APUSH Period 8 Flashcards
Cold War from 1945-1980, American Culture and Economy after 1945, Civil Rights, Vietnam, The Great Society, something I didn’t get
Cold War Distrust
Americans found out that the soviets spied on us and made a copy of the manhattan project. Capitalism is the opposite of communism. Communism has to spread (ideologically)
United Nations
Replaced the League of Nation. Had flaws including the Security Council, which allowed countries to veto something that all the other countries voted for.
Was the reason that America hated the soviets.
Tension from Germany
Eastern part of germany was under suffering because of the soviets, and the western parts were much better.
Iron Curtain
Was the part of the map that was under the sphere of influence of the Soviets, when they advanced towards Nazi Germany
George Kennan
Wanted to contain the spread of communism.
Cold War
The point of this was to stop the spread of communism and to kill it.
Truman Doctrine
To prevent the spread of communism to greece and turkey, President Truman gave tons of money to them, to stop their instability.
The Marshall Plan
A Plan to prevent western europe from turning communist, by giving 12 Billion Dawa to them. (Kindof like Dawa Diplomacy) Worked
National Security Act
1947 Meant to modernize America to face the new enemy. Created the DOD which created the air force, and put all the military under one management. Created the National Security Council, and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Soviets were better than Americans in this and mostly only this.
Berlin Airlift
1948 Western Berlin was better than the east, so the soviets blocked access to western berlin from land. US decided to airlift and drop supplies to western berlin. Candy Bomber threw candy for german kids. After 11 months, the soviets gave up.
1949 After the Berlin Airlift, the US and several western european nations decided to make an all for one one for all pact to fight against Soviet aggression.
Warsaw Pact
1955 A pact made in response to NATO.
Soviet Union Bomb Testing
1949 The soviets created nuclear weapons, spied and copied from the Americans.
H Bomb
1952 The Americans made this to combat against the Soviet Union Atom Bomb
Weapons Arm Race
America and the Soviets kept on making weapons and warheads.
If anyone attacks, we all die.
Nuclear Scare
Included the Duck and Cover short movie for children, and people were in fear that they could all die at once, at any moment.
Pre WW2 China
Civil war with the nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek, and the communists led by Mao Zedong. They joined together to fight the japanese, but went back to fighting after the war.
Chinese Nationalists
They were corrupt, so the US giving them a bunch of money didn’t work. These guys fled to Taiwan.
Was a huge failure of the cold war for the Americans.
Korean War
The communist north, and the southern nationalists went to war. The communists wanted the whole peninsula, and invaded south korea.
UN Security Council
The US requested the UN to call a military upon Korea. The Soviets had Boycotted the UN that year, so the US won the vote, and they pushed the Koreans back.
Chinese in the Korean War
This happened because China became fully communist, and wanted to spread communism.
President Truman
Was seen as too weak against communism, because of what happened in China and Korea. Brought the Democrats down with him.
Election of 1952
The Republican Dwight D Eisenhower Won this.
Nikita Khrushchev
After Stalin died, this guy came up. He wanted to improve relations with the US
Spirit of Geneva
1955 Khrushchev and Eisenhower met and shook hands, bringing hope to the end of the cold war.
U-2 Incident
This showed to Khrushchev mistrust in the Americans who spied on them, and Eisenhower who took responsibility.
Military Industrial Complex
Dwight Eisenhower warned about this entity, and the amount of money we send on it. He said that we would be dependent on this machine, if we keep feeding it.
Fidel Castro
America was worried that he was a communist. He nationalized all businesses and property. Americans lost money, as they had invested heavily in Cuba.
Fulgencio Batista
Supported by the US as a puppet, but was overthrown by the people of Cuba with Fidel Castro
Cuban Trade Relations
Was cut of by Eisenhower after Fidel Castro’s nationalized businesses and property.
Bay of Pigs Invasion
CIA recruited Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro, trained them in Mexico, and sent them to invade and take overthrow Castro. Massive failure, because of how little men they had, and lack of support from the US military’s airforce not showing up.
The Berlin Wall
JFK met with Khrushchev, where Khrushchev wanted the Americans to leave Berlin. Shortly after, the Soviets built this to stop East Berliners from fleeing.
The secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, said that we should scare the crap out of the soviets to go to the brink/verge, and force them to back off.
1957 The Soviets launched the first satellite.
National Defense and Education Act
Response to Sputnik. Provided millions of dollars for math, science, and foreign language.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Response to Sputnik, gave billions to build a space program.
Yuri Gagarin
Was the first man (Russian), in Space.
He pumped up NASA, and brought us closer to walking on the moon.
NASA Gemini
A mission to find out if we can get to the moon.
NASA Apollo
Tried to get to the moon
Post WW2 America
Included the Post War Boom, 15 million baby boomers (showed confidence in America),
Post War Boom
America was untouched by WW2, and after, had a big economic boom. The GI Bill of Rights gave 15 mil to veterans for free college, and low interest loans.
Rose because of WW2 veterans. Many only allowed white families.
Good weather, generally low taxes, and good jobs (lots of defense jobs made by the cold war).
Nuclear Family
Represents the conformed family in the 1950s.
Highway Act
1956 Created 42000 miles of interstate highway. Taxes on fuel, tires, and vehicles helped pay for it. Was a military precaution. Helped grow suburbs, but hurt the railroad industry and environment.
1950s Media
Half of Americans had TVs in the 1950s, which helped homogenize Americans. Rock and Roll mixed African American rhythms with blues and country. Elvis Presley
Artsy, poetry, snapped fingers, had facial hair, were the rebels of the 1950s
Assassination of JFK
1963 Death, LBJ was inaugurated on Air Force One.
Second Red Scare
The first was after ww1, the second after ww2. Belief that the commies were trying to infiltrate every aspect of our society.
Loyalty Review Board
1947 A check to see if people in the government were communist. Fired communists
McCarran Internal Security Act
1950 It is unlawful to advocate for communism, and authorized detention centers.
Investigated aspects of society that they felt that communism was infiltrating.
Hollywood Ten
The HUAC attacked these people, as they didn’t want to testify. These people were blacklisted.
Alger Hiss Case
An influential official sent government documents to the soviets.
The Rosenbergs
Husband gave atomic secrets from the manhattan project to the soviets, wife didn’t sell him out. Both executed in 1953
Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism
Senator from Wisconsin, lied that he had a list of 205 communists in the government. (People feared him, and he destroyed lives) He said that the governments were in the army. President Eisenhower (decorated) and congress silenced him.
Committee on Civil Rights
1946 Advised the president on what to do for civil rights. Made by Truman.
Desegregation of the Military
1948 By Truman, applied to all of the branches.
Brown V Board of Education
Brought forward by the NAACP. Argued that segregation in schools violated equal protection, and overturned Plessy V Ferguson. Most states were still segregated 10 years later.
Little Rock
1957 Was one of the very first school districts that the government forced to desegregate.
Little Rock 9
Was the first test to desegregate Little Rock. The school they were sent to was secured by the governor of Arkansas, who stopped them from coming in. The next day, they had to be protected by officers.
Emmett Till
1955 A boy who was with some of his friends went to a store, and catcalled the register lady. He was kidnapped, tortured, killed, and thrown in a river. It became a big story, as his mom had an open casket to show his body. The murderers lived. Pushed AAs over the edge, and whites that were indifferent to change.
Montgomery Bus Boycotts
This place in alabama had a law that stopped African Americans from sitting in the front section. When a white person needed a seat and told Rosa Parks to get up, it caused a Bus Boycott. Supreme Court stated that the segregation was unconstitutional.
Worked at a church, and was a very good speaker. He was chosen as the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Founded by MLK, based in non-violence, to get southern churches behind Civil Rights. Preached Civil Disobedience. Led sit-ins (told not to fight back).
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Northern students that would come down south to protest. They charted mixed busses throughout the south. One of the busses was firebombed in alabama.
March on Washington
1963 Federal government didn’t do anything, so he ran a march to demand the end of segregation. JFK was killed in the same year.
Lyndon B Johnson
JFK and this person seemed like opposites, and MLK feare his presidency.
Civil Rights Act
1964 Passed by Johnson to make segregation illegal in all public facilities.
24th Amendment
Abolished the poll tax on AA voting. Under Lyndon B Johnson
March to Montgomery
1965 Protest against Literacy Tests
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Followed the March to Montgomery. Ended literacy tests, and helped protect AA voters.
New Civil Rights Movement
Mid 1960s, before this MLK was unchallenged. Then the Nation of Islam came and questioned his authority.
Nation of Islam
Preached self-reliance and self-defense. Malcolm X was one of main leaders.
Malcolm X
Said that AA should gain their rights politically, or through the “Bullet”. Debated MLK Left Nation of Islam and was killed in 1965
Black Panther Party
Formed in the 1960s Not Associated with the Nation of Islam, but attempted to defend AAs like Malcolm X Prophesized.
Assassination of MLK
1968 Permanently damaged and left the civil rights movement without a leader.
The Feminine Mystique
Said it is okay to get a job, do to college, be single, and be open.
National Organization for Women
Involved in all of women’s rights in the 1960s and 70s
Equal Rights Amendment
1972 Would just state that men and women are equal. Many Women liked having traditional norms, and felt threatened by this. (Used drafting as an argument)
Title IX
1972 Statute to end sex discrimination in schools. Required equal athletics and education.
Roe V. Wade
1973 Women can get abortions regardless of state. Overruled in 2022
1960s Challenged norms and conformity of their parents. Drug use, and rebellious dress code.
Sexual Revolution
Alfred Kinsley showed premarital sex, infidelity, and homosexuality were common.
Stonewall Inn Riots
1969 Police raided a gay bar in New York City, as it was illegal. Caused a riot, and activism rose.
Gay Rights Movement
1970s Homosexuality was no longer a mental illness.
Latino Immigration
Many immigrants (specifically mexicans) came over for agriculture, using the Bracero Program.
Cesar Chavez
Created the United Farm Workers Association, as he argued that workers were exploited and needed better work condition and pay.
Justice Earl Warren
More progressive than others, led supreme court from 1953-1969.
Mapp v. Ohio
1961 Ruled than the police can’t search you illegally, and can’t use illegally found items in a court of law.
Gideon v. Wainwright
1963 Guaranteed a lawyer to everyone.
Miranda v. Arizona
1966 Required police to tell your rights to you.
The Great Society
LBJ was from a poor area and taught there, and saw hungry little kids. This was like the new deal, and used keynesian economics. Cost 1B, and was limited by the Cold War and fighting communism. Still has an effect today (Medicare Medicaid Student Loans)
Immigration and Nationality Act
1985 Got rid of immigration quotas. Caused tons of Asian and Latin Americans came over. Opposition said too many people came in, and are still coming in.