Apush Review 1800-1877 Flashcards
Revolution of 1800
- when jefferson defeated adams in the, created a new generation of democratic republican leadership
12th Amendment
- said that when electing a president one must have to vote for a president and vice president instead of two presidents were the second becomes vp
- Thomas Jefferson
(1801-09) Democratic Rep.
Midnight Judges
- the attempt of john adams to pack the supreme court with judges of his choice to keep federalist rule, he did this on the last night of his presidency
John Marshall
- chief justice, judicial review
Marbury v Madison
(Judicial Review) - says that the supreme court can rule laws invalid if they believe they are unconstitutional
Impressment -
when people would be taken against their will and forced to serve in the army, most commonly used by the british army
La. Purchase 1803 -
when the U.S. doubled its size by purchasing 530 million acres of land for 15 million dollars from france, monroe and livingston negotiated this
Embargo Act of 1807
- closed U.S. ports to all exports and restricted imports from britain, tried to stop impressing seamen
- James Madison
(1809-17) Dem Rep
War of 1812 -
was fought between america and britain of the impressment of american seamen, ended by the Treaty of Ghent, was a draw, washington DC was burned by the British
Henry Clay (American System) -
“great compromiser”, a high protective tariff and the implication of internal imports
Hartford Convention -
a convention of federalist in 1814
Treaty of Ghent -
ended the war of 1812, on christmas eve of 1814
- James Monroe
(1817-25) Dem Rep
Monroe Doctrine 1823
- stated that no one could colonize the americas
Missouri Compromise 1820
- admitted missouri as a slave state and made maine a state and then admitted it is a non slave state at the same time to keep and equal balance of slave vs non slave states
Democratic Party -
formed in 1828 by jackson
- Q. Adams
(1825-29) Nat. Rep.
- A. Jackson
(1829-37) Dem
Whig Party -
founded by henry clay in 1833
Spoils system
- gives a reward to family and friends and those who helped with working towards their president becoming elected, was a good thing in some ways but also brought people who had bad intentions into politics, it also brought money into the government election system
Jacksonian Democracy -
- the idea of spreading political power to the people
Indian Removal Act 1830
- said that the president would give land grants (reservations) to native american tribes that would move from their land peacefully
Trail of Tears 1838
- forced removal of native americans out west, many were killed, seminole, choctaw, etc.
Worcester v Georgia
- said that the states had no right to impose restrictions on native american land
Nullification -
to make a law invalid
Tariff of Abominations (Yankee Tariff)
- raised the cost of foreign imported good
Specie circular -
said the the purchase of lands could only be made in gold or silver
Nicholas Biddle -
president of the second bank of the united states
Nat Turner -
an enslaved african american preacher who led a slave rebellion
- Martin Van Buran
(1837-41) Dem
Panic of 1837 -
caused by overspeculation, lasted several years, led to high unemployment rates, etc.
- William Henry Harrison
(1841-41) Whig
- John Tyler
(1841-45) Whig
Market economy -
an economic system where two forces, known as supply and demand, direct the production of goods and services
Eli Whitney (Cotton gin)
- easily separated cotton from their seeds, revolutionized cotton industry, realized this was more efficient than slaves
Interchangeable parts -
manufacturing system that uses interchangeable parts so that it is easier to make and replace things
Samuel Slater
- “father of the american industrial revolution”
Textile industry
- the cotton gin made the textile industry flourish, us was producing most cotton because of the cotton gin