20, 35 CPL), admit to, fix or accept bail, or parole such arrested adult for a hearing in either the family court or the criminal court.
FCA 821-a 1.,2.(a),(b)
Select the least correct answer concerning the action of the court upon the filing of a petition under article 8:
(a) issue a temporary order of protection in favor of the petitioner only
(b) issue a summons
(c) issue a warrant
(d) advise petitioner of the right to retain legal counsel
Answer (a) 821-a 1.,2. FCA
A temporary order of protection extends where appropriate to not only the petitioner but to the petitioner’s children or any other children residing in the petitioner’s household. The petition must name each child in the household and the relationship of each child to the petitioner and the respondent. All other choices are correct.
FCA 822
Who of the following may originate a family offense proceeding?
(1) on the motion of the district attorney
(2) a household member and relative of the respondent
(3) a duly authorized agency
(4) a person on the court’s own motion
(a) 1 & 2 only
(b) 1 & 4 only
(c) 2,3 & 4 only
(d) 1,2,3 & 4
Answer (c) 822 FCA
Any person in a relationship by consanguinity (blood) or affinity (kinship by marriage) in the same household or family may originate the proceedings. In addition, any agency, association, society or institution for the prevention of cruelty to children or an institution empowered to care for children. Under article 8, the following may also originate a proceeding: A police officer or a peace officer, pursuant to his special duties or a person on the court’s own motion.
FCA 821-a 4.
Where the respondent is brought before the court pursuant to a summons or a warrant and the respondent fails to post bail or otherwise remains in custody, a hearing shall be held without unreasonable delay not later than what period of time after the arrest?
(a) 24 hours
(b) 120 hours
(c) 48 hours
(d) 140 hours
(b) 821-a 4. FCA
The hearing shall be held without unreasonable delay but in no event later than 120 hours (5 days) after the arrest. The court will determine upon material and relevant evidence whether a sufficient cause exists to keep the respondent in custody or else release the respondent on his or her own recognizance.
FCA 821-a 4.
A respondent held in custody pending a hearing in the family court can be held no longer than what period of time after the arrest if arrested on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday?
(a) 124 hours
(b) 136 hours
(c) 144 hours
(d) 168 hours
(c) 821-a 4. FCA
An arrest which was made on a weekend or a legal holiday requires that a hearing take place no later than 144 hours (6 days) after the arrest. The hearing must determine upon material and relevant evidence, that sufficient cause exists to keep the respondent in custody or release the respondent on his or her own recognizance.
FCA 823 (c)
Efforts by the probation service at adjustment under article 8 may not extend for more than what period of time without leave of the court?
(a) 90 days
(b) 2 months
(c) 1 month
(d) 2 weeks
(b) 823 (c) FCA
Efforts at adjustment pursuant to article 8 may not extend for a period of more than two months without leave of the court, who may extend the period for an additional sixty days. Two successive extensions may be granted.
FCA 826
In the absence of a warrant issued by the court for the production of the respondent, service of a summons and petition shall be made upon the person summoned how many hours before the time stated therein for appearance?
(a) 72 hours
(b) 48 hours
(c) 36 hours
(d) 24 hours
(d) 826 FCA
Unless the court issues a warrant for the respondent, service of a summons and petition shall be made by delivery of a true copy of the summons and petition to the person summoned at least 24 hours before the time stated therein for appearance.
FCA 827 (c)
A certificate of a warrant expires how many days from the date of issue?
(a) 30 days
(b) 60 days
(c) 90 days
(d) 120 days
(c) 827 (c) FCA
90 days
The warrant may be renewed from time to time by the clerk of the court.
FCA 827 (a)(vii)
If the family court, upon initial review of the petition, determines that aggravating circumstances exist, to wit: physical injury to the petitioner or any family member has been caused by the respondent or the respondent’s use of a dangerous instrument constitutes an immediate danger to the petitioner or the family household, the court may:
(1) issue an arrest warrant.
(2) issue an order of protection.
(3) issue a summons.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 & 2 only
(d) 1,2 & 3
(d) 827 (a)(vii) FCA
The existence of aggravating circumstances may require the immediate arrest of the respondent. Prior convictions for crimes against the petitioner by the respondent qualifies for aggravating circumstances. The arrest warrant and order of protection may be issued simultaneously.
FCA 832
A “fact-finding” hearing is held to determine if allegations of a petition are supported by:
(a) a reliable statement of facts
(b) a fair preponderance of the evidence
(c) an honest report by the parties involved
(d) provable facts or testimony
Answer (b) 832 FCA
A fair preponderance of the evidence
FCA 836
Select the best statement or statements. The court may adjourn:
(1) a fact finding hearing on its own motion or on motion of the petitioner
(2) a fact finding hearing on the motion of the respondent
(3) a dispositional hearing only on the motion of the respondent
(4) a dispositional hearing on its own motion or the motion of either party
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 & 2 only
(c) 2 & 3 only
(d) 1,2 & 4 only
(d) 836 FCA
The court on its own motion for good cause shown or on the motion of either party may adjourn the fact finding hearing or the dispositional hearing.
FCA 841 (b)
At the conclusion of the dispositional hearing the court may enter an order suspending judgment for a period:
(a) not exceeding six months
(b) not exceeding one year
(c) not exceeding eighteen months
(d) not exceeding two years
(a) 841 (b) FCA
One of the dispositional findings available to the court is suspended judgment for a period not to exceed 6 months.
FCA 841 (c)
The court may enter an order at the conclusion of the dispositional hearing placing the respondent on probation for a period:
(a) not to exceed six months
(b) not to exceed one year
(c) not to exceed eighteen months
(d) not to exceed two years
(b) 841 (c) FCA
Should the court order probation for the respondent, the probation period shall not exceed ONE YEAR.
FCA 841 (e)
An order of restitution may be made by the court in conjunction with the court ordered disposition of, suspended judgment, probation or order of protection, in an amount not to exceed:
(a) $1,500
(b) $5,000
(c) $10,000
(d) $15,000
(c) 841 (e) FCA
In conjunction with a disposition of suspended judgment, probation or an order of protection, the court may order payment of restitution not to exceed $10,000.
FCA 842
Upon a finding by the court that aggravating circumstances exist, the order of protection shall be for a period not in excess of:
(a) one year
(b) two years
(c) three years
(d) five years
(e) five years or more
Answer (d) 842 FCA
FCA 842
In any proceeding in which an order of protection or temporary order of protection or a warrant has been issued under this section, the clerk of the court shall issue a copy of the order to whom of the following:
(1) the petitioner
(2) the respondent
(3) counsel for the respondent
(4) any other person affected by the order
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 & 3 only
(c) 1, 2 & 3 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 & 4
(d) 842 FCA
In addition to the four selections in the question, the clerk of the court shall ensure that a copy of the order or temporary order be transmitted: (1) to the local correctional facility where the individual is or will be detained; (2) the state and local correctional facility where the individual is or will be imprisoned; and (3) the supervising probation department or division of parole where the individual is under probation or parole supervision, as amended eff. 11/11/20, per Ch. 261, L.2020.
FCA 842-a
Upon the issuance of a temporary order of protection under article 8 FCA the court:
(1) shall suspend the respondent’s firearms license.
(2) shall order the respondent ineligible for such a license.
(3) shall, under certain conditions, order the immediate surrender of any and all firearms owned or possessed by the respondent.
(a) 1 & 2 only
(b) 1 & 3 only
(c) 2 & 3 only
(d) 1, 2 & 3
(d) 842-a 1.(a) & (b) FCA
Immediate surrender will be required when there is substantial risk that the respondent may use or threaten to use a firearm, rifle or shotgun unlawfully against a person protected by an Order of Protection.
FCA 846-a
Should a respondent willfully fail to obey any lawful order of the court, the court may order:
(1) forfeiture of bail, if bail has been ordered.
(2) a new order of protection.
(3) the respondent committed to jail for a six month period.
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 & 2 only
(c) 3 only
(d) 1, 2 & 3
(d) 846-a FCA
If, after a hearing, the court is satisfied that the respondent willfully failed to obey a lawful order of the court, all three choices may apply.
The family court and the criminal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction over acts that would constitute disorderly conduct (among numerous other offenses) between spouses or former spouses, or between parent and child or between members of the same family or household.
(T) 812 1. FCA
To constitute a family offense, disorderly conduct includes such conduct not occurring in a public place.
FCA 812 1. (e) TRUE OR FALSE
Members of the same family or household for the purposes of this article shall mean persons who are not related and who are or have been in an intimate relationship.
(T) 812 1. (e) FCA
For the purposes of Article 8, in addition to subsection (e) above, members of the same family or household under §812 1. shall also mean the following:
(a) persons related by consanguinity or affinity;
(b) persons legally married to one another;
(c) persons formerly married to one another regardless of whether they still reside in the same household;
(d) persons who have a child in common regardless of whether such persons have been married or have lived together at any time.
A complainants election to proceed in the family court shall not divest the criminal court of jurisdiction to hear a family offense proceeding.
(T) 812 2. (g) FCA
As stated in the section.
A family offense proceeding in the family court is a civil proceeding.
(T) 812 2.(b) FCA
The proceeding in the family court is a civil proceeding originated by the service of a summons and petition and does not result in a criminal conviction. If the family offense is by choice brought in the criminal court by the filing of an accusatory instrument the prosecution may result in a conviction of the offender.
An arrest must precede the commencement of criminal court proceeding under article 8 FCA.
(F) 812 2.(f) FCA
An arrest is not a requirement for commencing either a family court or criminal court proceeding under article 8 FCA (see: 140.10 (4) CPL).
Upon the transfer of a matter from the family court to the criminal court, the temporary order of protection issued by the family court must be reissued by the criminal court.
(F) 813 2. FCA
The temporary order of protection issued in family court shall carry over and continue in effect until the defendant is arraigned on the accusatory instrument without the necessity of a new application for a temporary order of protection by the petitioner.
A petitioner may proceed directly with a petition under article 8 FCA in either the family court or criminal court or both without court referral.
(T) 813 3. FCA
There is no restriction or limitation of a petitioners rights to proceed directly without the courts referral in either the family or criminal court or both.
FCA 821-a 3.(c) TRUE OR FALSE
When a respondent is brought before the court pursuant to a summons or a warrant, the court shall provide the respondent with a copy of the petition.
(T) 821-a 3.(c) FCA
In addition to providing the respondent with a copy of the petition, the court shall also advise the respondent of the allegations in the petition and advise the parties of the right to retain legal representation or, if indigent, the right to appointed counsel (18-b county law).
Only the person victimized by the respondent’s conduct may institute a proceeding under Article 8 FCA.
(F) 822 FCA
Any person who is a member of the same family or household may proceed with an article 8 FCA petition and proceeding. The petitioner does not have to be the victim.
The probation service may not prevent any person who wishes to file a petition under this article from having access to the court for that purpose.
(T) 823 FCA
Nor may they compel any person to appear at any conference, produce any papers, or visit any place.
The probation service is authorized to compel any person to appear at any conference, produce any papers or visit any place.
(F) 823 (d) FCA
The FCA is very clear when it tells us that the probation service possesses no such authority.
Certain qualified statements made during a probation service preliminary conference may be admitted into evidence at a fact finding hearing.
(F) 824 FCA
No statement made at a preliminary probation conference may be admitted into evidence at a fact finding hearing or in a criminal court at any time prior to conviction.
The petitioner may serve a warrant upon the respondent without court permission.
(F) 827 FCA
The warrant may not be served by the petitioner unless the court grants such permission upon the application of the petitioner.
A certificate of a warrant after expiration may only be renewed by the court.
(F) 827 (c) FCA
The certificate of a warrant expires 90 days from the date of issue, but may be renewed from time to time by the clerk of the court.
The court may issue or extend a temporary order of protection on ex parte application or on notice simultaneously with the issuance of a warrant.
Answer (T) 828 3. FCA
As stated in the section.
The court may together with a temporary order of protection, issue an order for temporary child support.
(T) 828 4. FCA
The order for child support shall be in an amount sufficient to meet the needs of the child without a showing of immediate or emergency need.
The court may not consider issuance of an order for temporary spousal support when a temporary Order of Protection has not been issued and is pending before the court.
Answer (F) 828 5. FCA
The temporary Order of Spousal Support may, if approved, be issued on the return date set for the temporary Order of Protection.
Only competent, material and relevant evidence may be admitted at the fact finding hearing and the dispositional hearing.
(F) 834 FCA
At the fact finding hearing, only evidence that is competent, material and relevant may be admitted while the dispositional hearing admits only material and relevant evidence.
Upon the completion of the fact finding hearing and the required findings are made, the dispositional hearing may commence immediately.
Answer (T) 835 FCA
As stated in the section.
At the conclusion of the dispositional hearing the court may, as a condition of probation, require the respondent to participate in a batterer’s education program.
Answer (T) 841 (c) FCA
These programs are designed to help end violent behavior and may include referral to drug and alcohol counseling.
The cost of batterer’s education programs shall be paid by the state.
(F) 841 (c) FCA
Neither the petitioner nor the state or any political subdivision of the state are required to pay the cost of any such program or programs. The cost shall be borne by the respondent, if he has the means to do so.
An order of protection under article 8 FCA, may set forth reasonable conditions of behavior to be observed by the parties to the proceeding.
(T) 842 FCA
The conditions of the order of protection may apply to the petitioner as well as the respondent.
FCA 842-a 1(b) TRUE OR FALSE
Where the court finds a substantial risk that the respondent may use or threaten to use a firearm unlawfully against the persons(s) for whose protection the temporary order of protection is issued, the court may suspend such existing license possessed by the respondent.
(F) 842-a 1(b) FCA
Such court shall suspend such license and order the respondent ineligible for such license and order the immediate surrender of any or all firearms owned or possessed.
The court may, after a hearing, reconsider an order of disposition other than one dismissing the petition.
Answer (T) 844 FCA
The court may reconsider and modify any order suspending judgment, placing the respondent on probation or issuing an order of protection after a hearing and for good cause shown.
In connection with the filing of a petition containing an allegation that the respondent has failed to obey a lawful court order or order of protection, the protected party in whose favor the order is issued may be arrested for violating such order.
(F) 846 FCA
Per subd. a-1 such person may not be held to violate an order issued in his or her favor, nor be arrested for violating such order.