Archer Takeoff and Landing Profiles Flashcards
What is our pre-takeoff brief?
Pre-Takeoff Briefing (Standard Procedures)
Engine failure or abnormality prior to rotation:
- Abort takeoff – throttle immediately closed
- Brake as required – stop straight ahead
If not enough runway to stop:
- Mixture to cutoff
- Fuel selector, magnetos, and battery master off
- Avoid obstacles
Engine failure after rotation with sufficient runway remaining for a complete stop:
- Throttle immediately closed
- Land straight ahead, brake as required
Engine failure after rotation with no runway remaining:
- Maintain control/pitch for best glide
- Only shallow turns to avoid obstacles
- Flaps as necessary for safe touchdown
- Throttle closed
- Mixture to cutoff
- Fuel selector, magnetos, and battery master off
- Touchdown at lowest speed possible
What is our normal takeoff procedure?
Normal Takeoff (Flaps 0°)
Do not delay on runway.
- Line up on centerline positioning controls for wind
- Hold brakes
- Increase throttle to 2000 RPM
- Check engine gauges
- Release brakes
- Increase throttle to full power
- “Airspeed Alive”
- Start slow rotation at 60 KIAS
- Accelerate to 76 KIAS (VY)
- “After Takeoff Checklist” out of 1,000’ AGL
What is our short-field takeoff procedure?
Short-Field Takeoff & Climb (Flaps 25°)
- Flaps 25°
- Hold brakes at departure end of runway
- Increase throttles to 2000 RPM
- Check engine gauges
- Increase throttles to full power
- Release brakes
- “Airspeed Alive”
- Begin rotation at 55 KIAS to climb at 64 KIAS (VX) over a 50’ obstacle
- At safe altitude, slowly retract flaps.
- Accelerate and climb at 76 KIAS (VY) when clear of obstacles
- “After Takeoff Checklist” out of 1,000’ AGL
What is our soft-field takeoff procedure?
Soft-Field Takeoff & Climb (Flaps 25°)
- Flaps 25°
- Roll onto runway with full aft yoke – minimum braking – do not stop
- Smoothly apply full power - check engine gauges
- As nose lifts off, ease back pressure (nose wheel must remain off ground)
- Lift off at lowest possible airspeed – remain in ground effect
- In ground effect – accelerate to 64 KIAS (VX) – begin climb
- Retract flaps slowly when established at VX and clear of obstacles.
- Accelerate to 76 KIAS (VY)
- “After Takeoff Checklist” out of 1,000’ AGL
What calls should we be making while making our approach to land?
Announced Calls on Approach
“Before Landing Checklist”
- Visual: Prior to descending from Traffic Pattern Altitude (TPA) (abeam approach end on downwind)
- ILS: 1⁄2 dot below glideslope intercept
- Non-Precision: 2 NM prior to FAF
“1,000 To Go”
- Instrument: 1,000’ above MDA or DH
“100 To Go”
- Instrument: Prior to MDA or DH
- Instrument: at MDA or DH
What is our normal visual approach and landing procedure?
Normal Visual Approach & Landing
- Complete the “Approach Checklist” before entering the airport; devote full attention to aircraft control and traffic avoidance.
- Slow to 90 KIAS prior to entering downwind or traffic pattern.
- Enter traffic pattern at published TPA (typically 1,000’ AGL).
- Complete the “Before Landing Checklist” when established on the downwind.
- When abeam touchdown point, on extended base, or on extended final (when ready to descend out of pattern altitude): Reduce power and select flaps 10°.
- Descend out of TPA at 70-80 KIAS.
- On base leg, select flaps 25° and slow to 70 KIAS.
- Maintain 70 KIAS until short final when landing is assured, then slow to 66 KIAS until the roundout.
What is our short-field approach and landing procedure?
Short-Field Approach & Landing
Steps 1-7 are identical to a normal approach and landing procedure.
- Complete the “Approach Checklist” before entering the airport; devote full attention to aircraft control and traffic avoidance.
- Slow to 90 KIAS prior to entering downwind or traffic pattern.
- Enter traffic pattern at published TPA (typically 1,000’ AGL).
- Complete the “Before Landing Checklist” when established on the downwind.
- When abeam touchdown point, on extended base, or on extended final (when ready to descend out of pattern altitude): Reduce power and select flaps 10°.
- Descend out of TPA at 70-80 KIAS.
- On base leg, select flaps 25° and slow to 70 KIAS.
- Select flaps 40° and slow to 66 KIAS on final when landing is assured.
- Close throttle slowly during flare – touch down on intended touchdown point with little or no floating.
- Prevent nosewheel from slamming onto the runway.
- Retract the flaps after touchdown.
- Simulate and announce “Max Braking” for training and checkride
What is our soft-field approach and landing procedure?
Soft-Field Approach & Landing
Steps 1-7 are identical to a normal approach and landing procedure.
- Complete the “Approach Checklist” before entering the airport; devote full attention to aircraft control and traffic avoidance.
- Slow to 90 KIAS prior to entering downwind or traffic pattern.
- Enter traffic pattern at published TPA (typically 1,000’ AGL).
- Complete the “Before Landing Checklist” when established on the downwind.
- When abeam touchdown point, on extended base, or on extended final (when ready to descend out of pattern altitude): Reduce power and select flaps 10°.
- Descend out of TPA at 70-80 KIAS.
- On base leg, select flaps 25° and slow to 70 KIAS.
- On short final when landing is assured, select flaps 40° and slow to 66 KIAS.
- Fly the airplane onto the ground, slowly transferring the weight from the wings to the main landing gear.
- Touch down on intended touchdown point at minimum speed with a nose-high pitch attitude.
- Keep the nosewheel off the ground as airplane slows by increasing elevator pressure.
- Prevent nosewheel from rapidly falling by maintaining aft elevator pressure.
What is our procedure for making an ILS approach in the archer?
ILS Approach & Landing
ATP recommends initially setting flaps 25° at glideslope intercept for ILS precision approaches. Flaps 25° allows for a stabilized approach to touchdown.
- Complete the “Approach Checklist” and identify the localizer as early as possible.
- Slow to 90 KIAS on vectors or when on final approach course inbound.
- Announce “Localizer Alive” when localizer begins moving towards the center.
- Announce “Glideslope Alive” when glideslope begins moving towards the center.
- Verify no flags at glideslope intercept altitude and marker.
- 1⁄2 dot below glideslope intercept: “Before Landing Checklist.”
- Reduce power, select flaps 25°.
- Descend on glideslope at 80 KIAS.
- Announce at 1,000’ above DA: “1,000 to go.”
- Announce at 100’ above DA: “100 to go.”
- “Minimums.”
- Runway in sight: descend and slow to 70 KIAS.
- On short final, slow to 66 KIAS until the roundout.
Standard Approach Speeds
90 KIAS ………. Downwind, Flaps 0°
70-80 KIAS ………. Flaps 10° — 1500 RPM
70 KIAS ………. Turning Base, Flaps 25°
66 KIAS ………. Short Final Until 10-20’ Above Runway
When Landing Assured
Soft Field ………. 66 KIAS — Flaps 40°
Short Field ………. 66 KIAS — Flaps 40°