Arthritis/OI Flashcards
inflammation of a joint(s)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Systemic, symmetrical, and affects many joints
1. Common in small joints of hands
2. Remmissions/exacerbation occurs
3. Begins in acute phase as an inflammatory process of the synovial lining
4. Contraindication: using hot/cold packs d/t RA pt.s often have unstable vascular reactions to heat and cold that causes greater than normal heat retenion or increeased coldness and stiffness with cold exposure; strenghtening and resistive exercises should be utilized with caution as this may increase inflammation in the joints, increase pain, and ultimately reduce hand function.
(Hand stregnth may not iprove to normal limits 2ndary to pain, stiffness, and limited ROM.)
swollen infoammed synovial membrane; bone erosion
Symptoms of
- pain
- stiffness
- limited ROM
**4. fatigue - weight loss
- limited ADLs, diminished roles
- swelling
- deformities**
Ulnar deviation and
Subluxation of the
wrists and MCP joints
Deformity common with RA
Boutonniere deformity
splint, ex
- disruption of the central slip of the extensor tendon
- flexion of PIP joint; hyperextension of DIP joint
- Splint: PIP in extension; SILVER RINGS
- Exercise: isolated DIP flexion exercises
Deformity common with RA
Swan neck deformity
- injury to the MCP, PIP, or DIP joints
Deformity common with RA
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Degenerative joint disease
1. not systemic, but wear & tear
2. commonly affects WB joints
3. attacks hyaline cartilage
1. genetic, trauma, inflammation, cumulative trauma, endocrine and metabolic diseases
bone on bone; thin cartilage
Symptoms of OA
1. pain
2. stiffness
3. limited ROM
4. bone spurs
nodes at DIP/PIP
What should be avoided when assessing strength and ROM?
- PROM should be avoided, especially in the inflammatory stage. The focus should be on AROM.
- Muscle strength testing should be avoided unless requested by a physician. Instead, document strength in relation to function.
Bulb dynamometer
An inexpensive tool that reliably measures hand and finger strength.
To evaluate for RA
What should be noted if ADLs and role activity deficit is presented?
When documenting ADLs and role activity deficits, it is important to note if the deficits are related to pain, limited in motion, deformity, weakness, or fatigue.
Splint used during the acute stage of RA
- Resting hand splint
- Wrist splint (only if arthritis specific to wrist)
image: resting hand splint
Splint for ulnar deviation deformities
Ulnar drift splint
Dynamic MCP extension splint with radial pull is used for_____.
post-op MCP arthroplasties
hand base thumb split in used for _____.
CMC arthritis
What should be incorporated in the purposeful/occupation based actvities for RA?
- joint protection
- energy conservation
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI)
- disorder caused by the dysfunction of one of several genes responsible for producing collagen to stregnthen bones
- can be inhereited from one or both parents
- Symptoms classified as severe, moderate or mild
S&S of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- malformed bones (short stature, triangular face, barrel-shaped rib cage, brittle bones, muliti-fx as child grows, developmental growth problems.
- Loose joints
- Sclera of the whites of the eyes look lue or purple
- brittle teeth
- hearing loss (starts in 20s/30s)
- respiratory problems
- insufficient collagen
During the evaluation of OI, what should be evaluated?
- activity interests that can be safely pursued
- environmental risk factors
- fractures (history, results of test, edema, pain, AROM, sensation, roles)
- pain assessment
Intervention for OI
- WB activities to faciliate bone growth
- activity adaption/AD/evironmental modification for safety
- preventive position; protective splinting/padding
- activities to increase muscle strength
- education (diet, weight control; avoid smoking. caffeine, alcohol, steroids; exercises (swimming, water therapy, walking))
- pain management including PAMs and prep- massage