AR 600-85 Flashcards
What is the mission of ASAP?
to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the armies total workforce and to enhance combat readiness of its soldiers
What does ASAP stand for?
Army substance abuse program
What is meant by the Deglamorization of alcohol?
Personnel will not promote any function glamorizing do use of alcohol drinking contest,games, initiations, or using alcohol as a prize.
What army regulation covers ASAP?
AR 600–85
Is ASAP participation mandatory for individuals that are command referred?
ASAP participation is mandatory for all soldiers who are command referred. Failure to attend mandatory counseling may result in UCMJ action.
What are the ways that soldiers can be identified as having a substance-abuse problem?
Self- identification Command referred Medical Identification Biochemical Identification Investigation
What are the objectives of rehabilitation with ASAP?
Return soldiers to full duty as soon as possible.
Identify soldiers who cannot be rehabilitated
Help soldiers identify a facility in which they can be treated after discharge from the army
Help resolve alcohol and other drug abuse problems in the family
What are the objects of biochemical testing? (UA)
Deter soldiers from abusing drugs
Facilitate early identification of alcohol and other drug abuse
To enable commanders to access the overall fitness, discipline, security and good order of their units
Monitor those enrolled in the rehabilitation program
Commander may direct drug testing under what conditions?
Unit inspections Probable cause Rehabilitation Safety Inspections Competence for Duty New Entrant Soldier consent Medical
What is the form used by commanders and first sergeant for ASAP referrals?
DA form 8003
Will soldiers who are command referred to ASAP be flagged?
Yes IAW AR 600-8-2