Arrhythmias Flashcards
What are the two types of myocytes?
Conduction/ contraction
Myocytes can perform both functions but tend to favour one/ other
Most myocytes are contractile
Where does the SAN lie?
Between superior vena cava and right atrium
Spontaneously depolarises at a quicker rate than other cardiac cells and acts as the pacemaker of the heart
At what level does the inferior vena cava pass through the diaphragm?
Via the vena caval foramen
The phrenic nerve can also be found running through this foramen
*Image shows inferior vena cava entering right atrium
What is shown in the image?
Right atrial appendage
What is the Vaughan Williams classification?
Classification of anti-arrhythmic drugs
Based on the effect the drugs have on the action potential of the cardiac cells
Phases of the action potentials of pacemaker cells
Phase 4: first upward slope due to opening of Na+ channels
Phase 0: Rapid up-slope due to opening of Ca2+ channels once there is enough Na+ inside cell and membrane is at -40mV
Phase 3: Once membrane potential reaches +10mV K+ channels open and K+ rushes out of cell, bringing it back down to starting point of -60mV
Phases of the cardiac myocyte action potential
Phase 4: resting potential of -90mV
Phase 0: neighbouring cell triggers opening of Na+ channels and there is a rapid upstroke to +40mV, Slow-type Ca2+ channels also open
At the top of phase 0 Na+ channels close
Phase 1: K+ channels open and allow a small amount of K+ out - bringing membrane potential down
Phase 2: 2 channels (K+ and Ca2+) working in equilibrium in opposite directions hence the plateau
Phase 3: Calcium channels close and K+ continues to exit cell - accounting for repolarisation
What is arrhythmia?
Deviation from a normal rhythm
Normal being regular and 60-100bpm
With each beat generated from SA node
How are arrhythmias broadly classified?
Bradyarrhythmia (<60bpm)
Tachyarrhythmia (>100bpm)
What are the main mechanisms responsible for tachyarrhythmias?
1. Abnormal automaticity: the pacemaker cells become abnormally permeable to Na+ during phase 4 resulting in an increase in the first upslope leading to disorganised firing of the cells
2. Triggered activity: abnormal leakage of + ions into the myocytes leading to a second bump on the myocyte action potential after depolarisation has occurred (= after depolarisations) This can trigger premature action potentials
3. Re-entry: an accessory pathway exists between the upper and lower chambers of the heart which allows the action potential to travel from the ventricles back to the stria causing them to contract before the SA node has fired (AVRT) - think Elliott think simple think one less letter
AVNRT: fast and slow pathways throguh the AV node - the signal from the SA node splits and half goes down the slow pathway, half goes down the fast pathway. The fast pathway signal reaches sooner than the slow pathway signal. The fast signal travels through the ventricles as well as up the slow pathway where it cancels the slow signal. Problems with the slow and fast pathway synchronisation leads to abberant conduction and repetetive firing of the AV node - leading to AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia
Both cause fast, irregular heart rates (tachyarrhythmias)
AVRT - think Elliott, think simple, think one less letter
AVRT: accessory pathway allows signal from ventricles to travel back to the atria and cause them to contract without firing of the SA node
AVNRT: involves de-synchronisation between fast and slow pathways of AV node - signals loops round AV node and causes ventricles to contract without SA node firing/ atrial contraction - there will not be a P wave before the QRS
Class 1 anti-arrhythmic drugs
Na+ channel blockers
Prolong phase 0 of AP, reducing the rate of depolarisation on non-nondal myocytes therefore reducing heart rate
Divided into 1A, 1B and 1C
Discuss class 1A antiarrhythmics
1 Na+, oK+ hun
Block Na+ & K+ channels
1A: block fast Na+ channels responsible for phase 0 of the cardiac myocyte action potential and block some K+ responsible for repolarisation
- Class 1A agents cause a less-steep upstroke + a slower depolarisation (due to blockage of Na+ channels) and a longer effective refractory period (due to blockage of K+ channels, it takes more time before another AP can begin) PROCAINAMIDE, DISOPYRAMIDE
Discuss class 1B antiarrhythmic drugs
Minimal blockage of fast Na+ channels
Shorterns action potential and shortner effective refractory period
Mainly used for ventricular arrhythmias
Discuss class 1C antiarrhythmic drugs
1C = powerful - think C think Charlotte think lots of salt blocked
They strongly block Na+ channels and therefore lead to a shallow upslope
Limited effect on the effective refractory period
Problem with class 1 anti-arrhythmic drugs?
They all have the potential to cause arrhythmia
Discuss class 2 anti-arrhythmics
Class 2 = beta blockers
Block the effects of adrenaline on the heart - they depress the automaticity of the SA node and slow conduction through the AV node
Decrease HR and decreased contractility
Class 3 antiarrhythmic drugs
K+ channel blockers
Slower efflux of K+ leaving cell means the absolute refractory period is prolonged and more time is needed before another action potential can occur
AMIODARONE, SOTALOL (which also works as a b-blocker ππ€¨)
Which anti-arrhythmic is given for VT/ VF cardiac arrest in A&E?
Class III agent - given after adrenaline to treat life-threatening arrhythmia
Side effects of amiodarone
Pulmonary fibrosis
Blue/ grey skin
Liver toxicity
Hyperthyroidism/ hypothyroidism (conatins iodine and is toxic to thyroid gland)
Long half life and lingers for months
Which anti-arrhytmics cause prolonged QT syndrome?
Class 1A and class 3
They prolong time for repolarisation and therefore prolong time between the depolarisation and repolarisation of the ventricular cells
Class 4 antiarrhythmic drugs
Block Ca channels particularly in the SA and AV nodes
Decrease sinus rate and reduce conduction through AV node
Reduce contractility of the heart
Decrease atrial rate
What is the difference between non-dihydropyridines and hydropyridines?
Non-dihydropyridines: work in the heart and cause a negative ionotropic effect
e.g. diltiazem, verapamil
Dihydropyridines: work on the periphery and cause vasodilation
e.g. nifedipine, amlodipine
Which drugs are used to treat AF?
Beta blockers e.g. propranolol or non-dihydropyridine Ca2+ blockers e.g. verapamil/ diltiazem
NICE doesnβt reccomend one over the other
They cana be used at the same time if monotherapy is ineffective
Class 5 antiarrhytmics
Drugs that donβt really fit elsewhere are grouped into class 5
DMSAD - doesnβt matter, sad because they donβt fit
Digoxin, Magnesium Sulphate, Adenosine
Digoxin: Na/K ATPase inhibitor: enhances contractility and stimulates vagus node - which slows the heart rate)
Magnesium sulfate: mechanism unclear but when given IV is very good for treateing torsades de pointes and digoxin-induxed arrhythmia
Adenosine: works by stimulating adenosine receptors on the SA and AV nodes - slowing conduction time through the AV node. It can also interrupt re-entry pathways through the AV node
What is digoxin especially good for?
Patients with heart failure and AF
Blocks NA/K ATPase, causes more calcium to enter cell and therefore increases strength of contraction (inotropic)
Digoxin also stimulates the vagus nerve which causes a slower rate of firing of the SA node thus slowing the HR in AF
What is adenosine mainly used for?
Supraventricular tachycardia
It is 1st line drug for AVNRT and AVRT
Define arrhythmias
Disturbance of electrical activity in the heart
Can be asymptomatic/ symptomatic/ deadly
Often paroxysmal (sudden/ unpredictable) meaning diagnosis can be difficult
Primary causes: the heart itself
Secondary causes: non-cardiac cause
Description of arrhythmias after feeling pulse
Regularly irregular: not a steady pattern but a predictable one
Irregularly irregular: no pattern
What is bradyarrhythmia?
An inappropriately low HR <60bpm
Sinus bradycardia is an appropriately low rhythm seen in athletes/ during sleep
What are the classic symptoms of bradyarrhythmias?
Symptoms often not present until HR <45bpm
- Palpitations
- Light-headedness
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Chest pain
- Syncope (Stokes-Adams attacks)
- Cardiogenic shock and hypotension: late stage + life threatening
Outline some non-cardiac causes of bradycardia and bradyarrhythmias
- Sleep and athletic training
- Drugs: beta blockers, calcium blockers, amiodarone
- Metabolic: hypothyroidism, hypothermia
- Electrolyte disturbance: hyperkalaemia, hyponatremia, hypercalcaemia, hypomangesaemia
Others: raised ICP, obstructive sleep apnoea
What is sick-sinus syndrome?
Sinus node fails to pace the heart appropriately
Leads to:
Sinus pauses: cessation in electrical activity
Sinus tachycardia
Sinus bradycardia
Atrial tachycardia
Chronitropic incompetence: heart does increase rate in respond to exercise
Atrial fibrillation
Brady-tachy syndrome (
Brady-tachy syndrome suggests what specific disease?
Sick sinus syndrome
What causes sick sinus syndrome?
Mainly due to idiopathic fibrosis of the sinus node
MI, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis
Sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, haemachromatosis
How is brady-tachy syndrome managed?
Pacing for bradyarrhythmia, drugs for tachyarrhythmia
Types of bradyarrhythmia
Sick sinus syndrome
Heart block:
- 1st degree
- 2nd degree : Mobitz 1&2
- 3rd degree
Normal ECG intervals
What is heart block?
Impaired conduction between the atria and ventricles
Caracterised into 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree
Where does geart block occur?
Can occur anywhere in the conduction system
AV node/ bundle of His = AV block
Block lower down = bundle branch block
Discuss 1st degree heart block
Prolongation of the PR interval >0.2seconds
0.2seconds = 1 large box
Considered more of a delay rather than a block because every atrial impulse eventually reaches the ventricles
ECG change: prolonged PR interval >0.2seconds
Husband comes home late every day βοΈ
Discuss 2nd degree heart block
Mobitz type 1
Longer and longer PR prolongation until a P wave fails to conduct - leading to a P wave that is not followed by a QRS
Only requires treatment if it is symptomatic, few cases progress to complete block
Husband comes home later and later until one night he doesnβt come home π€¨ π
Mobitz type 2
Regularly >1 P wave before every QRS e.g. 2:1 or 3:1
More likely to progress to complete heart block and is therefore often treated
Often symptomatic
Husband is home every now and again π‘
How is Mobitz type 2 managed?
Discuss 3rd degree heart block
There is no association between atrial and ventricular actiivty
P waves = regular
QRS complexes = regular
But they are not associated at all
QRS rate is driven by spontaneous escape rhythm
Occasionally the atria and ventricles contract at the same time: atria contract but tricuspid vavle is closed - blood shoots back up jugular vein and causes canon waves
Serious and requires pacemaker
Husband and wife live separate lives π§π» β π©π»βπ¦±
Investigations for heart block
Bedside: 12-lead ECG
Troponin if thinking MI
U&E: derrangement can cause heart block
Calcium: derrangement can cause heart block
Thyroid function tests: hypothyroidism can cause heart block
If patient on digoxin, can check serum levels as this can cause heart block
How does digoxin cause heart block?
Digoxin enhances Vagus nerve activity, which slows conduction over the AV node.
Digoxin also has a direct effect on AV conduction, by slowing it.
This causes prolongation of the PR interval, which is considered a normal finding, unless severely prolonged.
Second- and third-degree AV block is evidence of intoxication
What causes a curved ST segment depression?
Digoxin toxicity
Management of bradyarrhythmia
Asymptomatic: often treated conservatively unless type 3
Symptomatic: pacemaker
Emergency treatment: transcutaneous pacing or IV atropine
Which drug is said to cause a feeling of impending doom?
Adenosine: causes complete AV block to terminate supraventricular tachycardias (AVRT, AVNRT
Idea is that it stops 2 hearts: that of the patient and that of the doctorβ¦
How is bradyarrhythmia managed?
If symptomatic or type 3/ complete heart block: pacemaker
What is bundle branch block?
A block in conduction in the right/ left bundle branches
This causes a wide, biphasic QRS >0.12seconds (120ms or 3 small boxes)
The shape of the QRS depicts where the block is
Right bundle branch block
Produces a late activation of the right ventricle because the right ventricle is activated by secondary conduction vs the left ventricle
ECG change in RBBB
QRS is broad
Deep S wave in lead I and V6
Tall, late R wave in V1
VI change is said to look like an M (Rabbit ears in Right chest lead V1)
V6 change is said to look like a W
Causes of RBBB
Often benign and can be found in normal hearts
Important to look for a cause: anything that causes strain on right side of heart
- PE
- Pulmonary HTN
- RV hypertrophy
- Cor pulmonale
- Inferior MI
Heart sound in RBBB?
S2 is split
Discuss LBBB
Delay in contraction of left ventricle due to conduction failure in left bundle branch
ECG: Deep S wave in V1 - βWβ
Tall, late R wave in lead I, aVL, V5 and V6 - βMβ