Art Sumthin Flashcards
In Rural Areas • Cruciform • Front Faces West • Narthex, Nave Transept • Tower at Crossing • Sacred Relics • Side Aisles/ Ambulatory • Extensions on Apse and Transept
pilgrimage church floor plan
- Thick Walls
- Little Light / Small Windows
- All Stone / No Timber • Semi-Circular Arches
- Vaulted Ceilings
- Extensions Before & After the Nave
Romanesque Features
Thick and Heavy
Norman Style Thick and Heavy
Norman Style example
St. John’s Chapel, London
Numerous Towers
German Style
German Style ex.
Speyer Cathedral,
Speyer Germany
Great Diversity
Italian Style
It. Style ex.
Pisa Cathedral group
Echo Singing in the Baptistery at Pisa
baptism-like area with statue in the middle
Ambulatory, microtranscript, nave, narthex in the shape of Jesus (not cruciform)
Plan of third abbey church of cluny
Church with Big Tower sticking up in the middle
St. Sernin Basilica
East End
Clusterform columns found in
third abbey church of cluny
Romanesque elevation
nave-arcade pier-arch, trifourm, clerestory
Tympanum over Central Portal
St. Lazarus Cathedral, Autun, France
two circles and jesus
church of la madelie scultupres, 1130
Angel Killing Eldest Son of Pharoh and Moses/St. Paul Grinding corn
Ambulatory capital (random staues with black)
third abbey church of cluny
Gothic Style
Primarily Architectural especially
Gothic - Begins in _____ 1140 and spreads to the rest of Europe in the following century.
1st example of Gothic Style • Invented by Abbot Suger • Combines features which establish the style Early Gothic • Near Paris • Where St. Denis fell • Built by Abbot Suger
St. Denis cathedral
Thin Arches of stone
• Crossing diagonally
• Were thinner and lighter
• Allowed for more versatility
Ribbed Vaulting
More Vertical
• Thrust weight
directly downward
• Could span various distances and remain the same height
pointed arches
The Gothic style was invented to use light
• Suger thought colored light was holy
stained glass
Façade faces West
• Lofty Clerestory
• Elevation consists of 3 almost equal levels • Cult of Our Lady
Cruciform Floor Plan
Loan, Paris, Charttes, Amiens
• Cult of Our Lady
• Early Gothic
• Sculpture subordinate to Architecture
Notre Dame, Paris
embedded in the pavement of the
Parvis Notre-Dame outside the entrance to the cathedral on the Ile de la Cité., marks the official centre of Paris and the Kilometre Zero from which all French metropolitan roads beginning in Paris are measured.
bronze star
Island in the Seine river
• Provides unique focus for the city
Ile de la Cité.
built into the ends of the gutters to drain rainwater off the roof
Complexities and experiments of Early Gothic resolved
• Additional heights gained
• Lofty Clerestory
• Asymmetry is often the result
• Popular Pride-importance according to size & magnificence of Cathedral
high gothic period
The West Façade is the result of salvage & rebuilding after a fire
• 4 centuries separate the earliest part from the latest
• Stylistic difference between the spires-the latest style & technology was favored
• Flaws are seen: *proportions of the portals compared to the whole façade *The rose window is off center *Gallery Arcade is awkwardly joined at the right tower
• Despite the flaws it is unified and harmonious though asymmetrical
Notre Dame Chartres
are dwarfed by the massive size of the façade.
grand portals