Art: Painters & Paintings Flashcards
Timeline of Art Movements
- Medieval (1300s)
- Renaissance (1400s - 1500s)
- Baroque (1600s)
- Neo-Classical (1700s)
- Romantic (early - mid1800s)
- Impressionism (mid-late 1800s)
- Post-Impressionism.
- Fauvism / Cubism
Time Period? Artists? Characteristics and subjects?
- Art movement in Europe from around 1350 – 1620 AD.
- The movement features paintings with triangular compositions, both religious and classical subjects, and a fascination with linear perspective.
DaVinci,Durer,vanEyck,Bellini,Raphael,Botticelli, El Greco, Michelangelo
Artists without paintings to learn: Tintoretto, Bronzino (with El Greco, the three Mannerists); Titian
Jan van Eyck
- Country: Flemish region of Belgium
- Time Period: 1390 - 1440ish
- Movement: Renaissance
- Famous Works: *The Arnolfini Wedding
- Credited with the invention of oil paint.
Identify the artist and movement:
“Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife”, “Arnolfini Wedding,” or “The Betrothal of Arnolfini” (1434)
Jan van Eyck, Renaissance
This is van Eyck’s only mention, other than inventor of oil paint.
Giovanni Bellini
(Note: NOT Bernini - he’s someone else.)
- Country: Italy
- Time Period: 1430 - 1520ish
- Movement: Renaissance
- Famous Works: Agony in the Garden
Just know that he’s a Renaissance painter.
(He’s in like, two questions.)
Agony in the Garden (1465)
Giovanni Bellini, Renaissance
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known Works:
Albrecht Dürer
Note: This famous self-portrait is NOT a picture of Jesus.
- Country: Germany
- Time Period: 1470 - 1530ish
- Movement: Renaissance
- Known for: Woodcuts depicting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and a bunny. Fun combo.
(He’s also a printmaker and Renaissance theorist.)
Identify the artist and movement:
“Hase” or “Young Hare” (1502)
Albrecht Dürer, Renaissance
Identify the artist and movement:
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1498)
Albrecht Dürer, Renaissance
Art terminology:
This technique of mural painting is executed upon freshly laid lime plaster and closely associated with Italian Renaissance painting.
(Water-based paint is applied to wet plaster for murals.)
(When the plaster dries, the paint becomes integrated with the wall. “Fresco” is Italian for “fresh.”)
Art terminology:
This type of paint made from egg yolks was used during the medieval and early Renaissance by painters such as Botticelli.
Raphael (Sanzio da Urbino)
- Country: Urbino, Italy
- Time Period: 1490 - 1520
- Movement: Renaissance
- Known For: The School of Athens, his Madonnas, or series on the Virgin Mary, as well as several frescoes.
The School of Athens, Disputa, The Sistine Madonna, The Transfiguration
Identify the artist, movement, and location:
“Diputa” or “Disputation of the Holy Sacrament” (1510)
- Raphael, Renaissance
- Located in The Vatican
Identify the artist, movement, and city in which it is located:
The School of Athens (1511)
In this fresco, Aristotle and Plato meet face to face.
There are so many questions about this painting.
- Raphael, Renaissance
- Located in The Vatican
Painted in The Vatican for Pope Julius II
Identify the artist and movement:
The Sistine Madonna (1513)
Raphael, Renaissance
Identify the artist and movement:
The Transfiguration (1520)
Raphael, Renaissance
Country, TIme Period, Movement, Known For:
Dominikos Theotokopoulos / El Greco (“The Greek”)
(None of his paintings are mentioned.)
- Country: Born in Greece, moved to Toledo, Spain
- Time Period: 1540 - 1615
- Movement: Renaissance Mannerist
- Influenced by Tintoretto, another Mannerist.
One of three Mannerists: El Greco, Bronzino, Tintoretto.
Ressurection (1579)
El Greco, Renaissance
(Okay, so El Greco does have a painting you need to know about. This one was in a match-the-artist-to-their-work question.)
Identify Country, Time Period, Movement, Artists Inspired:
(He has zero questions about paintings.)
Country: Venice, Italy
Time Period: 1520 - 1600
Movement: Renaissance Mannerist painter that inspired El Greco, (another Mannerist)
One of three Mannerists: Tintoretto, El Greco, Bronzino.
Mannerism: 16th-century art throughout Europe and in the Americas that is artificial, often emotionally provocative, and designed to impress.
Country and movement:
(None of his paintings are mentioned.)
He’s an Italian, Renaissance Mannerist painter.
One of three mannerists - Tintoretto, Bronzino, El Greco.
(None of his works are mentioned.)
- Country: Venice, Italy
- Time Period:
- Movement:
- Known for: His many portraits using gold and red, a shade of which is named for him.
The color, Titian Red, is a red shade of hair in women.
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known for:
Leonardo DaVinci
- Country: Italy
- Time Period: 1450 - 1520
- Movement: Renaissance
- Known for: The Mona Lisa, The Vitruvian Man,
- Often called the “Renaissance Man”
- Popularized chiaroscuro, or the modeling of figures with strongly contrasted light and shadow
Identify the artist, movement, and number of figures depicted:
The Last Supper (1498)
- Leonardo DaVinci, Renaissance
- There are 13 people shown (Jesus and the 12 Apostles.)
Identify the artist and movement:
The Vitruvian Man (1490)
Leonardo DaVinci, Renaissance
Identify the artist, movement, medium, and current location:
The Mona Lisa (1503)
- Artist: Leonardo DaVinci, Renaissance
- Medium: Oil paint
- Location: The Louvre Museum, Paris, France
The painting is located in The Louvre museum, Paris, France.
Identify the artist and movement:
Annunciation (1472)
Leonardo DaVinci, Renaissance
Identify the artist and movement:
Virgin (or Madonna) of the Rocks
Leonardo DaVinci, Renaissance
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Alessandro “Sandro” Botticelli
- Country: Florence, Italy
- Time Period: 1460 - 1510
- Movement: Renaissance
- Known for: The Birth of Venus, Primavera, using tempera paint.
Paintings: The Birth of Venus, Primavera
Identify the artist, movement, and figures depicted:
The Birth of Venus (1482)
This one appears OFTEN.
“This, with Primavera, is one of the most famous paintings in the world and an icon of the Renaissance era.”
Sandro Botticelli, Renaissance
Here, Venus is surrounded by** Flora and the three Graces.**
(Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers.)
Identify the artist, movement, and** figures depicted:**
Primavera (~1480)
“This, with Birth of Venus, is one of the most famous paintings in the world and an icon of the Renaissance era.”
Sandro Botticelli, Renaissance
This, like* Birth of Venus,* features Venus and Flora.
Giorgio Vasari
The Historian
- Country: Italy
- Time Period: 1511 - 1574
- Movement: Renaissance
- Known For: Vasari is a painter, but is best known as the Father of Art History with his book “Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects”
Identify the author and movement:
Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (1567)
Giorgio Vasari, Renaissance
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
- Country: Born in Florence, Italy
- Time Period: 1475 - 1565
- Movement: Renaissance
- Known For: His frescoes “The Creation of Adam” and “The Last Judgement” on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and his sculptures of Moses and David.
Paintings: The Creation of Adam | The Last Judgement
Sculptures: Moses and David
Architecture: St. Peter’s Basillica
Identify the artist, movement, and location:
The Creation of Adam (1512)
Michelangelo, Renaissance
Located on the** ceiling of the Sistine Chapel** in Vatican City
Identify the artist, movement, and location:
The Last Judgement
Michelangelo, Renaissance
Like The Creation of Adam, located on the Sistine Chapel ceiling
Art Movement:
Baroque took the realistic elements of the Renaissance and added movement, light and dark contrast, and dramatic intensity.
Caravaggio, Gentileschi, Velazquez, Bernini, Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer
LaTour, Hals
Rembrandt van Rijn
Often known as just “Rembrandt.”
Country: Dutch, (Denmark)
Time Period: 1600 - 1670
Movement: Baroque
Known For: SO many self-portraits with his wife Saskia, The Night Watch
The Night Watch, Storm on the Sea of Galilee, Anatomy Lesson…
…of Dr. Nicholaes Tulp.
Identify the artist and movement:
The Prodigal Son in the Brothel (A Self-Portrait with Saskia)
An example of one of many self-portraits.
Rembrandt (van Rijn), Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
The Night Watch (1642)
(Lots of questions about this)
Rembrandt (van Rijn), Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
The Storm on the Sea of Galilee (1633)
Rembrandt (van Rijn), Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicholaes Tulp (1632)
Rembrandt (van Rijn), Baroque
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For, Influenced By:
Artemisia Gentileschi
- Country: Italy
- Time Period: (1590 - 1650)
- Movement: Baroque
- **Known For: ** Due to being a victim of rape, she often painted images of women wreaking vengeance violently on men.
- Influenced by: Caravaggio (called one of the “Caravaggiotti”)
Paintings: Judith Slaying Holofernes (or Judith & Holofernes)
Identify the artist and movement:
Judith & Holofernes (or Judith Slaying Holofernes) (1613)
Careful: This refers to the painting. There’s also a Donatello sculpture called “Judith and Holofernes”)
Artemisia Gentileschi, Baroque
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For, Six Paintings, Influence On:
- Country: Milan, Italy
- Time Period: 1570 - 1610
- Movement: Baroque
- Known for: His tumultuous life (he killed a young man in a bar fight and spent the rest of his life in exile from Rome) and his use of light and shadow in paintings.
- Influenced Artemisia Gentileschi’s work.
Calling of St. Matthew, Conversion of St. Paul, Crucifixion of St. Peter
Supper at Emmaus, Conversion on the Way to Damascus, Death of the Virgin
Identify the artist and movement:
Supper at Emmaus (1606)
Caravaggio, Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
The Calling of St. Matthew (1600)
Caravaggio, Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
Crucifixion of St. Peter (1600)
Caravaggio, Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
The Conversion of St. Paul (1601)
Caravaggio, Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
Conversion on the Way to Damascus (1601)
Caravaggio, Baroque
Identify the movement and artist:
Death of the Virgin (1606)
Caravaggio, Baroque
Birthplace? Time Period? Movement? Known for? Location of Works?
Diego Velázquez
In French, all questions are about Monet. In Spanish, it’s all about Diego Velázquez.
Country: Seville, Spain
Time Period: 1600 - 1660ish
Movement: Baroque
Known For: Las Meninas, Painting dwarves or little people, portraits of court royalty, striving for realism, and popularizing the “bodegón” or kitchen scene.
Location: Museo del Prado in Madrid
Las Meninas, Old Woman Frying Eggs, Surrender of Breda, Las Hilanderas,
The Triumph of Bacchus, La Sibila; Everything in bold here has been an answer to a question.
Age joined court? Which king? Mentor? Wife? Developed which technique?
Diego Velázquez: Additional Info
- At the age of 26, Velázquez became the royal court/chamber painter of King Phillip IV of Spain.
- He studied and worked in the workshop of painter Francisco Pacheco and married his daughter Juana Pachecho.
- He developed “tenebrista” or tenebrism, an even more pronounced chiascuro or contrast between light and dark.
Identify the artist, movement, main subject,, original title
Las Meninas (1656)
Know. This. Painting.
(“Las Meninas means ‘The Ladies in Waiting.’)
- Diego Velázquez, Baroque
- In the foreground is “The Infanta” Margaret Theresa of Spain, the firstborn child of King Phillip IV and on the left is the artist Diego Velázquez himself.
- The original title of this painting was “The Family of King Phillip IV.”
(“Las Meninas means ‘The Ladies in Waiting.’)
Identify the artist and movement:
Old Woman Frying Eggs (~1618)
Diego Velázquez, Baroque
(Velázquez loves a good kitchen scene. This is also a still life.)
Identify the artist and movement:
The Surrender of Breda (1635)
(Sometimes called “Las Lanzas” or “The Spears” due to the soldiers.)
Diego Velázquez, Baroque
Identify artist, movement, and two women in foreground from the fable:
Las Hilanderas (or “The Fable of Arachne”)
(“Las Hilanderas” means “The Spinners”)
- Diego Velázquez, Baroque
- In the fable, a young Lydian woman, Arachne, stated that she could compete with the Goddess Athena inventor of the spinning wheel, to weave the most beautiful tapestry.
Identify the artist, movement, and diety depicted:
The Triumph of Bacchus (or “The Drunkards”) (1629)
- Diego Velázquez, Baroque
- This painting describes a scene where the god Bacchus, god of wine-making and wine, appears crowning one of the seven drunks who surround him with ivy leaves.
Identify the artist, movement, and subject depicted:
La Sibila (Or, “A Sybil”) (1631)
(A “Sybil” is a Greek prophetess.)
- Diego Velázquez, Baroque
- This is a portrait of Juana Pachecho, his wife (and his mentor’s daughter.)
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For
Peter Paul Rubens
Country: Flemish (Belgium)
Time Period: 1580 - 1640ish
Movement: Baroque
Known For: Famous for his volupuous (curvy) female nudes and his painting series on the life of the French Queen Marie de’ Medici.
Two paintings: Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus, The Three Graces
Identify the artist and movement:
Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus (1618)
Peter Paul Rubens, Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
The Three Graces (1635)
(Nudity Warning:)
Peter Paul Rubens, Baroque
Country, Time Period, Baroque, Known For
Georges de la Tour
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1600 - 1650
- Movement: Baroque
- Known For: The Penitent *Magdalene; Candlelit, chiascuro scenes
Works: The Penitent Magdalene
Identify the artist and movement:
The Penitent Magdalene (1640)
(Or, “Magdalene with Two Flames”)
Georges de la Tour, Baroque
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Frans Hals
- Country: Danish (The Netherlands)
- Time Period: 1580 - 1670ish
- Movement: Baroque
- Known For: The Merry Drinker
Identify the artist and movement:
The Merry Drinker (1630)
Frans Hals, Baroque
Country, Time Period, Movement
Anthony van Dyck
(Just have to know that he’s a Flemish Baroque painter.)
- Country: Flemish (The Netherlands)
- Time Period: 1600 - 1640
- Movement: Baroque
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For, Two Nicknames:
Johannes Vermeer
- Country: Dutch (born in Delft, The Netherlands)
- Time Period: 1630 - 1675ish
- Movement: Baroque
- Known For: The Girl with the Pearl Earring and The Kitchen Maid, for painting middle class people doing domestic activities usually near a window.
- He is sometimes called the “Master of Light.”
- He was called the “Sphinx of Delft” because his life was a mystery
The Girl with the Pearl Earring, The Kitchen Maid / Milkmaid
Identify the artist and movement:
The Girl with the Pearl Earring (1665)
Johannes Vermeer, Baroque
Identify the artist and movement:
The Kitchen Maid (Or, “The Milkmaid”) (1660)
Johannes Vermeer, Baroque
Art Movement: In what country did it start? Time Period?
Rococo Period
- Started in France in early 1700s after the Baroque Period ended.
- Characterized by busy, intricate, ornate art.
Only one artist mentioned in single 2009 question: Jean-Antoine Watteau
(This is a low priority card.)
Country, time period, movement, known for:
Jean-Antoine Watteau
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1680 - 1720
- Movement: Rococo
- Known For: Pilgrimage to Cythera
His question was a “name the artist” question from an image of his art.
Identify artist and movement:
Pilgrimage to Cythera (1719)
Jean-Antoine Watteau, Rococo
Thomas Gainsborough
- Country: England
- Time Period: 1730 - 1790
- Known For: Blue Boy
Identify the artist and their nationality
The Blue Boy
(This painting comes up OFTEN.)
Thomas Gainesborough, British (Rococo / Romanticist) Painter
(The movement is never asked about.)
Art Movement:
An art movement that seeks to emulate classical Greek and Roman culture.
Jacques Louis David
Jacques Louis David
- Country:
- Time Period:
- Movement:
- Known For:
Identify the artist and movement:
The Death of Marat (1793)
(He was killed in his bath by a woman with a knife.)
Jacques Louis David, Neo-Classicist
Identify the artist and movement:
The Oath of the Horatii (1786)
Jacques-Louis David, Neo-Classicist
Identify the artist and movement:
Napoleon Crossing the Alps (1801)
(There’s five versions - he has a different cape color in some.)
Jacques-Louis David, Neo-Classicist
Art Movement:
The artistic movement that dominated Europe and America during the 19th century which elevated imagination over reason.
Blake, Delacroix, Gericault, Turner, Constable, Friedrich
Country and movement:
John Constable
English Romanticist Painter
(That’s it.)
Country and movement:
Caspar David Friedrich
German Romanticist Painter
(That’s it.)
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For, Influenced By:
Eugène Delacroix
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1800 - 1860ish
- Movement: Romanticism
- Known For: Use of vibrant color
- Influenced By: Fellow Romanticist Theodore Gericault
Two Paintings: Death of Sardanapalus, Liberty Leading the People
Identify the artist and movement:
Death of Sardinapalus (1827)
Based on Lord Byron’s play of the same name.
Eugène Delacroix, Romanticist
(All of these Romanticist paintings are so violent.)
Identify the artist and movement:
Liberty Leading the People (1830)
Eugène Delacroix, Romanticist
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Théodore Géricault
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1790 - 1825
- Movement: Romanticism
- Known For: Being a Romanticist and The Raft of the Medusa. That’s all you have to know.
The Raft of Medusa
Artist, movement, and** who the artist blames for the wreck**:
The Raft of the Medusa (1819)
- Theodore Gericault, Romanticist
- The true story of the shipwreck of the Medusa was caused by the incompetence of the captain, an** inexperienced political appointee.**
JMW Turner
Country: England
Time Period: (1775 - 1850)
Movement: Romanticism
Known For: Hannibal Crossing the Alps and being a Romanticist. That’s all you need to know.
Identify the artist and movement:
Hannibal Crossing the Alps (1812)
(Hannibal of Carthage was trying to conquer the Romans.)
JMW Turner, Romanticist
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For, Religious Views:
William Blake
- Country: English
- Time Period: 1760 - 1830
- Movement: Romanticism
- Known For: Known more for his poetry (“The Tyger” and “The Lamb”) than his illustrations and paintings as an artist, Blake represents all things Romantic-era.
- Known as a religous non-conformist (he didn’t have a traditional view of religion.)
Illustrations: Ancient of Days, Nebuchadnezzar.
Identify the artist and movement:
The Ancient of Days (1794)
William Blake, Romanticist
Identify the artist and movement:
Nebuchadnezzar (1795)
William Blake, Romanticist
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Francisco Goya
- Country: Spain
- Time Period: 1750 - 1830
- Movement: Romanticism
- Known For: Goya is considered by some to be the first of the Great Masters of the Romantic movement, and others consider him the father of modern art.
Identify the artist and movement:
Third of May, 1808 (or, “The Execution of the Citizens of Madrid”) (1814)
Francisco Goya, Romanticist
Identify the artist and movement:
The Disasters of War (~1810)
Francisco Goya, Romanticist
Identify the artist and movement:
Charles IV of Spain and His Family (1801)
Francisco Goya, Romanticist
He became royal court painter, a role previously held by Diego Velazquez
Identify the artist and movement:
Saturn Devouring His Son (1823)
Okay, this one’s a little graphic.
Francisco Goya, Romanticist (lol)
(Doesn’t Saturn Devouring His Son just scream “romanticism”?)
What country? What did they primarily paint? Four members?
Hudson River School
- The Hudson River School was an American art movement in the mid-19th century.
- The movement’s landscape painters were influenced by Romanticism and their work often depicted the Hudson River Valley and the surrounding areas.
- Four members to know: Thomas Cole, Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Church, John Fredrick Kensett
Hudson Valley School: Cole, Church, Kensett, Bierstadt
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Thomas Cole
- Country: English-turned-American
- Time Period: 1800 - 1850
- Movement: Romanticist / Hudson River School
- Known For: The Oxbow, being a founder of the Hudson River School.
The Oxbow
Hudson River School: Cole, Church, Kensett, Bierstadt
Identify the artist and movement:
The Oxbow (1836)
Thomas Cole, Romanticist, Hudson River School
Hudson Valley School: Cole, Church, Kensett, Bierstadt
Identify the movement to which this artist belongs:
Frederic Church
Hudson River School
(Nothing else to know.)
Hudson River School: Cole, Church, Kensett, Bierstadt
Identify the movement to which this artist belongs:
John Frederick Kensett
Hudson River School
(Nothing else to know.)
Hudson River School: Cole, Church, Kensett, Bierstadt
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Albert Bierstadt
- Country: German-turned-American
- Time Period: 1830 - 1900
- Movement: Hudson River School
- Known For: Upstate New York landscapes, being a member of the Hudson River School.
The Rocky Mountains
Hudson River School: Cole, Church, Kensett, Bierstadt
Identify the artist and movement:
The Rocky Mountains (1863)
Albert Bierstadt, Romanticist, Hudson River School
Hudson River School: Cole, Church, Kensett, Bierstadt
Note: It’s called the Hudson RIVER School, (not the Hudson Valley School).
(I made a mistake with the name, I’m sorry. I fixed the cards.)
Time Period? How did it start? Artists? Two qualities valued?
- Late 19th-Century (1863 - 1886) art movement
- Movement started in 1863 when artists whose work was rejected by the prestigious art exhibition Salon started their own exhibit, Salon des Refusees (Salon of the Refused).
- Impressionist painters were most interested in the use of light and color.
Artists include: Monet, Manet, Degas, Cézanne, Cassatt, Renoir, Pissarro
Country, Time Period, Movement, and Three Famous Works of:
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
(The movement is the most important here.)
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1840-1920ish
- Movement: Impressionism
- Famous Works: The Bathers, Dance at Bougival, Luncheon of the Boating Party
Note: Cezanne, a post-Impressionist, is more famous for his Bathers
Every single one of his questions mentions that he’s an IMPRESSIONIST.
Identify the Artist:
The Large Bathers (1887)
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Impressionist painting, 1918
This painting inspired Paul Cezanne’s more famous Bathers series.
Identify the Artist:
Dance at Bougival (1883)
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Impressionist painting, 1883
Identify the artist and movement:
Luncheon of the Boating Party (1880)
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Impressionist
Country, Time Period, Movement, Common Subjects of
Claude Monet
***** Country: France (born in Paris)
* Time Period: 1840-1920ish
* Movement: Impressionism
* Famous Works: Water Lilies, Impression, Sunrise, thirty Paintings of Notre Dame de Rouen, twelve paintings of The Gare Saint-Lazare railway station, London parliament, Japanese bridges
His works are exhibited at Musee d’Orsay (Orsay Museum) in Paris.
Additional Information on:
Claude Monet
(It’s like every French question for a few years was about Monet.)
- He would often paint the same scene under different lighting conditions.
- Towards the end of his life, he became blind and could no longer paint.
- Claude Monet invented a painting technique which consisted of painting in small spots.
- Claude Monet lived in Giveny when he had a house with a beautiful garden, the one that is depicted in many of his paintings.
- He studied in Normandy with his master, Eugene Boudin
- He married one of his models, **Camille Doncieux. **
(All of these are translated from French questions.)
Impression, Sunrise (1872)
Claude Monet
(The Impressionist movement gets its name from this painting.)
Identify the artist and movement:
Water Lilies (1906)
The artist painted more than 250 paintings in this Water Lily series.
Claude Monet, Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
Water Lilies (1916)
The artist painted more than 250 paintings in this Water Lily series.
Claude Monet, Impressionist
Identify the artist, movement, AND location of the bridge:
Water Lilies (1899)
The artist painted more than 250 paintings in this Water Lily series.
Claude Monet, Impressionist
The bridge is a Japanese footbridge.
Identify the artist and movement:
Rouen Cathedral (Full Sunlight), 1894
The artist painted 30 paintings in this series on the Rouen Cathedral.
Claude Monet, Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
Rouen Cathedral (West, Sunlight), 1894
The artist painted 30 paintings in this series on the Rouen Cathedral.
Claude Monet, Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
St. Lazare Station or “The Gare Saint-Lazare” (1877)
The artist painted 12 paintings in this series
Claude Monet, Impressionist
The location is also asked about.
Identify the artist and movement:
St. Lazare Station or “The Gare Saint-Lazare” (1877)
The artist painted 12 paintings in this series
Claude Monet, Impressionist
(The location and number of paintings in the series is asked about.)
Identify the number of paintings in the Monet series below:
- The St. Lazare Cathedral
- Water Lilies
- The Rouen Cathedral
- St. Lazare Cathedral: 12
- Water Lilies: 250+
- The Rouen Cathedral: 30
(These are often French questions.)
Édouard Manet
***** Country: France
* Time Period: 1830-1880ish
* Movement: Impressionism
* Famous Works: “The Lunch on the Grass”, “Boating”,
While Monet focused on landscapes, Manet focused on people.
Identify the artist and movement:
Le déjeuner sur l’herbe (“The Lunch on the Grass”) (1863)
This one comes up all the time.
Edouard Manet, Impressionist
This painting often appears in French questions.
Identify the artist and movement:
Boating (1874)
Edouard Manet, Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (1882)
This was this artists’ last famous work, painted a year before death.
Edouard Manet, Impressionist
Country, Time Period, Movement, Famous Works:
Edgar Degas
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1830-1890ish
- Movement: Impressionism
- Famous Works: Paintings featuring Ballerinas, cafe life, and horse-racing (seperately)
Sometimes mentioned: Degas and Tchaikovsky were contemporaries.
Nearly all of his questions reference ballerinas.
Identify the artist and movement:
Ballet Rehearsal (1873)
Edgar Degas, Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
The Star (1878)
Edgar Degas, Impressionist
The Bellelli Family Portrait (~1860)
Edgar Degas, Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
Before the Race (1882)
Edgar Degas, Impressionist
Horses and ballerinas, horses and ballerinas.
Identify the artist and movement:
The Dance Class (1874)
Edgar Degas, Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
“The Glass of Absinthe”, “The Absinthe Drinker” or “In the Cafe” (1876)
Title is “L’Absinthe”, but the original title was “Dans un cafe.”
Edgar Degas, Impressionist
Paul Cézanne
***** Country: France
* Time Period: 1840-1910ish
* Movement: Bridges Impressionism to Post-Impressionism, precursor to Cubism.
* Famous Works: “The Large Bathers”, “Mont Sainte-Victore”, still lives of fruit.
Sometimes an “Impressionist” sometimes “post-impressionist”
(Look at the context when matching him to a movement. Is there another Impressionist there? Then he’s a Post-Impressionist.)
Art terminology:
Still Life
The genre of painting that features arrangements of inanimate, usually commonplace items
Identify the artist and movement:
Still Life with Fruit Dish (1879)
Paul Cézanne, Post-Impressionist
(Considered a bridge between Impressionism and Post-Impressionism)
Cezanne is known for his still life paintings of fruit.
Identify the artist and movement:
Still Life, Pitcher and Fruit (1894)
Paul Cézanne, Post-Impressionist
(Considered a bridge between Impressionism and Post-Impressionism)
Cezanne is known for his still life paintings of fruit.
Identify the artist and movement:
The Large Bathers (1906)
Paul Cézanne, Post-Impressionist
(Considered a bridge between Impressionism and Post-Impressionism)
This was inspired by Renoir’s Impressionist “The Bathers”
Identify the artist and movement:
Mont Sainte-Victoire (1904)
This was a series
Paul Cezanne, Post-Impressionist
(Considered a bridge between Impressionism and Post-Impressionism)
Country, Time Period, Movement, and Famous Works:
Mary Cassatt
- Country: American, born in Pennsylvania
- Time Period: 1845 -1925ish
- Movement: Impressionism
- Famous Works: Known for feminism, pastels, women’s sufferage, painting mothers and children.
American Impressionist that moved to France, befriended Edgar Degas, and exhibited with the Impressionists.
This is the female American painter who often created images of the social and private lives of women, with particular emphasis on the intimate bonds between mothers and children.
Mary Cassatt
This American artist traveled to France to study with the Impressionists.
Mary Cassatt
Identify the artist and movement:
“The Bath” or “The Child’s Bath” (1893)
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist
Cassatt often painted mothers and children.
Identify the artist and movement:
Agatha and Her Child (1891)
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist
It’s a mother and child. She painted like, a billion of these.
Identify the artist and movement:
Young Mother Sewing (1900)
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist
(Was there ever any doubt?)
Identify the artist and movement:
Mother and Child (1890)
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist
She painted many mothers and children.
Country, Time Period, Movement:
Camille Pissarro
- Country: Danish, born on St. Thomas Island
- Time Period: 1830 -1900ish
- Movement: Impressionism
You don’t have to know his works, just that he’s an impressionist that had a huge impact on all of the post-impressionists.
(He’s the only painter to have work at all 8 Impressionist exhibits.
A counter-movement against Impressionism that expresses emotions rather than simply optical impressions, concentrating on themes of deeper symbolism.
Artists: Also Cezanne, Henri Rousseau, Gauguin, Lautrec, VanGogh, Seurat
Country, Time Period, Movement, Famous Works:
Henri Rousseau
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1845 -1910ish
- Movement: Post-Impressionism
- Famous Works: Known for his jungle fantasy pictures. His paintings are characterized by their rich colors, intricate details, and bold depictions of wild animals, lush jungles, and exotic figures.
Tiger in a Tropical Storm, Sleeping Gypsy, The Dream
Identify the artist and movement:
Tiger in a Tropical Storm (1891)
Henri Rousseau, Post-Impressionist
(It’s a fantastical jungle scene. Rousseau’s thing.)
Identify the artist and movement:
The Sleeping Gypsy (1897)
Henri Rousseau, Post-Impressionist
(It’s a “wild animal” with an “exotic figure”.)
Identify the artist and movement:
The Dream (1910)
Henri Rousseau, Post-Impressionist
(It’s a fantastical jungle scene. Rousseau’s thing.)
Identify the artist and movement:
The Snake Charmer (1907)
Henri Rousseau, Post-Impressionist
(It’s a fantastical jungle scene. Rousseau’s thing.)
Country, Time Period, Movement, Famous Works:
Paul Gauguin
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1850 -1900ish
- Movement: Post-Impressionism
- Famous Works: Known for his series on Tahitian/Polynesian women
- Gauguin was friends withVincent Van Gogh and was present when VanGogh lost his ear.
- He, like Matisse and Picasso, was also inspired by African masks.
He was formerly a stockbroker and died of syphillis in Marquesas Islands
This artist was a successful stockbroker before becoming interested in painting. He studied with Pissaro, an Impressionist, and believed that urban society was sick. He moved to the South Pacific where he died of syphillis in the Marquesas Islands.
Paul Gauguin
(He was also a drug addict who divorced his wife of 11 years.)
(And wrote a fantasy story about marrying a 13-year old Tahitian girl.)
Identify the artist and movement:
Le Christ Jaune (The Yellow Christ) (1889)
Paul Gauguin, Post-Impressionist
This is an example of Gauguin in his Symbolist era.
He painted Yellow Christ just before moving to Tahiti.
Identify the artist and movement:
La Orana Maria (Hail Mary) (1891)
This is the first in this artist’s series on Tahitian Women.
Paul Gauguin
Country, Time Period, Movement, Famous Works:
Henri Toulouse-Lautrec
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1865 -1900ish
- Movement: Post-Impressionism
- Famous Works: Known for his paintings of Parisian brothels and cabaret clubs, he frequented the Moulin Rouge (a cabaret constructed in the shape of a windmill and the birthplace of the Can-Can dance.)
Known for the painting “The Toilette” and Moulin Rouge series.
Identify the artist and movement:
La Toilette (1889)
Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Post-Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
At the Moulin Rouge (1895)
Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Post-Impressionist
One of many Toulouse-Lautrec works at the Moulin Rouge cabaret club
At the Moulin Rouge: The Dance (1890)
Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Post-Impressionist
One of many Toulouse-Lautrec works at the Moulin Rouge cabaret club
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known for:
Georges Seurat
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1860 -1890ish
- Movement: Post-Impressionism
- Famous Works: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte and the development and pointilism.
(It’s just these two things - pointilism and “Sunday Afternoon…”)
Identify the artist and movement:
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (1886)
Georges Seurat, Post-Impressionist
(Notice the pointilism - the little dots.)
Identify the artist and movement:
Le Cirque (“The Circus”) (1891)
This unfinished painting was this artists’ last.
Georges Seurat, Post-Impressionist
Notice the pointilism - the little dots.
Parade de Cirque (The Circus Sideshow) (1888)
Georges Seurat, Post-Impressionist
(Notice the pointilism - the little dots.)
Art terminology:
This art technique was developed by Georges Seurat in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image.
Example: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grade Jatt
Country, Time Period, Movement, Famous Works, Influence:
Vincent van Gogh
- Country: Dutch, born in The Netherlands
- Time Period: 1850 -1890ish
- Movement: Post-Impressionism
- Famous Works: Starry Night, Van Gogh painted things around him - landscapes, portraits of peasants, still life.
- Most influenced: by Jean-François Millet, a French realist painter.
StarryNight, PotatoEaters, NightCafe, Prisoners’ Round, Bedroom in Arles
Additional info: Paintings sold, Family, Lost Ear, Asylum
Vincent van Gogh
- Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime.
- His brother Theo van Gogh, an art dealer, encouraged him to become a painter, sent him supplies, and supported him financially.
- He cut off his ear in a fight with** Paul Gauguin ** due to a hallucination.
- Vincent van Gogh was in a mental asylum for one year, where he produced more than 150 paintings (but also ate the paint.)
Identify the artist and movement:
“The Prisoner’s Round” or “Prisoners Exercising” or “Penitentiary” (1890)
Vincent van Gogh, Post-Impressionist
VanGogh painted this at his most depressed while at a mental asylum.
The Saint-Paul-de-Mausole lunatic asylum in Saint Remy de Provence.
Identify the artist and movement:
The Night Cafe (1888)
Vincent van Gogh, Post-Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
Cafe Terrace at Night (1888)
Vincent van Gogh, Post-Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
Potato Eaters (1885)
Vincent van Gogh, Post-Impressionist
Van Gogh wanted to paint the faces as “the color of a good, dusty potato, unpeeled naturally”
Identify the artist and movement:
Bedroom in Arles (1888)
Vincent van Gogh, Post-Impressionist
Identify the artist and movement:
The Starry Night (1889)
Vincent van Gogh, Post-Impressionist
Depicts the view from his asylum window, just before sunrise.
(The village in painting is imaginary - van Gogh added it in.)
Country, TIme Period, Known for:
James McNeill Whistler
- Country: American, Massachussetts
- Time Period: 1830 - 1900ish
- Movement: Aesthetic - there are no questions about Whistler’s movement, although his works were shown at the first Impressionist Salon de Refusees.
- Known For: Identify his works by their titles. They start with “Harmony in”, “Symphony in”, “Arrangement in”, and “Nocturnes.”
Identify works by “symphony in, arrangement in, harmony in, nocturnes”
(Unrelated: This guy is funny. He got kicked out of West Point for failing a chemistry exam, calling silicon a gas (it’s not.) He later said, “If silicon were a gas, I’d be a General by now.”)
Identify the artist:
Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother (1871)
James McNeill Whistler, (Aesthetic Movement)
The movement is never asked about.
(He was annoyed that his proper, very religious mother disrupted his free, artisan lifestyle when she visited him in France and London.)
Identify the artist:
Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl (1863)
James McNeill Whistler, (Aesthetic Movement)
The movement is never asked about.
(This is the painting he exhibited at the Impressionist “Salon de Refusees”, but it was overshadowed by Manet’s “Luncheon on the Grass.”)
Identify the artist:
Harmony in Blue and Silver: Trouville (1865)
James McNeill Whistler, (Aesthetic Movement)
(You don’t have to know the movement.)
Identify the artist:
Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket (1877)
James McNeill Whistler, (Aesthetic Movement)
(You don’t have to know the movement.)
(An art critic said that Whistler was “flinging a pot of paint in the public’s face.” The value of Whistler paintings plummeted and he sued the critic for libel.)
Art movement: Time Period? Where did the name come from?
“Twentieth-century art movement that aggressively used pure, intense color in a violent, uncontrolled way” and whose artists proudly took their name from the critics’ description of them as “wild beasts” following their 1905 exhibition
Artists: Matisse (he’s the only one mentioned.)
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Henri Matisse
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1870 - 1950
- Movement: Fauvism
- Known For: Fauvism, The Green Stripe, The Red Studio
(If you hear ‘fauvism”, buzz in. It’s Matisse 100% of the time.)
Identify the artist and movement:
The Green Stripe (1905)
Henri Matisse, Fauvist
Identify the painting and movement:
The Red Studio (1911)
Henri Matisse, Fauvist
Picasso, Braque, Gris
Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon, Nude Descending a Staircase, and Girl with a Mandolin
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For, Inspired By:
Pablo Picasso
- Country: Spanish, but spent much of his adult life in France.
- Time Period: 1880 - 1970ish
- Movement: Cubism
- Known For: Being a pioneer of Cubism, painting a series of blue paintings collectively called his Blue Period, having a pink-colored Rose Period, the huge anti-war mural Guernica, the Women of Avignon., the Old Guitarist
- Inspired By: African Masks
Women of Avignon, Guernica 1937, Old Guitarist, Girl Before Mirror,
Nude, Green Leaves, & Bust, Three Musicians
Additional Info:
Pablo Picasso
- Traveled from Spain to France in 1900 to visit the Universal Exhibition, then decided to stay permanently.
Identify the artist, movement, and the “period” associated with this:
The Old Guitarist (1904)
Pablo Picasso, Cubist in his Blue Era
Identify the artist and movement:
Girl Before a Mirror (1932)
Pablo Picasso, Cubist
Identify the artist and movement:
“Women of Avignon” or Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907)
Pablo Picasso, Cubist
Identify the artist and movement:
The Studio (1928)
Pablo Picasso, Cubist
Identify the artist and movement:
Three Musicians (1921)
Pablo Picasso, Cubist
Identify the artist and movement:
Nude, Green Leaves, and Bust
(Sold for a record shattering $106,482,500 at auction in 2010.)
Pablo Picasso, Cubist
Identify the artist, movement, and war this is protesting:
Guernica,1937 (1937)
Pablo Picasso, Cubist
Protesting the Spanish Civil War
This Cubist painter is known for the quote: “Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness.”
Pablo Picasso
Georges Braque
Along with Picasso, this French artist used ordinary materials to invent a new art form called collage.
Identify the artist and movement:
Vase, Palette, and Mandolin (1936)
Georges Braque, Cubist
Identify the movement:
Juan Gris
(One of three - Picasso, Braque, Gris)
- Twentieth-century art style in which dreams, fantasies, and the subconscious serve as inspirations for the artist.
Dali, Magritte, Ernst, Miro
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For, Inspired By, Museum Location:
Salvador Dalí
- Country: Spain
- Time Period: 1900 - 1990
- Movement: Surrealism
- Known For: Exploring surreal, subconscious imagery, his painting of melting clocks titled “The Persistence of Memory, the development of the “paranoiac-critical” method (where a pencil or charcoal is rubbed against a rough surface and an image is made from the lines formed.)
- Inspired By: Psychologist Sigmund Freud
- Museum: The Dali Museum, St. Pete, FL
Works (6): Persistence of Memory, Disintigration of the Persistence of Memory, The Mouth in the Back of My Nurse, Paysage aux Papillons, Galatea Spheres, Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of a New Man
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
The Persistence of Memory (1931)
Salvador Dalí, Spanish Surrealist
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
The Disintigration of the Persistence of Memory (1954)
Salvador Dalí, Spanish Surrealist
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
Geopoliticus Child Witnessing the Birth of the New Man (1943)
Salvador Dalí, Spanish Surrealist
(This painting is in St. Pete!)
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
Mysterious Mouth Appearing in the Back of My Nurse (1941)
Salvador Dalí, Spanish Surrealist
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
Galatea of the Spheres (1952)
Salvador Dalí, Spanish Surrealist
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
Paysage aux Papillons (“Landscape with Butterflies”) (1956)
Salvador Dalí, Spanish Surrealist
René Magritte
Country: Belgium
Time Period: 1900 - 1970
Movement: Surrealism
Known For: Photos of abstract figures wearing bowler’s caps, and his most iconic painting The Son of Man
Works: The Son of Man, The False Mirror
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
The Son of Man (1964)
René Magritte, Belgian Surrealist
This is Magritte’s most iconic work (and a self-portrait.)
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
The False Mirror (1929)
René Magritte, Belgian Surrealist
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Joan Miró
- Country: Spanish
- Time Period: 1890 - 1980
- Movement: Surrealism
- Known For: Being the “most surrealist” Spanish painter, combining abstract art with surrealist imagery, and the World Trade Center Tapestry (lost in 9/11.)
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
The World Trade Center Tapestry
Joan Miró, Spanish Surrealist
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Max Ernst
- Country: German
- Time Period: 1890 - 1980ish
- Movement: Surrealism
- Known For: Developing the art technique called frottage in 1925 (French for “rubbing”), in which one rubs a pencil or charcoal on paper placed over an object (like a leaf) to obtain its imprint.
No specific works are asked about. Just know that he’s a German surrealist.
Frida Kahlo
- Country: Mexico
- Time Period: 1910 - 1950ish
- Movement: Surrealism, Cubism (but it’s never asked about)
- Known For: Over 200 paintings; colorful self-portraits of herself with nature and animals; her marriage to artist Diego Rivera (a Mexican muralist).
Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera are almost ALWAYS mentioned together.
The Two Fridas
(I mean, the name gives it away, right?)
Frida Kahlo, Mexican (Surrealist)
Frida Kahlo, Mexican (Surrealist)
Art Nouveau
Klimt, Louis Comfort Tiffany
Louis Comfort Tiffany
- Country: American (from New York City)
- Time Period: 1850 - 1930ish
- Movement: Art Nouveau
Known For:
Trained in narrative painting in Paris but soon became a leader in the Art Nouveau style. In 1875, he became fascinated with the art of glass making and returned to New York to make art objects of colored and stained glass. The company I founded (Tiffany and Co.) still bears my name. His stained glass work epitomized Art Nouveau’s creeping-vine motif
Keywords to buzz: “stained glass” “Art Nouveau”
No specific work is asked about.
Gustav Klimt
- Country: Austrian (NOT Australian)
- Time Period:
- Movement: Art Nouveau
- Known For: Inspired by Japanese artwork, often draws the female figure, his works are often covered in gold patterns and gold leaf (gold foil).
Works: The Kiss
The Kiss (1909)
Gustav Klimt, Austrian Art Nouveau Painter
Winslow Homer, Eakins, Millet, Grant Wood
Homer - sailboats and the sea
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Thomas Eakins
- Country: American (from Philidelphia)
- Time Period: 1840 - 1920ish
- Movement: Realism
- Known For: Painting The Agnew Clinic
(Fun non-essential fact: He was fired from his job as an art professor at a Philidelphia school after he removed the loincloth from a male model while tracing a muscle up the leg. Because women were in the room, he was asked to resign.)
This is another painter closely associated with just one painting. Thomas Eakins = Realism = The Agnew Clinic.
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
The Agnew Clinic (1889)
Thomas Eakins, American Realist
Jean-François Millet
- Country: France
- Time Period: 1810 - 1875ish
- Movement: Realism
- Known For: Realistic depictions of peasant farmers doing work in the field, as in his more famous works “The Gleaners” and “The Sower.”
Paintings of peasant farmers: The Gleaners, The Sower
Identify the artist, country, and movement:
The Gleaners (1855)
Jean-François Millet, French Realist
Oh look, Millet is depicting peasant farmers again.
Identify the artist, country, and movement:
The Sower (1850)
Jean-François Millet, French Realist
Millet painting a peasant farmer? Shocking.
Country, TIme Period, Movement, Known For:
Winslow Homer
Country: American
Time Period: 1840 - 1910ish
Movement: Realism
Known For: Landscapes of ocean scenes, sailboats, Breezing Up (A Fair Wind), Snap the Whip
Paintings: Breezing Up a Fair Wind, Snap the Whip
Identify the artist and movement:
Breezing Up (A Fair Wind) (1876)
Winslow Homer, American Realist
Realistic sailboats? Homer all the way.
Identify the artist and movement:
Snap the Whip (1872)
Winslow Homer, American Realist
Country, Time Period, Known For:
Edward Hopper
- Country: American (New York)
- Time Period: 1880 - 1970
- Known For: His depiction of “bleak American life” in Nighthawks
Identify the artist:
Nighthawks (1942)
Edward Hopper, American (Realist)
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Grant Wood
- Country: American (from Iowa)
- Time Period: 1890 - 1940
- Movement: Realism
- Known For: The painting American Gothic, the quote: “All the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.”
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
American Gothic (1930)
Grant Wood, American Realist
Country, Time Period, Known For:
Edvard Munch
- Country: Norwegian
- Time Period: 1860 - 1940
- Known For: The Scream
Identify the artist:
The Scream (1893)
Edvard Munch, Norwegian Painter
Identify the artist:
A Friend in Need (Dogs Playing Poker) (1903)
Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, American Painter
(That’s all you need to know about him and this painting.)
Country, Time Period, Known For, School of Art
Piet Mondrian
- Country: Dutch (The Netherlands)
- Time Period: 1870 - 1945ish
- School: “De Stijl” (or “The Style”)
- Known For: He restricted his designs to vertical and horizontal black lines and his colors to three primary hues plus black, white and gray.
Works: Composition in Red and Blue, Broadway Boogie Woogie
Identify the artist and school:
Composition II in Red and Blue
Piet Mondrian, “De Stijl” (“The Style”) School
The black, white, and primary colors should give it away.
Identify the artist and school:
Broadway Boogie Woogie (1943)
Piet Mondrian, De Stijl School
The black, white, and primary colors should give it away.
Hans Holbein
Dada Art Movement
- Short-lived style of art associated with Marcel Duchamp that featured a nonsense or anti-art approach to artwork. (1916-1922)
- Artistic movement that arose in Zurich in 1915 and whose name means “hobbyhorse”
Arists: Just Duchamp
Country, Time Period, Movement, Known For:
Marcel Duchamp
- Country: French
- Time Period: 1890 - 1970ish
- Movement: Dada
- Known For:
- “I am interested in ideas, not merely in visual products.”
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
Nude Descending a Staircase (1912)
Marcel Duchamp, French Dadaist
Identify the artist, nationality, and movement:
The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (or, “The Large Glass”) (1923)
The work depicts a bride on top, hovering over nine “bachelors” below
Marcel Duchamp, French Dadaist
Paul Klee
Swiss-born painter whose style was influenced by the art movements of
expressionism, cubism, and surrealism
Pop Art
Abstract Expressionism
Three artists inspired by African Masks
Picasso, Matisse, Gauguin