Approaches in Psychology Key Words Flashcards
Hormone released by the pituitary gland. Stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline into the bloodstream
Action potential
A spike in electric charge in an axon caused by sodium ions crossing the cell membrane.
Adrenal glands
Small glands on top of each kidney that produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol
Key hormone in the stress response that is produced by the adrenal glands and increases heart rate, breathing rate etc.
Autonomic nervous system
Sub-division of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary responses like breathing and heart rate
A single long slender fiber that carries the nerve impulse away from the cell body
Axon terminal
The very end of the axon that contains neurotransmitters and makes synaptic contact with the next neuron in the chain
The theory that human and animal behaviour can be explained in terms of conditioning, without considering thoughts or feelings
Central nervous system
Sub-system of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord
Hold the genetic material that is passed between parents and offspring. Humans have 23 pairs
Classical conditioning
Learning through association when two stimuli are repeatedly paired together
Cognitive neuroscience
An academic field that studies the influence of brain structures on mental processes using techniques such as brain scans
Computer models
Software simulations of internal mental processes that are created in collaboration with computer scientists.
Concordance rate
The extent to which both twins share the same characteristic
Root like structures protruding from the cell body that receive signals from other neurons
Dizygotic twins
Non-identical twins who share 50% of their genes
Based on scientific testing or personal experience rather than theory or logic
Endocrine system
A collection of organs that secrete hormones into the bloodstream
Gradual changes in an inherited characteristic of a species over many generations
Occurs when a link between a neurotransmitter and receptor site in a synapse makes the receptor site’s cell more likely to act
Fight or flight response
The way an animal (including humans) responds to stress as it becomes physiologically aroused to fight an aggressor or to run away
A person’s unique genetic make-up that is coded in their chromosomes and fixed at conception
Biochemical substances that circulate in the bloodstream in order to target specific organs
Part of the brain that links the nervous system to the endocrine system. Releases hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland
Associating with a role model and adopting their behaviour because you want to be like them
Copying or reproducing behaviour that has been learned through observation