art/buildings and their dates Flashcards
purse cover
Sutton Hoo ship burial, Suffolk England, circa625 ce, enamel cloisonné with emeralds and garnets
animal-head post
Viking ship burial at Oseberg, Norway, now in Oslo, ca. 825, wood
the tower and scriptorium of San Salvador de Tábara, colophon, Commentary on the Apocalypse, Madrid, 970, tempera on parchment
Man (symbol of Saint Matthew)
Book of Durrow, ca. 660-680, Trinity College Library, Dublin, ink and tempera on parchment
Cross and carpet page
Lindisfarne Gospels, British Library, London, ca. 698-721, tempera on vellum
Saint Matthew
Lindisfarne Gospels, British Library, London, ca. 698-721, tempera on vellum
Initial page
Chi-rho-iota page, Book of Kells, late 8th-early 9th century, tempera on vellum
Equestrian portrait of Charlemagne or Charles the Bald
9th century, Louvre, Paris, bronze
Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne
Aachen, Germany, 792-805
Plan for monastery at St. Gall
Switzerland, ca. 819, red ink on parchment
St. Matthew, Coronation Gospels,
from Aachen, now in Vienna, ca. 800-810, ink and tempera on vellum
St. Matthew, Ebbo Gospels
(Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims), from Hautvillers (near Reims), France, ca. 816-835, ink and tempera on vellum
Crucifixion, front cover of Lindau Gospels
from St. Gall, Switzerland, now in New York, ca. 870, gold, precious stones, and pearls
Saint Sernin
Toulouse, France, ca. 1070-1120
Christ in Majesty
Bernardus Gelduinus, reliefs in ambulatory of Saint Sernin, Toulouse, ca. 1096, marble