APWH Must Know Dates Flashcards
8000 BCE
Beginnings of Agriculture
3000 BCE
Beginnings of the Bronze Age and Early Civilizations
1300 BCE
Iron Age
6th Century BCE
Life of Buddha, Confucius, Laozi/ Beginnings of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism/Taoism
5th Century BCE
Greek Golden Age- Philosophers, etc.
323 BCE
Alexander the Great
221 BCE
Qin Unified China
184 BCE
Fall of the Mauryan Dynasty
32 CE
Beginnings of Christianity
180 CE
End of Pax Romana
220 CE
End of Han Dynasty
312 CE
Emperor Constantine Converts to Christianity
333 CE
Roman Capital Moves to Constantinople
4th Century CE
Beginning of Japanese Invasion of (rest of) China of Trans- Saharan Trade Routes
476 CE
Fall of Rome
527 CE
Justinian Rule of Byzantine Empire
550 CE
Fall of Gupta Dynasty/ Empire
622 CE
Founding of Islam
730 CE
Printing invented in china
732 CE
Battle of Tours (end of Muslim move into France)
900 CE
End of Classical Maya
1054 CE
Great Schism in Christian Church (Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox)
1066 CE
Norman Conquest of England
1071 CE
Battle of Manzikert (Seljuk Turks over Byzantine)
1095 CE
1st Crusade
1206 CE
Chinggis Khan begins Mongol conquests
1258 CE
Mongols sack Baghdad, and of Abbasid Caliphate
1271-1295 CE
Marco Polo’s Travels
1279-1368 CE
Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty in China
1324 CE
Mansa Musa’s Pilgrimage
1325-1349 CE
Travels of Ibn Battuta
1347-1348 CE
Bubonic Plague in Europe
Ming Dynasty
1405-1433 CE
Zheng He’s Voyages
1438 CE
Rise of Inca Empire
1453 CE
Ottomans Capture Constantinople
1480s CE
Height of Aztec Empire
1488 CE
Dias Rounded Cape of Good Hope
1492 CE
Columbus/ Reconquista of Spain
1502 CE
1st Slaves to the Americas
1517 CE
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses
1521 CE
Cortez Conquers Aztecs
1529 CE
1st Unsuccessful Ottoman Siege of Vienna
1533 CE
Pizarro Topple the Inca
1545 CE
Discovery of Silver at Potosi
1571 CE
Battle of Lepanto (Defeat of Ottoman Navy)
1588 CE
Defeat of Spanish Armada by the British
1600 CE
Battle of Sekigahara- Unification of Japan- Beginning of Tokugawa Rule
1607 CE
Founding of Jamestown
1618-1648 CE
30 Years War
1644 CE
End of Ming/ Beginning of Qing Dynasty
1683 CE
2nd Unsuccessful Ottoman Siege of Vienna
1689 CE
Glorious Revolution/ English Bill of Rights
1756-1763 CE
7 Years War/French and Indian War
1767 CE
Invention of the Spinning Jenny (Using Machines to Manufacture)
1776 CE
American Revolution/ Smith Writes Wealth of Nations
1789 CE
French Revolution Begins
1804 CE
Haitian Independence
1807 CE
British Abolition of Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade
1815 CE
Congress of Vienna
1820s CE
Independence in Latin America
1839 CE
1st Opium War in China
1848 CE
European Revolutions/ Marx and Engels write Communist Manifesto
1853 CE
Commodore Perry Opens Japan
1857 CE
Sepoy Mutiny
1861 CE
End of Russian Serfdom/ Italian Unification
1863 CE
Emancipation Proclamation in US
1871 CE
German Unification
1885 CE
Berlin Conference- Colonial Division of Africa
1893 CE
New Zealand Grants Women Suffrage
1896 CE
Battle of Adowa (Ethiopians Defeat Italians)
1898 CE
Spanish American War- US Acquires Philippines, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rica
1899- 1902
Boer War- British Control of South Africa
1905 CE
Russo- Japanese War
1910-1920 CE
Mexican Revolution (Diaz overthrown)
1911 CE
Chinese Revolution (End of Qing)
1914-1918 CE
World War 1
1917 March CE
Russian Revolution (Czar Abdicates)
1917 Oct/Nov CE
Russian Revolution (Communist/Bolshevik)
1918 Nov CE
Armistice (End of World War 1 Fighting)
1919 CE
Treaty of Versailles
1928 CE
Kellogg- Brand Pact (Outlaws War)
1929 CE
Stock Market Crash
1931 CE
Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
1935 CE
Italian Invasion of Ethiopia
1937 CE
Japanese Invasion of the Rest of China (Rape of Nanking)
1939 CE
German Blitzkrieg in Poland
1941 CE
Pearl Harbor, Entry of US into WW2
1945 Feb CE
Yalta Conference (Beg. of Cold War)
1945 Aug CE
1945 Sept CE
End of WW2 (Japan Surrenders)
1947 June CE
Truman Doctrine (Official Declaration of the Cold War)
1947 Aug CE
Independence and Partition of India
1948 CE
Birth of Israel
1948-49 CE
Berlin Blockade/ Airlift
1949 April CE
NATO Founded
1949 Oct CE
Chinese Communist Revolution
1950-53 CE
Korean War
1954 CE
Vietnam Expels France (Dien Bien Phu)
1955 CE
Bandung Conf (Non-Aligned Nations)
1956 Feb CE
Krushchev Begins De-Stalinization
1956 Fall CE
Nationalization of Suez Canal
1957 CE
1959 CE
Cuban Revolution (Fidel Castro)
1962 CE
Cuban Missile Crisis
1966-76 CE
Chinese Cultural Revolution
1967 CE
6-Day War
1973 CE
Yom Kippur War (OPEC Oil Embargo)
1979 CE
China Begins “Socialist Market Economy” Reforms (Deng Xiaoping)
1987 CE
1st Palestinian Intifada
1989 June CE
Tiananmen Square
1989 Nov CE
Fall of Berlin Wall
1990 CE
Namibia Gains Independence (Last African Colony)
1991 Jan CE
1st Persian Gulf War
1991 Dec CE
USSR Disbands
1994 Apr-July CE
Genocide in Rwanda
1994 Apr CE
1st All Race Elections in South Africa
2001 CE
9/11 Attacks
2003 CE
US Invades Iraq
2004 CE
Facebook Founded
2007 CE
Global “Great Recessions” Begin
2011 CE
WikiLeaks “Arab Spring” Democracy