Arousal And Anxiety Flashcards
Fazey and hardy aim:
Identify limitations with the inverted U theory of arousal and performance, making use of the distinction between semantic and cognitive anxiety
Finally to propose an alternative to invented u theory
Paper began with problems found with inverted U
These were categorised under the 3 headings: difficulties with basic ideas, difficulties with evidence, difficulties with applications
Zeemans model:
When disc is turned, rubber bands are stretched until certain point where tension is relapsed and disc jumps forward
Represents relationship between stress and performance
Results of F+H:
Difficulty with basic ideas- inverted u doesn’t explain important relationship between anxiety and performance
Evidence- lack of evidence for stress and performance relation
Applying model- inverted u predicts that when stress exceeds optimum, performance will decline and reducing stress will slightly bring back to optimum- limited applications
Conclusions of F+H:
Arousal and anxiety (cognitive and semantic anxiety) is better explained by catastrophe model
Allows ppl to monitor their own health and gain feedback about the effects of certain behaviours allows them to modify behaviour through positive reinforcement
What is EMG?
Electromyography which measures electrical activity in muscles
What is GSR?
Galvanic skin response which measures sweatiness of skin
Biofeedback: De Witt (1980)
American footballer who had anxiety when performing. Reduced his anxiety by relaxation techniques and use of EMG meter which showed his anxiety reducing
Help anxiety
Change thinking patterns
Puig and Punmell- 3 aspects of assessment:
What triggers it?
Have past experiences caused it?
Is something continuing to cause it- pressure from coach?
Usefulness of F and H:
Use of biofeedback- Lagos and the golfer who after 10 sessions of using HR variability, reduced anxiety and achieved personal best
Reductionism/ holism
Reductionist: tends to reduce complex aspect of mind and behaviour
Inverted u theory- doenst look at anxiety
Biofeedback- only focuses on bodily affects of anxiety
Catastrophe model
Individual/ situational:
Individual- relationship between performance, anxiety and arousal
Situational- CBT