Arrays and Tuples Flashcards
Julia as a Second Language
What can an Array contain?
Julia as a Second Language
What is a column vector and how is it created?
Julia as a Second Language
What is a row vector and how is it created?
Julia as a Second Language
What is the index of the first value of and array or tuple?
Julia as a Second Language
How can you add up all the items of an array?
Julia as a Second Language
How can you find the number elements in an array?
Julia as a Second Language
What if you need to multiply two arrays together?
Julia as a Second Language
What does dot arithmetic do?
Julia as a Second Language
What is the differenct between 1-based and 0-based indexing?
Julia as a Second Language
What if you need to call the last element of an array but don’t know which index it is?
Julia as a Second Language
What is the normal way to create an array, and then four other ways to create an array.
Julia as a Second Language
What is the default type of a number array, and how do you create a number array of a specific type?
Julia as a Second Language
How can you check they type of an array.
Julia as a Second Language
How does the map() work?
Julia as a Second Language
What are the building block of text?
Julia as a Second Language
How does join() work?
Julia as a Second Language
How does collect() work?
Julia as a Second Language
What is the difference between an array and a tuple when creating one or the other?
Julia as a Second Language
What is filter() and how does it work?
Julia as a Second Language
What is a predicate?
Julia as a Second Language
What are the predicates to determine even or odd numbers?
Julia as a Second Language
What predicates determine case of a character or is there is a space?
Julia as a Second Language
How does mapreduce() work?
Julia as a Second Language
How does reduce() work?