Arthology 100 Flashcards
The scientific study of joints
A joint definition
A joint is a point of articulation between two or more bones where such a
connection allows motion.
Homeostasis (homeo=same; stasis= standing still) is
defined as balance and harmony within the body. It is
the condition created when each cell in the body
functions in an internal environment which remains
within certain physiological limits.
Homeostasis of the joint 1, 2, 3
Homeostasis is achieved when:
(1) the body has the proper amounts of gases,
nutrients, ions, and water;
(2) maintains the optimal internal temperature and;
(3) has an optimal volume for the health of the cells. When homeostasis is disturbed, health may be affected
The degree of movement at the joint
(syn, together + arthros, joint). IMMOVABLE
synarthrosis may be fibrous or cartilaginous
(amphi, on both sides) SLIGHTLY MOVEABLE may be fibrous or cartilaginous,
(dia, through). FREELY MOVEABLE
All diarthrosis joints are also synovial joints. All synovial joints have a joint cavity.
5 function of joints
- Allows for physical M-ovement and agility
- Provides structure and S-tability to the form of the skeleton
- acts as a point for A-bsorption and transferring compressive forces/ shock
- Provides a S-pace for allowing circulation of nutrients and other fluids to the articulating cartilages of bones
- Provides a point of L-everage for the function of muscles
M - ovement A- absorption S- stability S- space (allowing circulation) L- leverage
composition of joint does it have a connective tissue fibres cartilage synovial
1) Fibrous joints
- suture- skull
- syndesmosis- distal tibiofibular jt
- gomphosis- teeth
2) Cartilaginous joints
- synCHONDRosis- 1st sternocostal jt.
2. symphisis- pubic symphosis or
3) Synovial joints
the most moveable joints in the body. These joints possess a joint cavity (synovial cavity with synovial fluid).
attach bone to bone
Intracapsular ligament
found inside the capsule, help prevent extreme movements that might otherwise damage the joint.
Extracapsular ligament
found outside the joint capsule, help provide additional support to the wall of the joint