Can you name the five types of families in the U.K. today?
Nuclear, extended, reconstituted, lone parent and same sex
Rapoport and Rapoport (1982)
What are their views on the family?
Identified 5 types of family diversity in the U.K. (CLOGS) cultural, life course, organisational (division of Labour and social networks), generational and social class diversity. Used secondary data- reliable? Strengths: included gay and lesbian families.
What is a commune and give an example?
A group of people living together sharing accommodation, possessions, wealth and property. A kibbutz where they share values and cooperation between members.
What are the functions of the family according to functionalists?
The sexual function (regulates sexual activity to maintain relationship), the reproductive function, the economic function and the educational function (members learning culture through socialisation)
What is parsons’ functionalist view of the nuclear family? (1956).
There are two basic functions- primary socialisation and the stabilisation of adult personalities. Socialisation being learning values and cultures so that they accept it. Stabilisation being an escape from our pressures (warm bath theory)
What are the criticisms of parsons? (1956)
Outdated, unrealistic and sexist
Ignores alternatives to the nuclear family and dysfunctional families.
Marxists could criticise and say that nuclear family’s are a tool for capitalism
Feminists saying it’s a source of female oppression (housework, childcare etc)
What do Marxists say about the family?
They are helping maintain a capitalist society and creates a further wealth gap and differences in privileges with the working class accepting lower positions.
What does Zaretsky (1976) say about the family?
Family used to be a unit of production. However capitalism has created the illusion family and economy are now separate (public and private spheres). Leaving women responsible for relationships and wellbeing of the entire family. (Unpaid labour) (work devalued). Family now a unit of consumption.
What are the criticisms of Zaretsky? (1976)
Ignores people are satisfied with married life. Ignores family diversity. Feminists saying it’s patriarchy. Functionalists saying they only see negatives and ignore emotional support side.
What do feminists say about the family?
They are critical and the role of family leaves negative impacts on women. Gender being a social construct with children directed to gendered toys (canalisation) strengthening gender equality.
What do Delphy and Leonard the radical feminists (1992) say about the family?
Argue the family is patriarchal, men benefitting from unpaid work of women (their labour). Based on a hierarchy because women depend on husbands. Even when they do have a job they still do domestic work.
What are the criticisms of Delphy and Leonard? (1992).
Ignores egalitarian families (sharing power). Marxists say inequalities stem from capitalism. Functionalists saying that families meet individuals needs.
What are the criticisms of families from Marxists and Feminists?
The patriarchal nature of families, role of women, agency of gender socialisation, social inequality, consumption of capitalism.
What are some general criticisms of the families?
Decline in traditional family values, divorce, isolation from the wider family, dysfunctional families.
What is meant by joint and segregated conjugal roles?
Segregated- division of labour with gender , separate interests with the couple.
Joint- no division of labour, spending time together and still have some separate interests.