are selectively logged forests worth protecting? (lecture 11) Flashcards
What is the extent of logging in tropical forests?
Asnet et al., 2009
- 2000-2005
- 20% tropical forests logged
Blaser et al., 2011
- 400 million hectares in permanent timber estate
- logged forests now dominate remaining tropical forest cover
What is tropical logging?
- in temperate zone you get “clear cutting”
- in tropics: selective logging
- only large, marketable trees removed
- smaller or less desirable species left
- extent of damage depends on how much wood is cut
How do selective logging management plans run? What does early re-entry logging do?
- cut trees above a certain DBH: 50-60cm
- harvest in rotations, ~40-70yrs apart
- early re-entry logging starting in some areas
- fish down the value chain
- reduced tree size ~40cm DBH
- reopen/create more logging roads
- further damages forest
- reduces future timber yields
What is ecosystem functioning?
- biological, geochemical and physical processed that operate within an ecosystem, sustaining it and enabling it to supply ecosystem services
- nutrient cycling, seed dispersal, pollination etc
- interactions within/between ecosystem structural components
- biodiversity, water, soil etc
What is the effect of logging on biodiversity?
- logging changes species composition
- some species extinct in landscape
- logging harmful, relogging magnifies harm
- substantial biodiversity persists
- including IUCN red-list specie e.g orang-utan
- less harmful than any other disturbance types (Gibson et al., 2011)
What is the effect of conversion of tropical forest to agriculture on biodiversity?
- massive loss of biodiversity in oil palm converted land even compared to logged
- all species, espescially red list species
What are the impacts of logging on species interactions?
- want to conserve whole network of life
- including species functioning
- functional diversity relates directly to ecosystem functioning
- involves array of traits e.g. feeding guilds, foraging behaviour, morphology
- shift of traits in logged forest
- ## big trait losses, small trait gainsoill palm
- birds: increase in granivorous, arrival of water related species, loss of bark gleaners
- dung beetles: absence of rollers, fewer diet generalists, more small bodied
What are impacts on trophic (feeding) ecology?
- nitrogen isotopes of bird claw
- assimilate bird diet over 2-3 months
- determine how high individuals feed up the food chain
- measured trophic positions >1150 individuals of 73 species
- birds now feed higher up food chain
What are impacts of logging on functioning?
- logged forest retains high diversity of functional traits (oil palm leads to dramatic loss)
- functional overlap in logged forest indicates resilience to further disturbance
- same species eat more insects than fruit in logged forest
- is this a sign of bad things to come, or sign that food web plasticity adds to community resilience against disturbance
What are the impacts of logging on ecosystem services?
- tropical forests provide many ecosystem services
e. g. carbon storage - logging decreases C storage
- 47-97% range in C retained year after logging, variation in logging intensity
- average of 76%
Are logged forests more vulnerable than primary forest?
- indonesian borneo
- rate of clearance same in logged forest/PAs
- active logging concessions protect forest
- clearance much higher in agriculture reclassifications from logging concessions
- revenue loss after logging make clearance attractive
- amazon
- rate of clearance of logging concessions same as primary forest <5 km and >25 km from roads
- 5-25 km from roads, logged forests 2-4 x more likely to be cleared
How do roads for logging affect biodiversity?
- logging roads expanding
- 51,916km of logging road
- increasing 660km/yr since 2000
- increases accessibility & therefore bushmeat and roadkill
- elephant populations in african forest highest further from roads
How does logging affect fires?
- canopy disruption and roads promote dessication
- fine slash from logging highly flammable
- susceptibility does diminish in a few years though
Are logged forest worth protecting?
- vast in area
- logging is harmful to biodiversity
- but logged forests retain much biodiversity and carbon storage
- conversion of logged forests to agriculture causes bigger losses of both
- logging concessions need better management