approaches: Freud's psychodynamic approach p2 Flashcards
what does freud suggest the mind is made up of? (3 things)
- conscious: what we are aware of
- preconscious: thoughts we may become aware of through dreams or freudian slips
- unconscious: storehouse of biological drives and instincts that influence behaviour
what are the 3 structures of personality?
what is the id?
- present at birth
- your own selfish desires that take over
- works on pleasure principle
- concerned with wants and desires
what is the superego?
- developed at age 5
- concerned with that is right and wrong
- morality principle
- punishes ego for wrong-doings through guilt
- rewards ego for moral behaviour
- develops in response to the oedipus/electra complex
what is the ego?
- developed at age 2
- reality principle
- tries to balance demands from id and superego
- protects itself from the demands of the id and superego by using defence mechanisms
what are the 3 defence mechanisms?
(unconscious strategies used by the ego)
what is repression?
automatically pushing an unpleasant thought or memory to the back of your mind
what is denial?
refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
what is displacement?
emotions are directed away from their target source, towards something else
what is the sequence of the psychosexual stages?
oral (0-1) - mouth
anal (1-3) - anus
phallic (3-6) - genital
latency - earlier conflicts are repressed
genital (puberty) - sexual desires become conscious
what is meant by psychosexual stages?
each stage is marked by a different conflict that the child must resolve to move on to the next. any unresolved conflict leads to fixation where the child becomes ‘stuck’ and carries these behaviours into adulthood
strengths of the psychodynamic approach?
- research support e.g little Hans
- practical application e.g psychotherapy
why is practical application a strength?
in psychotherapy, the patient talks until their unconscious mind comes out. this helps them to uncover their unconscious mind. this means it is useful to society and is therefore making a difference to the lives of people in a positive way, adding credibility to this approach
why is research support a strength?
the little Hans case study proved that he used the defence mechanism of displacement to direct his fear of his dad onto the horse. this case study adds to the validity of the approach in the world of psychology
limitations of the psychodynamic approach?
- subjective theory (bias)
- non falsifiable (non-testable)
why is it being a subjective theory a limitation?
freud only spoke to one person during his experiment of little Hans (the dad) and freud is very bias that his theory works. this means that people cannot rely on his results as they could be getting false information as there is no real proof, which leads us to question the validity of the research
why is it being non falsifiable a limitation?
we can’t test the unconscious mind (id, ego and superego). this means that it lacks scientific credibility so psychologists don’t like it as scientific evidence