APUSH Chapter 27-29 Flashcards
Big-sister policy
Pushed by James G Blaine, aimed at rallying the Latin American nations behind American leadership and opening Latin America markets to American traders
Great Rapprochement
New American and British friendship
McKinley Tariff
Raised barriers against Hawaiian sugar in 1890
Cuban insurgents seeking to drive out Spanish overlords
Blew up in Havana harbor, battleship sent to Cuba from Washington, Spanish officials said the explosion was internal and accidental and Americans argued the blast was caused by a submarine mine
Teller Amendment
Proclaimed that when the United States overthrew Spanish misrule, it would give the Cuban’s their freedom
Rough Riders
A part of the American invading army during the invasion of Cuba, consisted largely of cowboys and ex-convicts and organized by Theodore Roosevelt
Anti-Imperialist League
Developed to fight the McKinley administration’s expansionist moves, objected to annexing the Philippines
Foraker Act
Accorded the Puerto Rican’s a limited degree of popular government
Insular Cases
Supreme Court decreed that the flag outran the Constitution, meaning Puerto Rican’s and Filipinos did not enjoy all American rights but were subject to American rule
Platt Amendment
Allowed the United States government to intervene with troops in the Cuban government
Open Door note
The great powers would respect certain Chinese rights and the ideal of fair competition
Boxer Rebellion
The Chinese “Boxers” murdered more than 200 foreigners and thousands of Chinese Christians and besieged the foreign diplomatic community in Beijing
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Gave the United States permission to build a canal in Panama but conceded the right to fortify it as well
Roosevelt Corollary
“Preventative intervention,” in the event of future financial malfeasance by the Latin America nations the United States would intervene, take over the customs houses, pay off the debts, and keep Europeans away
Root-Takahira agreement
Pledged the US and Japan to respect each other’s territorial possessions in the Pacific and to uphold the Open Door in China
Payne-Aldrich Bill
Moderately reductive bill but senatorial reactionaries tacked on hundreds of upward tariff revisions but not on items such as sea moss and canary seed
Elkins Act
Aimed primarily at the rebate evil, heavy fines could now be imposed on railroads that gave rebates and on shippers
Dollar diplomacy
The use of American investments to boost American political interests abroad, primarily utilized by Taft
Social gospel
Promoted a brand of progressivism based on Christian teachings
Reporters publishing expose material
Created so that voters could directly propose legislation themselves, bypassing state legislatures
Would place laws on the ballot for final approval by the people
Enable voters to remove faithless elected officials, particularly those who had been bribed by bosses
Australian ballot
Voters could vote privately without fear of judgement
Muller v Oregon
Louis D Brandeis persuaded the Supreme Court to accept the constitutionality of laws protecting women workers, and afforded employers total control over the workplace
Lochner v New York
Invalidated a New York law establishing a 10-hour workday for bakers
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
Largest organization of women in the world, preached abstention
Meat Inspection Act
Decreed that the preparation of meat shipped over state lines would be subject to federal inspection
The Pure Food and Drug Act
Designed to prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals
Hetch Hetchy Valley
San Francisco built the dam for its municipal water supply
New Freedom
Democratic platform in the election of 1912 which included calls for stronger antitrust legislation, banking reform, and tariff reductions
New Nationalism
Roosevelt’s Progressive campaign in the election of 1912
Underwood Tariff
Provided for a substantial reduction of rates moved by Wilson’s aggressive leadership
Federal Reserve Act
Created the Federal Reserve Board, which oversaw a nationwide system of twelve regional reserve districts, each with its own central bank, guaranteed a substantial measure of public control
Federal Trade Commission Act
Empowered a presidentially appointed commission to search industries engaged in interstate commerce, such as meat packers
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Extended the Sherman Anti-Trust Act’s list of business practices that were deemed objectionable, including price discrimination and interlocking directorates
Holding companies
Achieved price discrimination and interlocking directorates
Workingmen’s Compensation Act
Granted assistance to federal civil-service employees during periods of disability
Adamson Act
Established an 8-hour workday for all employees on trains in interstate commerce, with extra pay for overtime
Jones Act
Granted to the Philippines territorial status and promised independence as soon as a “stable government” could be established
Tampico Incident
American sailors were arrested by the Mexican government, causing the navy to be dispatched to seize the port of Veracruz
German submarines that sank about ninety ships in the war zone
British passenger liner that was torpedoed and sank off the coast of Ireland with the loss of 1,198 lives including 128 Americans, angered the American public