AREA 1 Flashcards
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Board Exam (Non-PAES contents)
guidelines in the preparation and evaluation of feasibility study for agricultural and fisheries facilities, agri-fisheries machinery and equipment service centers, and other agri-fisheries mechanization project
DA MO no 61, s of 2020
is the combination of knowledge, skill and attitude possessed by a person
a roofed structure used to house mechanical dryers for agricultural commodities and as a temporary storage of products
drying center
refers to any units of the DA that provides agricultural machinery, equipment, and facilities such as the national banner programs, RFOS, DA bureaus
implementing offices
refers to a private, nonprofit voluntary organization of ICCS, duly accredited by the national commission on indigenous people(NCIP)
indigenous people organization
a roofed structure with concrete walls and pavement housing system of machinery for rice milling. These processing machines may include those for drying
rice processing center
multi stage rice mill will be provided
multi stage rice mill, dryer, and warehouse will be provided
roofed structure with concrete pavement used to store harvested corn and a multi stage drying system. The system includes machines for drying of corn-on-cobs, shelling, drying of corn grains, bagging of dried grains and series of elevators and conveyors for the movement of materials and products along the system
village type corn processing center VTCPC
corn processing center CPC
minimum coverage area for RPC I and RPC II
100 ha
minimum coverage area for VTCPC
75 ha
process of analyzing the problem scenario or the problematic situation in a certain locality based on objectives, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
project identification
parts of a feasibility study
project summary
feasibility analysis software
bytex feasibility analyzer
article 2 AFMECH
national agri-fishery mechanization program
agri-fisheries machinery and equipment service shall provide
a. after sales service
b. chs
c. repair and troubleshooting
d. training and maintenance
BAFPS meaning
bureau of agriculture and fisheries product standards
national agricultural and fishery council
who appoints the bureau director and assistant bureau director sa BAFE
how many divisions sa bafe and unsa na sila
-engineering plans, designs and specifications
-programs and projects management
-standard regulation and enforcement
-administration and finance
unsay gi rename sa bafps
bureau of agriculture and fisheries standards
RA 7160
local government code of 1991
fines sa mga pag labag sa afmech
not less than 1000 but not greater than 10,000
imprisonment- 2mos to 1 year
tig oversight sa afmech law
congressional oversight committee on agricultural and fisheries modernization
pila ka steps ang feasibility study na activities
pila ka steps ang FS preparation
if walay DED na mabutang sa FS, unsay pwede ibutang
preliminary design with cost estimates
minimum cost of FS preparation
5% for the first 50 M cost plus 2.5% for the excess sa 50 M
steps in FS evaluation and approval
Protective devices designed and fitted so that alone or with other parts of the machine, they prevent the dangerous part being reached from the side
Protective devices designed and fitted so that alone or with other parts of the machine, they
prevent the dangerous part being reached, tas sides kay covered
Protective device designed and fitted so that, alone or with other parts of the machine, it
prevents contact with the dangerous part from all sides
safety distance for upward reach
2.5 m
PAES 224:2015
rice combine specifications
portion of the rice combine harvester comprising the mechanism for gathering, cutting, and picking the crop
oscillating rate of the oscillating screen sa rice combine
300-400 times per minute
oscillating structure which supports the cleaning sieve(s) and which may also support the chaffer and the chaffer extension
shaker shoe
assembly of 2 or more racks which agitates the straw and separates the remaining grains from straw
straw walker
element placed on the rear side of the cylinder and above to rear ward of concave or concave grate extension or transition grate to assist the deflection of straw on straw walker
stripper beater
classification of rice combine
ride on
walk behind
common type sa rice combine diri pinas
minimum field eff for rice combine
maximum header loss for rice combine
maximum separation loss for rice combine
maximum blower loss for rice combine
maximum unthreshed loss for rice combine
maximum scattering loss for rice combine
minimum purity for rice combine *with fan
minimum purity for rice combine *w/out fan
maximum broken grains for rice combine
maximum net cracked grain for rice combine
max noise level for rice combine
95 db
reel speed for rice combine
25-50% faster than the ground speed
recommended peripheral speed of the threshing drum
20-30 m/s
abe law article 1
general provisions
pila kabuok scope of practice ang naas abe law as an ABE
article 2 sa abe law
prb of abe
NEDA meaning
national economic and development authority
REPAFS meaning
renewable energy program for the agriculture and fisheries sector
qualifications para mahimong member sa board ABE
-at least 35 yrs old
-practitioner for at least 10 years
-dapat for a period of 3 consecutive yrs dili connected to any review center nor institution
member in good standing dapat sa AIPO for at least pila ka years
at least 5 yrs, tas dapat dili incumbent officer
planters designed to plant seeds continuously in rows with row spacing greater than 36 cm
row crop drill planter
designed to plant one or more seeds or plants in rows and in hills
hill drop planter
designed to plant seeds continuously in rows with row spacing LESS THAN 36 cm
solid drill planter
unsa nga crop ang naay pinaka taas ug yield losses due to uncontrolled weeds
upland rice
pinakagamay ug yield losses due to uncontrolled weeds
pinaka taas ug manual labor use sa lowland rice operation
weeding with push type weeder
pinakagamay ug manual labor use sa lowland rice operation
rodent control
abe law article 3
examination, registration and license
unsa na section sa abe law gi state na kelangan mupasar sa licensure exam before mahimong official na abe
article 3 section 14
pila ka subjects ang naas scope of examination
unsa na article nakasuwat nga kelangan tanan nakapasar kay mag apil ug oath taking
article 3 section 21