Apuleius 6.23.5-6.24.4 grammar Flashcards
give the principal parts of complector (to embrace)
complector, complectī, complexus
give the pincipal parts of arripiō (to snatch up)
arripiō, arripere, arripuī, arreptum
give the genitive singular of haec mūsica suāvis
huius mūsicae suāvis
give the dative singular of haec mūsica suāvis
huic mūsicae suāvī
give the accusative singular of haec mūsica suāvis
hanc mūsicam suāvem
give the ablative singular of haec mūsica suāvis
hāc mūsicā suāvī
give the nominative plural of haec mūsica suāvis
hae mūsicae suāvēs
give the genitive plural of haec mūsica suāvis
hārum mūsicārum suāvium
give the dative plural of haec mūsica suāvis
hīs mūsicīs suāvibus
give the accusative plural of haec mūsica suāvis
hās mūsicās suāvīs (or suāvēs)
give the ablative plural of haec mūsica suāvis
hīs mūsicīs suāvibus
conjugate ingredior in the present indicative singular
ingredior, ingrederis (ingredere), ingreditur
conjugate ingredior in they present indicative plural
ingredimur, ingrediminī, ingrediuntur
conjugate ingredior in the future indicative singular
ingrediar, ingrediēris (ingrediēre), ingrediētur
conjugate ingredior in they future indicative plural
ingrediāmur, ingrediēminī, ingredientur
conjugate ingredior in the present subjunctive singular
ingrediar, ingrediāris (ingrediāre), ingrediātur
conjugate ingredior in they present subjunctive plural
ingrediāmur, ingrediāminī, ingreditantur
give the present, perfect, and future infinitives of ingredior
ingredī, ingressum esse, ingressūrum esse