Arson - No interest S267(1)(b) Flashcards
Arson - No interest:
Arson - No interest
CA61; S267(1)(b)
14 years imprisonment
1) Intentionally OR Recklessly
2) Without Claim of right
3) Damages by Fire OR Damages by means of explosive
4) Any Immovable Property OR Any Vehicle, OR Ship OR Aircraft
5) In Which that Person has No Interest
S267(1)(b) Element 1/5
Intentionally OR Recklessly
What case laws and definitions for this element?
Define: Intent
Define: Recklessly
R v Collister
Cameron V R
R v Tipple
S267(1)(b) Element 2/5
Without Claim of right
What case laws and definitions for this element?
Define: Claim of right =
A belief in the possesory right to the property
S267(1)(b) Element 3/5
Damages by Fire OR Damages by means of explosive
What case laws and definitions for this element?
Define: Damages by Fire
R v Archer
S267(1)(b) Element 4/5
Any Immovable Property OR Any Vehicle, OR Ship OR Aircraft
What case laws and definitions for this element?
Define: Immovable Property,
Vehicle, Ship, or Aircraft
S267(1)(b) Element 5/5
In Which that Person has no Interest
What case laws and definitions for this element?
R v Wilson
Definition: Intent
Deliberate act to get a specific result
Definition: Recklessly
Consciously and deliberately ran a risk
Case law:
R v Collister
R v Collister:
The actions/words before/during/after, the surrounding circumstances, and the nature of the act itself, infer intent
Note: Intent
Case Law:
Cameron v R
Cameron v R:
Offender knew actions would bring result and circumstances existed.
Note: Recklessly
Case Law:
R v Tipple
R v Tipple:
Knowing the risk and acting anyway
Damages by Fire
Although fire damage will often involve burning or charring, it is not necessary that the property is actually set alight; melting, blistering of paint or significant smoke damage may be sufficient.
Case Law:
R v Archer
Property may be damaged if it suffers permanent or temporary physical harm or permanent or temporary impairment of its use or value.
Sec. 2 Arms Act 1983
Any substance or mixture or combination of substances which in its normal state is capable either of decomposition at such rapid rate as to result in an explosion or of producing a pyrotechnic effect,Includes: gun powder, gelignite, detonators
Does Not Include: Firearms, fireworks
Immovable Property
Property that is currently fixed in place and unable to be moved, even though it may be possible to make it moveable.
Generally higher value property
Vehicle, Ship or Aircraft
Contrivance equipped with wheels, tracks or revolving runners on which it moves or is moved
Vessel used in navigation, however propelled
Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of air
R v Wilson
Tenancy of property can mean interest