Army Programs Flashcards
What does ASAP stand for?
Army Substance Abuse Program
What is the mission of ASAP?
to STRENGTHEN the overall fitness and EFFECTIVENESS of the Army workforce and to ENHANCE combat readiness
What is meant by deglamorization of alcohol?
means to not promote the usage of alcohol through the use of games, prizes, or initiations
What AR covers ASAP?
AR 600-85
Is ASAP participation mandatory for individuals that are command referred?
Yes, and failure to comply is in Violation of Article 86 of the UCMJ
What happens to soldiers who fail to participate in or respond successfully to rehabilitation?
Soldiers who fail will be processed for Administrative Separation
What are ways that soldiers can be identified as having a substance abuse problem?
Biochemical Idenification
Medical Identification
Under what conditions can Commanders direct drug testing?
Unit Inspections
Search & Seizures
Competence for Duty
Mishap/Safety Inspection
New Entrant
All ASAP referrals by the Commander/1SG use what form?
Da Form 8003 (Referral Form)
Will soldiers who are command referred to ASAP by flagged?
Yes, IAW AR 600-8-2
What does AER stand for?
Army Emergency Relief
Who does AER coordinate closely with?
American Red Cross
What AR covers AER?
AR 930-4
Who does AER help?
Soldiers on extended AD and their dependents
Members of the Reserve Components on AD for more than 30 days
Retired soldiers from AD due to longevity or physical disability/ retired at age 60 (reserve)
Widows and orphans of soldiers who died while on AD or after retirement
How are monetary contributions made to AER?
Cash, Check, Allotment
How does the AER provide financial assistance?
through loan w/o interest, grant, or combination of both
What is the purpose of the AER?
to provide financial assistance to soldiers in times of distress
What is the minimum amount that can be contributed to AER through allotment?
$1 month for 3 months
How is AER funded?
through voluntary contribution from soldiers
unsolicited contributions
repayments of loans
income from investments
What does EO stand for?
Equal Opportunity
What does EOR stand for?
Equal Opportunity Representative
What rank should an EOR normally be?
SGT through 1LT
What AR covers the EO Program?
AR 600-20 ch. 6
What are the goals of the EO program?
to provide EO for personnel and their families within the limits for the law (local, state, host nation)
to CREATE and SUSTAIN effective units by eliminating dissimilatory behaviors
What are the 3 policies each commander is required to publish and post on EO?
Written command policy statements for EO
Prevention of Sexual Harassment
EO Complaint Procedures
How many periods of EO training should a soldier have per year?
4 (1 each quarter)
What is an AAP? (Affirmative Actions Plan)
management document that consists of statements of attainable goals and timetables
Who is the primary source for solving EO complaints?
Your chain of command
What does ARC stand for?
Army Red Cross
What AR covers ARC?
AR 930-5
What is the major service that the Red Cross offers?
communication b/w soldiers and their families for both problem solving and emergency
What does the NCODP stand for?
Noncommissioned Officer Development Program
What is the goal of the NCODP?
their goal is to INCREASE and SUSTAIN NCO combat readiness and compliments the overarching NCO Professional Development Program
Who is responsible for NCODP?
the command
Who typically manages NCODP?
the CSM or Senior NCO
Name one objective of the NCODP?
Develop NCOs who are self-aware, adaptive, competent, and confident
What AR covers the NCODP?
AR 350-1 ch. 4
What is the purpose of AR 350-1?
prescribes the policies, procedures, and responsibilities for developing, managing, and conducting Army training and leader development