Apuleius 6.23.5-24.3 vocabulary Flashcards
arripiō –ere –uī arreptum
to snatch, seize
in that very place, on the spot, there
ambrosia, ae, f.
food of the gods; nectar
pōculum pōculī n.,
porrigō porrigere porrēxī porrēctum
to stretch forth
sūmō sūmere sūmpsī sūmptus
to take up, consume
dīgredior dīgressus sum
to walk or go apart
nexus –ūs m.
a fastening, joining
nuptiae –ārum f. pl.
cēna cēnae f.
affluēns, entis
abundant, lavish
exhibeō exhibēre exhibuī exhibitum
to produce
, show, present, provide
accumbō –cumbere –cubuī –cubitum
to lie down
gremium gremi(ī) n.
lap, bosom
marītus, ī
ōrdō ōrdinis m.
pōcillātor –ōrism.,
purpurō –āre
to make purple, to dye with purple
balsamum –ī n.
balsam (an aromatic unguent)
canōrus –a –um
personō personuī personitus
to sound loudly
cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus
to sing, play (an instrument)
cithara –ae f.
the cithara
(a kind of guitar)
suāvis suāve
agreeable, sweet, charming
supergredior, supergredī, supergressus
to enter on cue
saltō saltāre
to dance
scaena scaenae f.
stage, piece of theatrical behavior; scene
concinnō –āre
to prepare; repair; set in order
chorus, ī, m.
(a dance with choral accompaniment); a choral song
tībia tībiae f.
(the larger of the shinbones); a pipe or flute
fistula –ae f.
a pipe
in manum conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, convantum
to come into the charge of a husband
nāscor nāscī nātus sum
to be born, come into being
matūrus, a, um
ripe, ripe for delivery
partus, -ūs, m
birth, offspring, delivery