Arrhythmias Flashcards
What is a sinus arrhythmia? Describe.
A arrhythmia that varies with breathing
Increased heart rate with inspiration
Decreased heart rate with expiration
What is a fib? Describe.
Atrial fibrillation.
Where there is a rapid discharge of multiple contractions in the atria . No discrete P waves.
What is atrial flutter ? describe?
Atrial flutter has a saw tooth pattern
Rapid discharge of atrial depolarization
What is ventricular fibrillation? Describe
V- fib is a chaotic rhythm with rapid depolarization and repolarization at the same time
No R wave
Which rhythm has a saw tooth pattern?
Atrial flutter
Which rhythm does not have an R wave?
Ventricular fibrillation
What are the three types of premature beats?
- atrial PAC
-ventricular PVC
-ventricular tachycardia
What is a atrial PAC?
Where atrial contraction occurs earlier than expected from a pulse that occurs outside of the SA NODE
What’s a PVC?
Where abnormal QRS complexes is are produced larger, and wider than normal
Where do PVCs come from?
Ectopic foci
A PVC every other beat is called?
A PVC every third beat is called?
What is ventricular tachycardia?
Where multiple PVCs occur right after another 3 or more
Describe a right bundle branch block?
A Right BBB is when there’s a delay in the right ventricular contraction. Best seen in V1 or V2
The QRS interval is now > than 0. 12 seconds.
Describe a left bundle branch block
A delay in the ventricular contraction of the LV best seen in V5 or V6
QRS interval is now > than 0. 12 seconds.
Describe a first-degree AV block
The PR interval is > than 0. 20 seconds
R-R interval remains normal
What is the length of the PR interval for a first-degree AVheart block?
> 0.20 sec
True or false- for a 1st degree AV heart block the R-R interval is not normal
False- the R-R remains normal in a 1st degree AV block
What are the two types of second-degree AV blocks?
-Mobitz 1 (wenckebach)
-Mobitz 2
What’s another name for Mobitz 1?
What’s another name for Wenckebach?
Mobitz 1
Describe a Mobitz type 1 second-degree AV block?
AKA as a Wenckebach
During this heart block, the PR interval is greater than 0. 20 seconds
P-wave moves away from the QRS.
P-R interval gets progressively longer until there’s a QRS.
What rhythm has a P-R interval that gets progressively longer until there’s a QRS.
Mobitz type 1 AV heart block (Wenckebach)
Which is a key EKG feature of Wenckebach?
A) broad bizarre, QRS complexes
B) atrial ventricular rates differ substantially
C) progressive lengthening of the PR interval
D) all of the above are key features
C) progressive lengthening of the PR interval
Describe a mobtiz 2, 2nd degree AV block
PR interval remains constant until QRS drops
Describe a 3rd -degree AV block
Complete absence of conduction between the atria & ventricles
What occurs with the PR interval with a 3rd degree AV block?
PR interval gets progressively shorter
P-wave marches into the QRS
What is another name for a third degree AV block?
Complete heart block
What is the distinct feature of a pacemaker on EKG?
A high voltage short duration spike before each QRS