ARF and ARDS Flashcards
What is Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF)?
- State of disturbed gas exchange resulting in abnormal ABG
- Condition that develops rapidly with little time for physiologic compensation
PaCO2 is the most important criteria in labelling RF
- PaCO2 < 60 mmHg
~ Hypoxemia
- PaCO2 > 50 mmHg
~ Hypercapnia
- pH <7.35 when px is on room air
What are the types of ARF?
Type I (Failure of oxygenation/perfusion)
- PaO2 < 60 mmHg but PaCO2 is normal/low
~ Hypoxemia w/o hypercapnia
Type II (Failure of ventilation)
- PaO2 < 60 mmHg + PaCO2 > 50 mmHg
~ Hypoxemia w hypercapnia
Type III (due to lung atelectasis)
- Common perioperatively
~ After GA, dec in functional capacity can lead to collapse of lung units
Type IV (due to hypoperfusion of resp. muscles in shock)
- Px in shock often experience resp. distress due to pulmonary edema, lactic acidosis and anemia
What is the pathophysiology of hypoxemia?
1) Diffusion limitation
- O2 con. is alveoli is unchanged/unaffected, but gas transfer ability is impaired
2) Alveolar hypoventilation
- Lungs do not adequately exchange gases due to insufficient ventilation of the alveoli
3) Low inspired oxygen
- eg in commercial flights
4) V/Q mismatch
- a) Impaired ventilation, preserved perfusion
~ Area of the lung can receive little ventilation in comparison to the amount that can be perfused
- b) Impaired perfusion, preserved ventilation
~ PE
What is the pathophysiology of hypercapnia?
- Due to alveolar hypoventilation
- If the capacity of muscle pump is slightly > load, uncomfortable compensation occurs
~ Dyspnoea - If capacity of pump < load, body is unable to compensate
~ Respiratory failure
What are the common causes of Type I ARF?
- V/Q mismatch
~ Imbalance between ventilation (V)—the air reaching the alveoli—and perfusion (Q)—the blood flow reaching the alveoli for gas exchange in the lungs
~ Eg PE - Alveolar hypoventilation
- Diffusion problem
- Shunt
- Bronchial asthma
- Emphysema
- Bronchitis
- Pneumonia
- PE
- HF
- ARDS Type I/II
What are the common causes of Type II ARF?
- ^ airway resistance
~ eg COPD - Reduced WOB
- Dec in area of lung for gas exchange
~ eg bronchitis - Neuromuscular problems
~ Myasthenia gravis
~ Spinal cord trauma - CNS depression
~ Head injuries
~ Drug overdoes
What are the early clinical signs of ARF in general?
- Restlessness, fatigue
- Headache
- Dyspnea, use of accessory muscles, paradoxical breathing
- Tachypnea
- ^ BP
What are the late clinical signs of ARF in general?
- Confusion
- Central cyanosis
- Diaphoresis
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnea, respiratory arrest
What are the complications of respiratory failure?
- Chronic RF -> Pulmonary vasoconstriction -> Pulmonary arterial hypertension -> Right ventricular function impaired -> Right heart failure
What investigations are done for respiratory failure?
- U/E/Cr
- Lung CT
- Sputum, blood, urine c/s
What are the treatment goals for RF?
1) Maintain adequate air patency
- Chest PT, brochodilators, NIV, intubation
2) Correct underlying cause
3) Optimizing oxygen delivery
- Supplemental O2, positioning, blood transfusion to ensure sufficient Hb
4) Minimizing oxygen demand
- Timing of ADLs, bed rest, addressing sepsis, restlessness & px-ventilator desynchrony
5) Preventing complications
What is the treatment for hypoxemic RF?
- Long-term O2 therapy >15 hrs/day
~ If PaO2 is <7.3 kPa
What is the treatment for hypercapnic RF?
- Domiciliary (home) non-invasive ventilation
What is the treatment for Type III RF?
- Frequent changes in position, chest PT and control of pain
- NIV to reduce regional atelectasis
What is the treatment for Type IV RF?
- Intubation
- MV to redistribute CO away from respiratory muscles and back to vital organs while the shock is being treated