Aquatic Birds and Raptors Flashcards
Very contrasting black and white
Blocky front of head
Red eyes
Sits low on water
Feet at the back of its body
Sounds almost like howling coyote
Common loon
Bill becomes bluer during breeding season
White and blue bill with black stripe around center
Lobed toes
Smallest grebe
Puffy shape
Feet at the back of its body
No tail, white butt
Pied-billed grebe
Small-mid sized grebe
Short, thin bill
Skinny neck
Breeding plumage - its black and brown with an orange eye line that turns into fluffy crests
Non-breeding plumage - it’s white and black with a white cheek
Horned grebe
Small head
Short thin bill
Proportionally large and fluffy body
Longer neck than other grebes
Red eyes
Breeding plumage - Red and black, plumage behind eye is yellow and fluffy
Non-breeding plumage- Grey, black, and white. White cheek and back of neck, white/grey underside
Eared grebe
Longer and pointier bill than other grebes
Long necks
Upright posture
Black - body, back of neck, most of head
White - underbelly, front of neck, cheek
Western grebe
Orange face
Blue eyes
All back body
Medium sized beak ending with a hook
Long tail
Only cormorant in Kansas
Double crested cormorant
All white body
Black primaries and secondaries
Very long beak with a pouch
Short tail
Yellow around eyes
American white pelican
Mid sized
Vertical streaks along body
Face blends into beak
Looks like the tall grass it hides in
Funky honking noise
American bittern
Blue head and back
White stripe on shoulder
Long legs
Hunched posture
Stalks prey
Red or tan body
Eyes forward facing
Least bittern
Green head and body
White line down chest
Brown front
Yellow eyes and feet
Black beak
Short neck
Long legs
Green heron
Long legs and beak
Orange beak
Darker blue stripe above and behind eyes
Hunched posture, curved neck
Croaky honk sound (annoying)
Great blue heron
Yellow bill
All dark legs and feet
White body
Fluffy white display feathers
Great egret
Dark bill and legs
Yellow eye ring and feet
Middle size egret
White body
White crest on neck
Fluffy tail
Snowy egret
Smallest egret
Thick neck
Peach colored patches on head, chest, and back
Red beak and feet
Cattle egret
Mid sized
Stocky, hunched compact
Black - head, back, primaries, secondaries, beak
The rest of the body is grey
Black crowned night heron