Areas of Business Flashcards
How firms obtain and use capital (money, equipment) for business operations, circulation of money, granting of credit (loans) and making investments.
Process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
Study of how people use their limited resources to satisfy wants and needs.
Importing/exporting and how business interactions among various countries are modified based on cultural and legal differences.
international business
Organizing, operating and assuming the risk for a business venture.
Study of how people use their limited resources to satisfy wants and needs.
Accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources.
Record business transactions, prepare budgets, analyze statements and calculate the value of a person or business.
Process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
Organizing, operating and assuming the risk for a business venture.
Contracts, ethics and other topics as they relate to a consumer’s rights in society.
business law
International Business
Importing/exporting and how business interactions among various countries are modified based on cultural and legal differences.
Record business transactions, prepare budgets, analyze statements and calculate the value of a person or business.
How firms obtain and use capital (money, equipment) for business operations, circulation of money, granting of credit (loans) and making investments.
Business Law
Contracts, ethics and other topics as they relate to a consumer’s rights in society.
Accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources.