Apraxia, Agnosia and higher visual function abnormalities Flashcards
Apraxia is a neurological disorder characterized by the inability to perform learned (familiar) movements on command, even though the command is understood and there is a willingness to perform the movement.
Agnosia is a rare disorder whereby a patient is unable to recognize and identify objects, persons, or sounds using one or more of their senses despite otherwise normally functioning senses.
Visual neglect
Deficit in visual attention to self or external object.
Almost always occuring for the left hemifield, as the left hemisphere monitors the right hemifield, while
the right hemisphere monitors both hemifields. Visual neglect is caused by lesions in the inferior parietal lobe.
“inability to recognise consciously the presence of a somatic dysfunction indicative of a disease process.”
Up to complete unawareness of the deficit, e.g., in some cases of hemiplegia (complete paralysis of one half of the body) after a stroke. Primarily occurs with non-dominant parietal lesions, and is rather a disorder of attention than of perception
Visual Agnosia
“A modality specific inability to access semantic knowledge of an object or other stimulus that cannot be attributed to impairment of basic perceptual processes.”
Apperceptive visual agnosia
Impairment of high level percepts, caused by bilateral occipitotemporal infarction (a in the pic).
Often, retained semantic knowledge accessible through
other modalities such as auditory, which is not the case for associative visual agnosia.
Associative visual agnosia
Inability to activate semantic identifying information, caused by dysfunction in anterior left temporal lobe (b in the pic)
More general loss of semantic knowledge, with no ability to access this via any sensory modality.
Associative visual agnosia patients experience no difficulties in perception, only in naming and semantic knowledge.
There are two kinds of Alexia - which?
Peripheral Alexia:
Difficulty transmitting the visual percept to the intact language centres. Caused by ocular problems or visual field defect/neglect.
Subtype is Alexia without Agraphia, where patients can write, but not read what they have just written.
Central Alexia:
Impaired language system
Prosopagnosia and related disorders
Inability to recognize people by looking at their face.
Ventral occipitotemporal pathology (especially right side) is observed.
Related disorders:
-Capgras syndrome : Belief that familiar people around one replaced by imposter.
-Fregoli syndrome: Belief that strangers of changing their appearance in disguise
Achromatopsia is a condition characterized by a partial or total absence of color vision. People with complete achromatopsia cannot perceive any colors; they see only black, white, and shades of gray.
Color agnosia and color anomia - whats the difference?
Color agnosia is the inability to retrieve color information in the context of normal perception and language. For example, a patient with color agnosia will be unable to remember the colors of common entities (e.g., “What color is a banana?”) and will be unable to provide a list of objects that come in various colors (e.g., “Name things that are red”)
In color Anomia, perception and semantic knowledge is preserved, however, there is deficits in naming the color.
What are the three common aspects of Balint’s syndrome?
-simultanagnosia (inability to perceive visual scene as a whole)
-optic ataxia (inability to reach an specific object
by using vision)
-motor apraxia (difficulty in fixating eyes to
a visual target).
Dressing apraxia
In a strict sense, dressing apraxia is not caused by movement disorders, but is related to disorientation of the spatial relationship between the body and clothes.
Constructional apraxia
Constructional apraxia refers to the inability of patients to copy accurately drawings or three-dimensional constructions. Left hemisphere damage result in simple drawing, however, right hemisphere damage result in difficulty with replicating spatial relationship of complex figures.
The inability to find one’s way in a familiar environments and to learn new routes. Deficits in either ventral or dorsal visual association.
The difference between Anton’s syndrome and blindsight
Anton’s syndrome: Denial of loss of vision even with functional blindness.
Blindsight: Blindsight is the ability of people who are cortically blind due to lesions in their striate cortex (V1) to respond to visual stimuli that they do not consciously see.
Blindsight = seeing even though you think you can't Anton's = not seeing even though you think you can
Pick your poison
Two examples of visual gain:
- Charles Bonnet syndrome
- Peduncular hallucinosis
Charles Bonnet syndrome: Visual disturbance in which a person with partial or severe blindness experiences visual hallucinations. Often arises in elderly as a result of ocular pathology. Images tends to be complex.
Peduncular hallucinosis: Vivid hallucination may arise in the evening times as a result of midbrain strokes, however, tends to disappear within weeks.
Conceptual system for actions vs Action production system
What are they?
Conceptual system for action:
- knowledge of tool functions and actions
- e.g. the purpose of a screwdriver
Action production system
- Sensorimotor action programmes concerned with generation and control over movement
- e.g. the ability to tighten a screw
This is an important distinction which can be used to divide diagnostic tests when examining patients with specific deficits.
Ideational apraxia
Caused by damage to the conceptual system for action.
A condition in which an individual is unable to plan movements related to interaction with objects, because they have lost the perception of the object’s purpose.
- contents and tool selection errors
- exhibit loss of tool-object action knowledge
- exhibit loss of tool-object association knowledge
Commonly seen in Alzheimer’s disease
Ideomotor apraxia
Damage to the Action Production System.
Patients appear to have a rough sense of the desired action but have problems executing it properly.
2 types of errors: Spatial errors - postural error - spatial orientation - spatial movement
Temporal error:
- fluidity of movement
Most commonly associated with lesions to the premotor cortex.