Art, craft and spiritual works mainly from rural South Africa - John Muafangejo Flashcards
What year was John Muafangejo born?
What year did John Muafangejo die?
Where was John Muafangejo born?
He grew up in rural southern Angola where his father was a Kwanyama chief.
What happened to John Muafangejo after his father died?
His mother, who was one of 8 wives left for Namibia and converted to Christianity. John was 12 at the time and though it was upsetting to leave his kraal, he wanted to live with his mother.
How did John Muafangejo become an artist?
His talent for drawing was noticed and he was sent to Rorke’s Drift Art and Craft Centre from 1968-1969 to study art.
What did John Muafangejo do once he completed his studies?
He returned to Namibia in 1970 where he practised as an artist. In 1974 he returned to Rorke’s Drift as a practicing artist.
Was John Muafangejo a successful artist during his lifetime?
From 1969 to 1986 he participated in many exhibitions in South Africa and the rest of the world. He was able to buy himself a house in Katatura near Windhoek due to his successes as an artist.
What were John Muafangejo main influences?
Rorke’s Drift where artists such as Azaria Mbatha developed his artistic ability and preference for linocut as a medium.
How is John Muafangejo’s art similar to cartoons?
His work is similar to cartoons in the way the surface is often divided into blocks and his use of text.
What does John Muafangejo’s subject matter reflect?
It reflects his state of mind and his daily experiences, like a diary.
What categories are included in John Muafangejo’s subject matter?
Tribal life, animal life, observations on social conditions, historical events, church life, biblical stories and personal life.
What stylistic characteristics are typical of John Muafangejo’s work?
Linocut printmaking; black and white stories; autobiographical nature that references dramatic or humorous incidents in his life; including text.
Discuss linocuts.
It is a relatively inexpensive medium that can be printed without a press. The figures in the story are placed over the page in a shallow space.
Discuss John Muafangejo’s use of text.
The text at times becomes so important that the print resembles a page from a medieval illuminated manuscript.
Why is John Muafangejo considered an important artist?
In a relatively short working career he produced an impressive body of work which has influenced generations of printmakers in Southern Africa.
What type of works did John Muafangejo produce?
He produced work which comments with subtlety and insight on the world around him, such as the repressive regime at the time, and he often used Zulu and Ovambo history to provide an indirect comment in this regard.
When did John Muafangejo create “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
What style of work was used to create “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
What medium and technique was used to create “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
Describe the subject of “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”.
It’s a bible story with a South African flavour through the use of R3-00 as the amount of the bribe. The bible stated 30 pieces of silver which was less that R3-00 at the time of making.
What does John imply with “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
He was implying that Judas would have done anything for any amount of money.
Why is the caption “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00” considered dramatic and informative?
Because it conveys the moral of the story: “Judas betrayed Jesus for R3-00 without asking himself what he would buy with his money. After that he hanged himself and fell down and burst. You people, be careful of money, because it is the root of sin”.
What themes are expressed in “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
The struggle between good and evil and the theme of holiness is expressed in this work. His work contains lessons for the viewer.
Discuss the composition of “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”.
In the composition of the linocut he depicts the story from right to left. On the right he portrays the Judas Kiss dramatically with two men with flowing beards watching on. On the left he shows the suicide of Judas and the R3-00.
What formal art elements are repeated in “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
Patterns; strong use of lines and play with black and white.
How does “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00” resemble a comic?
Shallow space where actions takes place as in a comic book.
Describe how Judas is portrayed in the right panel of “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”.
He is portrayed expressively in a position that resembles a serpent entwining Jesus. The print on his dress consists of bold white stripes that resemble the scales of a snake.
What does the snake like portrayal of Judas in “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00” symbolise?
It symbolises the idea that Judas was possessed by the devil at that stage, which is one of the interpretations of the reason why he betrayed Christ.
How is Jesus depicted in “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
He is standing upright in a frontal position with a neutral expression and a raised right arm as if he is about to hug Judas. His dress has a fine decorative print and he seems to be floating.
What does the block behind Jesus’s head symbolise in “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
The square shape with the bold white cross inside it symbolises Jesus’ holiness.
What does the appearance of floating symbolise about Jesus in “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
It symbolises and reinforces his holiness.
Who are the two men watching the Judas Kiss in “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
They could be some of his disciples accompanying them but they are armed so it is more likely that they are soldiers on their way to arrest Jesus.
How is the tree Judas hangs from depicted in “Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus for R3-00”?
The tree is depicted with large, simplified leaves that resembles the shape of daggers or swords.
When did John Muafangenjo create “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”?
What medium and technique was used to create “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”?
What style of work was used to create “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”?
How is Jesus on the crucifix portrayed in “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”?
The crucifix with Jesus has been depicted in black and white areas that are strongly contrasted. The body of Christ is white with the black cross behind it in one half and the opposite on the other side.
Discuss the use of space in “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”?
No open spaces were left. The whole area is filled.
Describe the depiction of the people in “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”?
He alternated between white people and black people with an even distribution. They are shown in a simplified style and in profile with friendly facial expressions and the two races taking hands.
What formal art elements are repeated in “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”?
Lots of patterns, strong use of lines and play with white and black.
In what way is “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned” similar to a comic?
Shallow space where actions take place as in a comic.
Describe the subject of “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”.
A linocut of the historical event when Tutu became the new Archbishop.
What does “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned” consist of?
The work consists of two strips of imagery with captions underneath each.
Describe the top strip of “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”.
The composition is of Desmond Tutu depicted in a cartoonlike exaggerated style with an emphasis on his shiny glasses.His facial expression is solemn and he points towards Christ on the cross behind him.
Why does Tutu point at Christ on the cross behind him in “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned”?
To remind people that they should not forget why they are there.
What does the white dove symbolise?
The Holy Spirit entering Bishop Tutu.
Why did Muafanjego document his views and experiences of the church so extensively?
To him the church played a fatherly role in his life as it supported him in his artistic development, when he was ill, promoted his work and was the source of his closest friends.
Why was the event depicted in “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned” so critical for South Africa?
The church appointed a new black leader during a time when South Africa was locked into the final stages of the segregation of the races known as Apartheid. This was a sign of integration in the church in defiance of the laws of SA.
What does the blessing in the text of “New Archbishop Desmond Tutu Enthroned” show?
It shows his support of the changes beginning to occur in South Africa as well as his strong Christian beliefs.