Arguments for the existence of God (Ontological, Teleological, Moral, Cosmological) Flashcards
a statement that contains the truth needed to verify it within the statement itself
a statement which needs external evidence to verify if it’s true/false
must exist, cannot not exist
a quality or property of an object: something that adds to its description
depends on something else for its existence, can cease to exist
Ockham’s Razor
do not multiply entities beyond necessity; the simplest explanation is the best
Infinite Regress
a chain of events going backwards forever
Aquinas’ Five Ways
motion, cause, contingency (cosmological)
design (teleological)
end, result, purpose
Design qua Regularity
design ‘as relating to’ the regular cycles and natural laws of the world
Design qua Purpose
design ‘as relating to’ purpose
Id, Ego and Superego
desires, reasoning/balancing of id/superego shaped by external influences
a possible solution; assumption
Summum Bonum
highest good, where virtue and happiness coincide
Oedipus Complex
suppressed guilt from child wanting mother
Epicurean Hypothesis
given infinite time, infinite number of particles, order could be produced by chance
Fallacy of Composition
what is observed about the parts cannot be assumed to be the same for the whole
Principle of Sufficient Reason
the complete and full explanantion