Arterial Anatomy Physiology And Fluid Dymanics Flashcards
What are the branches of the aortic arch?
Innominate/ Brachiocephalic A.
What are the branches of the upper extremity arteries?
Subclavian, Axillary, Brachial, Radial, Ulnar, Superficial palmar arch (ulnar), deep palmar arch, digital arteries
What are the branches of the subclavian and the axillary arteries?
- vertebral, thyrocervical, internal thoracic, costocervical
- sup. Thoracic, thoracocranial, lat. thoracic, subscapular, thoracodorsal, ant. & post. Humeral
What are the major arterial visceral branches of the abdomen and what do they feed?
Celiac Trunk (L. Gastric, Splenic, Common Hepatic)
- stomach, liver, pancreas, duodenum, spleen
Sup. Mesentaric
-small intestine, cecum, ascending colon , part of trv colon
- kidneys, suprarenal glands, ureters
Inf. Mesentaric
-1/2 of trv colon, descending iliac
Sigmoid and part of rectum
What are the branches of the lower extremity arteries?
Common iliac (internal and external iliac)
Common Femoral (Deep femoral and superficial femoral)
Superficial femoral
Popliteal (Ant. Tibial and tibioperoneal trunk: Post. Tibial and Peroneal)
Ant. Tibial ( Dorsalis Pedis)
Post. Tibial ( Lat. and Medial plantar arteries of foot)
Digital Arteries
What is the function of arterial walls and what are they called?
To transport blood, gases and nutrients away from the heart and to the tissues.
Tunica Intima, Tunica Media, Tunica Externa (Adventitia)