Army PRT Flashcards
What Army regulation covers PRT?
FM 7-22
What does PRT stand for?
Physical Readiness Training
What does PRT prepare Soldiers and units for?
For the physical challenges of fulfilling the mission in the face of a wide range of threats, in complex operational environments, and with emerging technologies
What is Physical readiness?
Physical readiness is the ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission, and continue to fight and win
What does C-METL stand for?
Core Mission Essential Task List
What does D-METL stand for?
Directed Mission Essential Task List
What does WTBDs stand for?
Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills
Who’s program is the Physical readiness training program?
The Commander’s
Who is essential to a successful PRT program and why?
Senior NCOs because they are often the most experienced trainers in the unit
When can Special conditioning programs (SCP) be conducted?
They will be conducted during normal duty hours
Where can you find a Unit PRT train/ready schedule?
FM 7-22 Table 5-11
What is On-ground training?
Activities in which Soldiers maintain contact with the ground
Why is physical readiness training a mandatory training requirement?
Considered by senior leaders to be essential to individual, unit, and force readiness
*Required by law for all individuals and units
Who serves as the primary trainers for enlisted Soldiers, crews, and small teams?
Noncommissioned officers
To accomplish the PRT mission, what must NCOs do?
Identify specific tasks that PRT enhances in support of the unit’s C-or D-METL
- Prepare, rehearse, and execute PRT
- Evaluate PRT and conduct AARs to provide feedback to the commander
What are the 8 tenets of train as you will fight, as they relate to PRT?
PRT must support full spectrum operations and promote quick transitions between missions
- PRT must support proficiency in combined arms operations and unified actions
- PRT focus is on training the fundamentals first
- PRT must be performance-oriented, conducted under realistic conditions, and mission focused
- PRT should incorporate challenging, complex, ambiguous, and uncomfortable situations
- PRT must be conducted under conditions that replicate the operational environment
- PRT must be conducted during deployments
What are the tenets of standards-based training?
Leaders know and enforce standards
- Leaders define success in the absence of standards
- Leaders train to standard, not time
What are the PRT Sytems’s phases?
- The initial conditioning phase (prepares future Soldiers to learn and adapt to Army PRT).
- The toughening phase (develop fundamental fitness and fundamental movement skills that prepare Soldiers to transitions to the sustaining phase).
- The sustaining phase (develop a higher level of physical readiness required by duty position and C- or D METL). Reconditioning phase (restores Soldiers’ physical fitness levels that enable them to safely re-enter the toughening or sustaining phase and progress to their previous level of conditioning).