ARIMA MLM Flashcards
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) is a popular time series forecasting model.
- Introduction
ARIMA is a statistical method for time series forecasting. It stands for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average. It combines autoregressive, differencing, and moving average components into a holistic approach for modeling time series data.
- Autoregressive Component (AR)
The autoregressive part (AR) of ARIMA indicates that the evolving variable of interest is regressed on its own lagged values, i.e., previous observations. The number of lagged observations in the model is referred to as p.
- Integrated Component (I)
The integrated part (I) represents the differencing to make the time series stationary, i.e., to remove trend and seasonal structures that make the time series non-stationary. Differencing is the transformation of the time series data to the difference between the current and the previous observation. The number of differences needed for stationarity is represented as d.
- Moving Average Component (MA)
The moving average part (MA) represents the dependency between an observation and a residual error from a moving average model applied to lagged observations. The number of lagged forecast errors in the model is represented as q.
- Parameter Estimation
The parameters of the ARIMA model (p, d, q) are typically estimated using techniques like the Box-Jenkins Method, which involves steps such as checking stationarity, differencing until the series is stationary, selecting the AR and MA order, and checking the model with diagnostic plots.
- Forecasting
Once the model is fit, it can be used for forecasting future points in the time series. Confidence intervals are typically provided with these forecasts representing the uncertainty in the forecasts.
- Strengths and Limitations
ARIMA models are flexible and can handle a wide range of time series patterns. However, they assume a linear relationship and normally distributed residuals, which might not hold for all types of time series data. They may also not work well with high-frequency data, like hourly data, or with data that has a very complex seasonal pattern.
- Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA)
For time series data with a seasonal component, a Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) can be used, which includes additional parameters (P, D, Q, m) to account for seasonality. ‘P’, ‘D’ and ‘Q’ denote the seasonal autoregressive, differencing and moving average terms, and ‘m’ refers to the number of periods in each season.
- ARIMA in Practice
In practical applications, ARIMA is widely used in econometrics and financial analytics, for predicting metrics such as sales, stock prices, and economic indicators.