What are the definitions for formal and informal education?
Formal- takes place in educational settings, learning skills for a wide range of subjects.
Informal- developing knowledge and skills from observing what is happening around them.
What are the four functions of education according to functionalists?
Serving the needs of the economy, facilitating social mobility, creating social cohesion (e.g Britishness lessons) and role allocation.
What does Durkenhiem think about education?
Transmitting societies norms and values and social cohesion. The use of sanctions and rewards teaching children to respect rules. Equips children with future skills and qualifications that they may need.
What are the criticisms of Durkenheim?
Marxists say it ignores power issues- only benefitting the ruling classes. Feminists say it transmits patriarchal culture. Some students do not follow the schools norms and values.
What does Parsons say about education? FUNCTIONALIST.
Main agency of socialisation and preparation for adult roles. In families they have particularistic standards but in education they have universalistic standards (equal treatment). Prepares them for treatment in society. Schools promote achievement and equal opportunity. He also says the education system matches peoples talents to their jobs (role allocation and meritocracy)
What are the criticisms of Parsons’ key ideas?
Marxists say the system is a capitalist tool that transmits values of the dominant group in society. Feminists argue that the school system does not treat us equally. Is role allocation fair or accurate?
What do Marxists say about the education system?
It serves the interests of the ruling class, reproduces the class structure, breeds competition (maintains capitalism) and secondary socialisation.
What are the key ideas of Bowles and Gintis?
The education system creates generations of workers (disciplined, obedient, hard-working). Rewards for high grades. Makes us unimaginative/ less likely to question. Correspondence principle- values transport over to the workplace. HIDDEN CURRICULUM.
How is the hidden curriculum used to maintain capitalism (Bowes and Gintis)? MARXIST
Rigid Hierarchy, fragmented curriculum, mundane tasks, lack of power, qualifications and not satisfaction.
What are the criticisms of Bowes and Gintis?
Many students reject values (WILLIS AND THE LADS), exaggeration of power the system has, businesses require independent thinkers, functionalists see the system as meritocratic.
What is the structure of the education system?
Early years, primary education, secondary education, further education, higher education.
Advantages of independent schools/ private schools?
Lower teacher student ratio, better resources, selective, large parent input (fees).
Advantages of state schools?
Not based on ability to pay fees, socially mixed, upward social mobility, not far to travel.
What was the tripartite system (1944)?
11+ test decided what school you would attend, secondary modern, secondary technical, grammar schools.
What are the advantages of the comprehensive system?
No students labelled as a ‘failure’, breaks down social barriers, more subjects are available.