6 Storing data in dictionaries Flashcards
Julia as a Second Language
What is the operator used to create a dictionary pair?
Julia as a Second Language
What method can be used to pull up the keyword for a dictionary pair?
Julia as a Second Language
What method can be used to pull up the value for a dictionary pair?
Julia as a Second Language
What method allows you to look at the fields for a value?
Julia as a Second Language
What does dump() do?
Julia as a Second Language
What is the keyword used to create a dictionary, and how is the dictionary created with it?
Julia as a Second Language
What is an comprehension?
Julia as a Second Language
How can you create a comprehension that makes a dictionary?
Julia as a Second Language
What does collect() do?
Julia as a Second Language
How can you create a simple array using collect(), enumerate(), and a range?
Julia as a Second Language
How do you create a dictionary using the dictionary keyword, not using the keyword, and by using an array of tuples?
Julia as a Second Language
How can you create a dictionary and specify the types of the keys and the values?
Julia as a Second Language
How can you easily combined two arrays of the same length into one array of tupe pairs (each tuple having one element from each of the original arrays)?
Julia as a Second Language
How can you easily combined two arrays of the same length into a single dictionary with one of the arrays making up the keys and the other making up the values?
Julia as a Second Language
What is a sentinel value?
Julia as a Second Language
When using dictionaries, how do prevent getting an error message when you are not sure if a key exist?
Julia as a Second Language
When might an array with key / values pairs be faster than a dictionary?
Julia as a Second Language
How do you create a named tuple?
Julia as a Second Language
What are the two ways to call up a value of a named tuple?
Julia as a Second Language
What is the advantage of a named tuple?