architectural vocabulary Flashcards
'’geometry (n)
the branch of mathematics that deals with the measurements and relationship of lines, angles, surfaces.
‘manner (n)
the way that something is done or happens.
'’proximity (n)
the state of being near sb/sth in distance or time.
‘notion (n)
an idea, a belief or an understanding of sth.
'’accommodate (v)
to provide sb with a room or place to sleep, live or sit.
‘capture (v)
to make sb interested in sth.
‘isolate (v)
to separate a part of a situation, problem or idea.
'’originate (v)
to create something new.
dwell on (v)
to think or talk a lot about sth, especially sth it would be better to forget.
'’symmetrical (adj)
it’s an adjective of symmetry (n)
'’geometrical (adj)
it’s an adjective of geometry (n)
’'’intermediary (n)
this is a person or an organization that help other people or organization make an agreement by being a mean of conversation between them.
’'’panoramic (adj)
with a view of a wide area of land
'’adjacent to sth (adj) or adjacent + N
next to something
'’illuminate (v)
to shine light on sth
‘staggered (adj) + at/by sth
very surprised and shocked at sth you are told or at sth that happen
’’'’illumination (n)
- a place where light come from to illuminate.
- bright colorful lights are used to decorate building or a room in special occasions.
'’typology (n)
a system of dividing things into different types.
’'’isolation (n)
the act of separating sth/sb.
'’enclosure (n)
- the piece of land where is surrounded by a fence that is used for a particular purpose.
- the act of build a fence or a wall around a piece of land.
‘generate (v)
to create or produce something like energy, especially electricity.
‘clarify (v)
make sth clearer or easier to understand.
‘distinguish (v)
to recognize the difference between two things or people.