ARDS Flashcards
How does the Berlin Definition describe ARDS?
-Acute, diffuse inflammatory lung injury
-Causes alveolar damage
-Leads to hypoxia
-Increased vascular permeability
-Decreased lung compliance
What is the mortality rate of ARDS?
What are the criteria for mild, moderate, severe ARDS?
For all the PEEP or CPAP needs to be at least 5
-Mild = PaO2/FiO2 200-300
-Moderate = PaO2/FiO2 100-200
-Severe = PaO2/FiO2 <100
What are the components of the Berline Definition for ARDS?
-Must develop within 1 week of known clinical insult or new or worsening respiratory symptoms
-Associated with bilateral opacities on chest imaging not fully explained by other pulmonary or cardiac processes
What are the most common inciting events for ARDS?
aspiration and sepsis
What are some risk factors for developing ARDS?
alcohol use
lactic acidosis
What is the pathophysiology behind the b/l patchy opacities seen on imaging?
proteinaceous intersitial ededma
What are the tidal volume and plateau pressure goals in ARDS?
Tv 4-6mL/kg
Pplat </= 30cmH2O
First try to fix Pplat >30 w/ lower Tv if able
What ventilatory changes are seen as a result of low tidal volume ventilation?
-reduced minute ventilation
-this leads to elevated pCO2 (permissive hypercapnia) and a resulting acidosis (can be as low as pH 7.2)
What changes can be made if a patient develops asynchrony and breath stacking due to lower Tv?
-increasing sedation (especially problem is tachypnea with patient overbreathing vent)
-alter I:O ratio so longer expiratory times
-if really needed can increase Tv to 7-8
What are the oxygenation goals in ventilation for ARDS?
-FiO2 < 0.7
-pO2 > 55mmHg
-sats >88%
What is an unintended consequence of high PEEP?
increased plateau pressures
What is an uninteded consequnces of low tidal volume?
breath stacking and severe acidosis/hypercapnia
What is the mechanical ventilation variable that is most associated with survival in ARDS patients?
driving pressure (delta P)
-Tv and PEEP aren’t independently associated with survival unless they subsequently cause a decrease in driving pressure
What is the goal range for driving pressure in ARDS?
less than or equal to 13cmH2O
What are contraindications to ECMO?
-inability to anticoagulate
-metastatic cancer w/ decreased life span
-severe TBI or intracranial bleed
-high pressure or high FiO2 requirements for >7 days
-irreversible lung conditions
What is one finding that helps differentiate ARDS from cardiogenic pulmonary edema?
-cardiogenic pulmonary edema will have PCWP > 18mmHg
What are the pathophysiologic changes seen in ARDS?
-decreased lung volume
-decreased compliance
-increased physiologic dead space
-higher inflection point on vol-pressure curve