Explain the mythological impact within the Ara Pacis.
The Ara Pacis Augustae incorporates figures and scenes from Roman mythology to establish Augustus’ divine legitimacy.
What panels show this mythological impact?
The Aeneas and Lupercal Panel.
Explain the Allegorical impact.
The use of allegory (hidden message) helped communicate ideals central to Augustan ideology.
What panels show this allegorical impact?
The Aeneas, Tellus, and North and South panels.
Explain the metaphorical impact.
Metaphorically, the Ara Pacis embodies the ideals of renewal, peace, and fertility.
What does the altar act as a symbol of?
Of a new era (the Golden Age) Augustus claimed to have brought to Rome.
How did the metaphorical language resonate with the public?
Resonated deeply, embedding Augustan values within the public through art.