Aristotle Flashcards
Material Cause- define
All things are made of some matter
e.g. Marble, flesh, blood
Formal Cause- define
All things have some form; they are made to be something e.g. trees, chairs etc.
Efficient cause- define
All things are brought about by something else; something causes them to be, e.g. watchmaker, sculptor, hammer, chisel etc.
Final cause- define
All things have a purpose for which they exist, e.g. the eye for seeing
Prime mover- define
The thing that started everything, Aristotle thought it was God
Telos- define
The final end of things; what they are made to do
What are the 4 causes?
Material, Efficient, Form, Final
What do the 4 causes explain?
A complete explanation of anything would consist of the 4 causes
Motion- define
All things are in motion, caused by other things that move them
What is Actuality/Potentiality
Things that are actually in one state are potentially in another state but need moving to change from one to the other
Prime motion
there must be a prime mover, who himself unmoved, who can move other things (God)
Indivisible- define
Divine simplicity
Necessary- define
The prime mover cannot not exist
Reality- Define
The ultimate truth of all things
Transcendent- Define
Not of this world
Unchanging- define
The prime mover is pure actuality
What would Russel say about the 4 causes?
It works on earth, but the statement “the universe itself has 4 causes” is not observable so cannot be verified