Arctic (general) Flashcards
Arctic Ecology
Scientific overview.
* Humans have been in the Arctic since at least the last Ice Age
* Paleolithic settlements have been dated to about 40kya in the Eastern European Arctic
* There are more than 21k species
* A wide range of landscapes, from mountains and plains to glaciers and lakes
Thomas (2021)
North Pole
Bravo (2019)
The Arctic: what everyone needs to know
Dodds & Nuttall (2019)
A history of the Arctic
History of Arctic is mostly economically driven, from furs/coal/gold and power to hydrocarbons.
During WWII, it changed from being considered a frontier to being seen as a theatre of military conflict, physically accessible and economically valuable.
McCannon (2012)
Bravo (2015)
Arctic discourses
Arctic has a huge range of definitions.
* ‘The question is not where the Arctic begins, but where we think and have thought that the Arctic begins’
* Arcticisms: to refer to how a set of images circulates to constitute knowledge of what is actually a heterogenous terrain
* Fixed tropes allow familiarity and leave little room for new narratives
Ryall et al (2010)
What is the imagined North?
The imagined North: a network of links between a place’s material reality, its imaginaries and broader cultural dynamics
Chartier (2018)
Visual representations of the Arctic
The Arctic is a hyper-visible place.
* Visuality = shifting meanings, circulated as image in contexts
* Visual realm is heterogenous, but visualities repeat and circulate familiar imagery
* Visual systems are not netural but informed by imperialism, modertniy etc
Lehtimaki et al (2021)
Governing complexity in the Arctic Region
Confining our analysis of governance to the Arctic Council is an incomplete picture. A number of instittuions within and relating to the Arctic has multiplied massively in recent years as it has grown in mandate, policy-making role and institutional capacity
Landriault et al (2019)
Arctic governance: power in cross-border cooperation
Rather than trying to understand what power is, or who has power, we can understand the performance of power in practice.
Four key propositions including that cross-border cooperation actually plays out in a social space marked by informal norms.
Rowe (2018)
Towards an Arctic Treaty?
Antarctic Treaty was shaped by a fundamental disagreement on sovereignty over the Antarctic but no such claims exist in the Arctic, so such calls are inappropriate.
Molenaar (2014)
China as a Polar Great Power
Brady (2017)
Is there an Asian Arctic?
Bennett (2014)
How China sees the Arctic.
Territorial & globalist
Bennett (2015)
Singapore: The ‘Global City’ in a globalising Arctic
Bennett (2017)
Arctic as a regional security complex.
Sadurski (2024)
The death of Arctic exceptionalism
Bennett (2023)
Norwegian deep-sea mining
Bennett (2023)
Paradise Found
William Warren (1885)