Art of war Flashcards


It is a form of government in which all power is vested in a single ruler or the authority
Louis XIV the 14
Absolute ruler of France will but all of Frances money to the kingdom the palace of Versailles * don’t play wit him he not one of dem* he hung out with competent people
Peter the great from Russia absolute * he so smart*
Goal westernizeof his to make Russia keep up with the times believed that you would have to work hard to get somewhere in life
Tokugawa Ieyasu the shogun of tokyo -edo samurai


American revolution
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492
The Vikings founded America
Great Britain and France were in a conflict known as the seven-year war or the french and Indian war
In 1764 the sugar act was made * because great Britain was in debt* 1
765 stamp act
1766 declaratory act imma do as I please
1767 Townshend act
Boston massacre march the 5th 1770
1773 the Boston tea party will happen sons of liberty did this *
In 1773 continental congress in Philly with the founding fathers
The shot heard around the world was the start of the war
Benedict Arnold he was green once was wit America
Thomas Paine wrote common sense would give the founding fathers an idea to fight for independence
The American colonies had to take a military class to make them more successful
Slaves that were free fought for Britain
Even after the war slaves had to go back to the field * I was in da house
so was Akeelah*Devin was being beaten
In 1789 we had our first president
John Paul was a pirate
The treaty of Paris was signed in 1763 it ended the war
They had native Americans fight against each other

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French revolution
Who made up the Estates-General and what purpose did it serve? Clergy, nobility, and middle class They (middle class) began to campaign for equal representation and complete abolishment of the noble veto. All three groups agreed to make a fiscal and judicial reform a more representative form of government
Why and how was the National Assembly created? The middle class known as the third estate met alone and declared themselves the national assembly and took the tennis court oath wanted constitutional reform to be achieved
According to the video, what allowed Napoleon Bonaparte to come to power? According to the Teacher’s Notes, how he came to power over the french military restrictions he imposes on French society? Because of the protest, he censored society speech and press also basic rights for females he did allow religious freedom and establishment of universities every one had to obey his new law code which is the code of napoleon *they had three estates high-class middle class, and the poor
What major purchase did the Americans make from the French? He had to sell the Louisiana purchase of 15million dollars
According to the Teacher’s Notes, what inspired the Haitian Revolution, and what is it famous for?
He was short (he being Napoleon Bonaparte )
Robespierre and Jacobins who came to power
Napoleon made a legal code ( freedom of religion abolition of hereditary privilege equality before the law for all men
He deprived woman of their rights
He assisted in the creation of the nation-state
During this time people held more power and rights than ever before
Helped with the rise of nationalism he had big armies
Napoleon seemingly unstoppable momentum would die in the Russian winter snows
He was full of contradiction
He let slavery back in


The industrial revolution
It was agriculture output changed to an industrial input children
They had small children working work for 10-12 hours a day
children had to work because if not it would leave a bourdon to the family. Air pollution… woman wasn’t getting paid less than men
Methodist church was there to be a shoulder to cry on in a time of need

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World War 1
The strategy germans (lightning fast war )they will use blitzscreed
Germans have always had to fight a two front war
The try to go around to through belgium to get into france
The plan didn’t even work they some dummies like how it didn’t work twice
Russia had to change clothes because they were easily spotted
The allies launched a counterattack on germany
Trench Warfare was introduced
The trenches was really the trenches
The ottams really aint have to be in war
Armenian genocide in ww1
Germans sent some spies who ended up getting drunk
Lusitania sinks that’s why america join this war (knowing we broke and cant afford this stuff)
Germany was basically like it’s our way ur no way and that’s on period
Romian joined the war
Russia broke first because of the russian revolution
The zimmerman letter was sent greamens to mexico so mexico could attack america
On 1918 on november the 11th at 11pm is when germany left war
17 million dead 20million wounded
The treaty of versace lost land to belgium and france they payed off debt from this war in 2010
In 1922 them ottomans was gone
Militarism: the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.its part would have to be because Militarism could have caused the war due to the naval and arms race Alliances:a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.Secret alliances were formed prior to the outbreak of the war. Nationalism:identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. After the period of the revolution many people had prideful spirits for their countries Industrialization:the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale.played a major role in World War One. New military machinery could be produced at a much larger scale and at a much faster rate than before. Along with innovative technology.
Assassination:the action of assassinating someone.Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to death
“Mary ate nachos in atl”


Russian revolution

What were the causes of the March Revolution? The revolution was largely inspired by the struggles the people of Russia had been going through in the winter of 1916-17. There was widespread hunger, and lack of fuel, plus the working class were poorly paid.And strikes mostly by woman 
Why did Germany want Lenin to return to Russia in 1917?Germany hoped that Lenin would stir up trouble in Russia and disrupt Russia's war effort, which he did. The soldiers, workers, and peasants did not support the provisional government because it continued the war and did not address land reform.
Define Marxism.   a political and economic theory where a society has no classes. Every person within the society works for a common good, and class struggle is theoretically gone.
How did Lenin adapt Marxism to conditions in Russia? He called for an elite group to lead the revolution and set up a dictatorship of the proletariat
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Roaring 20’s
Describe the Jazz Age and some of the reactions to it.

African Americans musicians combined Western harmonies with African rhythms to create jazz. Jazz musicians, like trumpeter Louis Armstrong and pianist Duke Ellington, took simple melodies and improvised endless subtle variations in the rhythm and beat. They produced original music, and people loved it. Much of today’s popular music has been influenced by jazz.
While Europe recovered from the war, the United States experienced a boom time. Europeans embraced American popular culture, with its greater freedom and willingness to experiment. The nightclub and the sounds of jazz were symbols of that freedom.
Not everyone approved of the freewheeling lifestyle of the Jazz Age. For example, many Americans supported Prohibition, a ban on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages he 18th, or Prohibition, Amendment ratified in 1919. Prohibition was meant to keep people from the negative effects of drinking. Instead, it caused an explosion of organized crime and speakeasies, or illegal bars. The Amendment was repealed in 1933.

How did flappers illustrate women’s emancipation in the Jazz Age? Flappers were highly visible, but they were a small minority. Most women saw limited progress in the postwar period. During the war, women had held a wide range of jobs. Although most women left those jobs when the war ended, their war work helped then win the vote in many Western countries.

How did new technologies in the 1920s contribute to postwar changes? By the 1920s, labor-saving devices had become common in middle-class homes. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and canned foods lightened the burden of household chores. Some women then sought work outside the home or did volunteer work to help the less fortunate. In the new atmosphere of emancipation, women pursued careers in many areas - from sports to the arts. Women golfers, tennis players, swimmers, and pilots set new records. Women worked as newspaper reporters, published bestselling novels, and were recognized as artists. Affordable cars, improved telephones, and new forms of media such as motion pictures and radio brought people around the world closer together than ever before.

What did the writing of the Harlem Renaissance explore? African Americans. African American writers and artists expressed their pride in their unique culture. James Weldon Johnson, Jean Toomer, and Zora Neale Hurston explored the African American experience in their novels and essays. The poets Claude McKay and Langston Hughes experimented withnew styles, while Countee Cullen adapted traditional poetic forms to new content.


World War 2
Hitler was born in 1889
Hitler dad had him with his cousin
When his brother died he had become very unmotivated with school and life
He drops out of high school in at the age of 16
He failed his test to get into art
Hitler felt like the war was the best time of his life
He felt like communist and Jews were to blame for why Germany didn’t win into the war
He doesn’t take grief well
He ends up hurting his leg
And becomes temporary blind because of war gas
Since the military had to be reduced Hitler couldn’t be in the army anymore
Hitler joins a national party that was already far-right and he names them the Nazi
By 1919 Germany was broke so them nazi was like its time for a revolution
When he was in jail he had time to write a book
America starts to give Germany money
Hitler gave people a reason for all their problems
Hitler became chancellor in 1933
After two months of being chancellor, he became a dictator
Freedom of press freedom of expression and freedom of pubic assembly was gone away due to Hitler
Hitler had jews been branded
Girls were told they were only told they only could have babies
Italy Emerged in Italy after WWI under Benito Mussolini “Il Duce”
Destroyed all political opposition with his secret police.
Wanted to delay war in Europe until 1942
Hitler and Mussolini had a lot in common such as racist
Anti scoilist anti demoratic totalitarian militarism
Japan -Amau Doctrine (1934)- Japan assumes total responsibility for peace in Asia.“An Asia for the Asians”
Rejects foreign influences in favor of a national spirit.
Bushido Code is altered to suit the new regime
The Rape of Nanjing -December of 1937: Japanese invade Nanjing, China.
Nanjing’s population: 600,000
Half of the population is murdered in 6 weeks
Acts of violence
Murder, torture, rape, and destruction

Hitler new plan to sign a pact with Italy and Russia
Hitler achieved conquering France which was not possible in ww1
Tripartite pact Germany Italy and japan
Hitler turned his back on Russia with 3million troops he invaded Russia
Since Hitler knew he couldn’t win the war umm kills himself kinda outta pocket**wasn’t even that deep fr 50 -80million killed did away with

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Failure of World War I peace settlement, Treaty of Versailles
Push Germany to want to fight for independence
Global economic depression

Fascism, militarism, and imperialism in Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Weakness of the League of Nations
America didn’t join the league of nations they created and joined the united nations

British and French appeasement and Pacifism


Post WW2
Define partition. How might this affect individuals and their communities? the action or state of dividing or being divided into parts. Partition triggered riots, mass casualties, and a colossal wave of migration. Millions of people moved to what they hoped would be safer territory, with Muslims heading towards Pakistan and Hindus and Sikhs in the direction of India.
Did partition lead to peace? Explain; no because they started to fight over land and had a missile war
Why has the Philippines had trouble preserving its democracy? Under Aquino and her successors, this fragile democracy survived, despite many political scandals. Economic growth was limited, and poverty remained widespread. With the highest birth rate in Asia, the population continued to rise rapidly, straining already limited resources. For decades, various rebel groups have waged guerrilla wars across the Philippines.

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