Arthrology Flashcards
What are kinematics?
Branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of a body without reference to the forces that produce the motion.
What are kinetics?
Branch o f mechanics that deals with the relations between the force system acting on a body and the changes it produces in the body motion.
What is an Axis? What are the 3 axes?
A line around which rotary movement takes place or along which translation occurs. X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis
What is a plane? What are the 3 planes?
A flat surface determined by the position ofthree points in space. Sagittal, Coronal, Transverse
What two motions occur in the sagittal plane? Which axis is this?
Flexion and extension; this is the x-axis
What two motions occur in the coronal plane? Which axis is this?
Lateral flexion, Abduction/Adduction; This is the Z-axis
What motions occur in the transverse plane? Which axis is this?
Rotation; this is the y-axis
What is out-of-plane motion?
Motion in which all points of a rigid body do not move in a single plane
What is plane motion?
Motion in which all points of a rigid body move parallel to a fixed plane (two dimensional movement).
What is an Instantaneous Axis of Rotation (IAR)?
It is basically a pivot point.
Where is IAR found?
Found at the intersection of the two perpendicular bisectors of
translation vectors A1 A2 and B, B2 of any two points A and B on the body.
What is a motion segment?
Smallest spinal segment exhibiting biomechanical characteristics similar to those of the entire spine. It consists of two adjacent vertebrae and their interconnecting
joints and soft tissues.
What is coupled motion?
The consistent association of one motion (translation or rotation) about one axis with another motion about a second axis.
What is an example of coupled motion?
Rotation and lateral flexion of the cervical spine
What are degrees of freedom? How many does the spine exhibit?
The number of ways in which a body can move. The spine exhibits 6 degrees of freedom
What is loose-packed?
The resting or “neutral” position of a joint,
when the capsule is most relaxed and the greatest amount of play is possible.
What is close-packed?
The position of a joint when the capsule and ligaments are maximally tightened and there is maximal contact between the articular surfaces.
What are the three structural joint classifications?
Fibrous, Cartilaginous, and Synovial
What is a fibrous joint? How much movement? Examples?
joint formed by fibrous connective tissue; little movement if any; sutures, syndesmosis, and gomphosis
What is a cartilaginous joint? How much movement? Examples?
joint formed by cartilage; limited movement; synchondrosis and symphysis
What is a synovial joint? How much movement?
Joints with articular cartilage, ligamentous joint capsule and synovial membrane and fluid; freely movable.
What are the 6 types of synovial joints?
Plane, Ginglymus (hinge), trochoid (pivot), Condyloid (condylar), ellipsoid, sellar (saddle), and Spheroid (ball and socket)
What are the three functional joint classifications?
Synarthrosis (=fibrous), Amphiarthroses (=cartilagenous), Diarthroses (=synovial)
What are the two kinesiologic joint classifications?
Simple ovoid (roundest=least specialized movement) and Complex ovoid (less round=more specialized movement)
What are the two types of simple ovoid? Examples?
Unmodified- triaxial (ball and socket; shoulder), Modified- biaxial (ellipsoid; MP joints)
What are the two types of complex ovoid? Examples?
Unmodified- biaxial (saddle; thumb joint), modified- uniaxial (hinge; elbow)
What was MacConail’s main focus with joint motion?
The movement occurring at the joint surfaces
What is osteokinematics?
The study ofmovement occurring between two bones.
What is a mechanical axis?
A line passing through the moving bone at the starting position of a movement. The mechanical axis passes through the center o f the opposing joint surface and is perpendicular to it.
What is Spin?
Rotational movement arouud the
mechanical axis.
Which joints allow pure spin?
Hip, shoulder and humeroulnar joint
What is Swing?
Movement occurring between bones where the mechanical axis traces a path of a chord (straight line) or arc (curved line) on the opposing joint surface.
What is pure spin?
When rotation occurs around a stationary mechanical axis. Possible ooly in:
What is pure swing?
movement where the mechanical axis traces the path of a chord (straight line).
Mechanical Axis Movement on Opposing Joint Surface
Pure Spin
Impure Swing
What is impure swing?
movement where the mechanical axis follows the path of an arc
What are arthrokinematics?
Study of movements occurring between opposing joint
What is roll?
Movement in which new equidistant points on one surface come into contact with new equidistant points on another surface.
Where does roll occur?
Roll always occurs in the direction of
bone movement. Ifthe bone moves from
left to right, then roll is from left to right, ‘ ‘ like a tire rolling across the joint surface.
What is slide?
Movement in which a single contact point on the moving surface contacts carious points on the opposing surface
What is distraction?
Separation of joint surfaces
What is Compression?
Approximation of join surfaces (coming together)
When do roll and slide occur in the same direction?
I f a concave surface moves on a convex surface, roll and slide
occur in the same direction.
When do roll and slide occur in opposite directions?
If a convex surface moves on a concave surface, roll and slide
occur in opposite directions.