Architecture Content Framework Flashcards
Define Building Block
- Component of business, IT, architectural capability- Combines with other building blocks- To deliver architectures and solutions
- Functionality and attributes- Security, capability, manageability- Interfaces supplied- Interoperability and relationships to BBs- Dependent building blocks- Mapping to business entities and policies- List of reusable ABBs
ABB specifications should contain
- Representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of concerns- What a stakeholder sees/is interested in- An instance templated by a viewpoint
Define View
Define Methodology
- Defined repeatable steps to address a problem- Defines a process and/or content
- Construction of models of a subject- Enables reasoning, insight, and clarity
Define Modeling
- Key interests important to a stakeholder- Determine acceptability of a system
Define Concern
- Existing IT resources - TOGAF Reference Model (TRM) - Generic industry reference models - Technology models for common architectures
List Architecture Repository resources for C
- 1: Select reference models, viewpoints, tools- 2: Develop baseline architecture description- 3: Develop target architecture description- 4: Perform gap analysis- 5: Define candidate roadmap components- 6: Resolve impacts across Arch landscape
What are the 9 steps in ADM phases B-D
- Formal work of an architecture project- Produced as outputs of ADM phases/cycles
What is an Architecture Deliverable
- An idea that is useful in practical contexts- A way of putting building blocks into context- Describe reusable solutions to a problem- Describe how, when, why, what tradeoffs- Help architect identify combinations of BBs
Define Architecture Patterns
Define Architecture Building Block (ABB)
- Constituent of Architecture Model - Describes a single aspect of overall model
- Component of business, IT, architectural capability- Combines with other building blocks- To deliver architectures and solutions
Define Building Block
Recommended steps to create architecture views
- Refer to a library of viewpoints (e.g., TOGAF)- Select key stakeholders- Analyze their concerns and document them- Select appropriate viewpoints for concerns- Generate views using selected viewpoints
- Performance- Reliability- Security- Distribution- Evolvability
Examples of concerns
List/summarize 3 kinds of artifacts
- Catalogs: lists of things- Matrices: Show relationships between things- Diagrams: Pictures or illustrations
What is a building block
- Functionality that meets a business need- Has published interfaces to access function- Interoperates with other building blocks
- Applications- Hardware- Subsystems- Systems of systems- Product lines- Enterprises- Other aggregations
Examples of systems
ABB specifications should contain
- Functionality and attributes- Security, capability, manageability- Interfaces supplied- Interoperability and relationships to BBs- Dependent building blocks- Mapping to business entities and policies- List of reusable ABBs
Deliverables are
- Work contractually specified- Reviewed, agreed, signed off by stakeholders- Archived or stored in an Architecture Repository- Reference model, standard, or snapshot
- Catalogs: lists of things- Matrices: Show relationships between things- Diagrams: Pictures or illustrations
List/summarize 3 kinds of artifacts
- Defines the perspective of a view- How to construct, information, models- Vantage point you are looking from- A template for a view- Might involve a specialized language
Define Viewpoint
- Supports + implements the Enterprise Continuum- Stores architectural output of ADM work
Describe the Architecture Repository
- Architecture Building Blocks (ABB)– Functional groupings- Solution Building Blocks (SBB)– Real products or custom development
List and describe 2 types of building blocks
- ABB: Architectural building block– Describes a required capability- SBB: Solution building block– Implements an architectural capability
List/summarize 2 kinds of building blocks
Examples of systems
- Applications- Hardware- Subsystems- Systems of systems- Product lines- Enterprises- Other aggregations
Define Modeling
- Construction of models of a subject- Enables reasoning, insight, and clarity
- Considers implementation and usage- Exploits technology and standards- May be assembled from other building blocks- May be a subassembly of a building block- Reusable and replaceable- Well specified with stable interfaces- Specification loos
What are characteristics of a good building block
List characteristics of SBBs
- Define implementing products and components- Define the implementation- Fulfill business requirements- Product and vendor aware
List/summarize 2 kinds of building blocks
- ABB: Architectural building block– Describes a required capability- SBB: Solution building block– Implements an architectural capability
List Architecture Repository resources for C
- Existing IT resources - TOGAF Reference Model (TRM) - Generic industry reference models - Technology models for common architectures
Define Metadata
- Data about data- Describes characteristics of an entity
- Data about data- Describes characteristics of an entity
Define Metadata
- Constituent of Architecture Model - Describes a single aspect of overall model
Define Architecture Building Block (ABB)
- Define implementing products and components- Define the implementation- Fulfill business requirements- Product and vendor aware
List characteristics of SBBs
- Work contractually specified- Reviewed, agreed, signed off by stakeholders- Archived or stored in an Architecture Repository- Reference model, standard, or snapshot
Deliverables are
Define Viewpoint
- Defines the perspective of a view- How to construct, information, models- Vantage point you are looking from- A template for a view- Might involve a specialized language
What should an architecture view provide
- Should address stakeholder concerns- Views should be connected to each other- Conflicting concerns should be reconciled- Trade-offs made should be documented
- Defined repeatable steps to address a problem- Defines a process and/or content
Define Methodology
- Components of business, IT, architecture- Can be combined with other building blocks- Deliver architectures and solutions- Described by artifacts or building blocks
Building blocks are
Describe the Architecture Repository
- Supports + implements the Enterprise Continuum- Stores architectural output of ADM work
Define Architecture Patterns
- An idea that is useful in practical contexts- A way of putting building blocks into context- Describe reusable solutions to a problem- Describe how, when, why, what tradeoffs- Help architect identify combinations of BBs
Examples of concerns
- Performance- Reliability- Security- Distribution- Evolvability
- Should address stakeholder concerns- Views should be connected to each other- Conflicting concerns should be reconciled- Trade-offs made should be documented
What should an architecture view provide
SBB specifications should contain
- Specific functionality and attributes- Interfaces implemented- Required SBBs and interface names- Mapping from SBBs to IT topology and policies- Security, capability, manageability- Performance, configurability- Design drivers and constraint
How does the ADM use building blocks
- A: High level model of candidate ABBs- B-D: Define ABBs for BDAT domains in 9 steps- E: Select and/or associate SBBs with ABBs.
Define System
- Collection of components- Organized to accomplish a function(s)
List some examples of artifacts
- Requirements catalog- Business interaction matrix- Use case diagram- Network diagram- Server specification
What is an Architecture Deliverable
- Formal work of an architecture project- Produced as outputs of ADM phases/cycles
List and describe 2 types of building blocks
- Architecture Building Blocks (ABB)– Functional groupings- Solution Building Blocks (SBB)– Real products or custom development
- Specific functionality and attributes- Interfaces implemented- Required SBBs and interface names- Mapping from SBBs to IT topology and policies- Security, capability, manageability- Performance, configurability- Design drivers and constraint
SBB specifications should contain
- Requirements catalog- Business interaction matrix- Use case diagram- Network diagram- Server specification
List some examples of artifacts
List characteristics of ABBs
- Define what functionality to be implemented- Capture architecture requirements (BDAT)- Direct and guide development of SBBs
Building blocks are
- Components of business, IT, architecture- Can be combined with other building blocks- Deliver architectures and solutions- Described by artifacts or building blocks
Artifacts are
- Describes an aspect of the architecture- Components of architectural deliverables
- Define what functionality to be implemented- Capture architecture requirements (BDAT)- Direct and guide development of SBBs
List characteristics of ABBs
Define Concern
- Key interests important to a stakeholder- Determine acceptability of a system
- Architecture building blocks (ABB)- Architecture contract- Architecture definition document- Architecture principles- Architecture requirements specification- Architecture roadmap- Architecture vision- Business principles, goals, drivers
List some Architecture Deliverables
- Refer to a library of viewpoints (e.g., TOGAF)- Select key stakeholders- Analyze their concerns and document them- Select appropriate viewpoints for concerns- Generate views using selected viewpoints
Recommended steps to create architecture views
- Collection of components- Organized to accomplish a function(s)
Define System
- Describes an aspect of the architecture- Components of architectural deliverables
Artifacts are
- Functionality that meets a business need- Has published interfaces to access function- Interoperates with other building blocks
What is a building block
What are the 9 steps in ADM phases B-D
- 1: Select reference models, viewpoints, tools- 2: Develop baseline architecture description- 3: Develop target architecture description- 4: Perform gap analysis- 5: Define candidate roadmap components- 6: Resolve impacts across Arch landscape
List some Architecture Deliverables
- Architecture building blocks (ABB)- Architecture contract- Architecture definition document- Architecture principles- Architecture requirements specification- Architecture roadmap- Architecture vision- Business principles, goals, drivers
Define View
- Representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of concerns- What a stakeholder sees/is interested in- An instance templated by a viewpoint
What are characteristics of a good building block
- Considers implementation and usage- Exploits technology and standards- May be assembled from other building blocks- May be a subassembly of a building block- Reusable and replaceable- Well specified with stable interfaces- Specification loos
- A: High level model of candidate ABBs- B-D: Define ABBs for BDAT domains in 9 steps- E: Select and/or associate SBBs with ABBs.
How does the ADM use building blocks