Approaches Flashcards
A01 cognitive approach
-focuses on internal mental processes
-suggests can and should be studies scientifically
-focuses on memory perception and thinking, the areas neglected by the behaviourist approach
-processes studied scientifically by lab studies
-as cognitive processes are ‘private’ + cannot be visibly observed directly so must study indirectly through inferences of what’s going on inside peoples minds by observing their behaviour
Cognitive AO1
-uses theoretical models to study internal processes, one important one is info processing approach, suggests info flows through cognitive system in a sequence of stages which include input storage, retrieval as in the multistore model
- cognitive sees mind to work in similar way to computer in the way info is processes
- using metaphor such as processing retrieval to explain what happens with the mind, as well as comparing the brain to the central processing unit of a computer
Cognitive A01
-cognitive processes can often be affected by a persons beliefs or expectations often referred too as schemas
-they are packages of ideas and info developed through experience
- they’re unique to individual as our own experiences are subjective to ourselves
- older you get more detailed and sophisticated they become
-useful to us as they enable us to process lots of info quick and fill gaps when info is lacking based on passed experiences
-however schemas may also eliminate anything which does not match out pre expsting beliefs/ ideas or expectations
Cognitive A03, reductionist- limitation
-approach reduces all complex behaviour down to one cause ie faulty thinking, stating that depression is caused by irrational thought processes also does not consider emotions and motivation which influence the processing of information for example according to yerkes- Dodson law anxiety can influence memory
Also early theories of the cognitive approach did nit always recognise physical biological psychology and environmental factors in determining behaviour
-weakness because its a simplistic view of behaviour to think depression can only be caused by faulty thinking, ignoring environmental factors or neurotransmitters which may affect our behavoiour
+however important to note that modern cognitive psychology has evolved to incorporate a more holistic understanding of human cognition and behaviour.
Cognitive AO3- real life applications- strength
-by identifying the role of cognitive processes in mental disorders, cognitive psycology has informed the development of targeted interventions
-CBT thrall aims to modify the maladaptive thought patterns and belief that underline emotional distress, helping people develop a more balanced and adaptive way of thinking
- cbts basis is to change how people process their thoughts to make them more rational or +ve
- this is a strength as through these techniques CBT helps individuals challenged and change their negative schemas leading to improvements in mood and functioning leading to succesful treatments of people suffering from depression where faulty thinking is identified and altered.
Cognitive A03 - scientific methods strength + counter argument
-use of lab experiments in highly controls settings allowed reliable objective data to be gathered and allowed researchers to infer which cognitive processes are at work
-emergence of neuroscience enabled the cognitive and biological approach to come together
-means that the study of the mind has established more of a credible scientific basis since wundts early attempts to measure private mental processes during introspection
-strength as it means the study of the mind has established a credible scientific basis
However BF skinner criticises the cognitive approach as he believes only external stimulus response behaviour should be studies as this can be scientifically measured
- while a strength is it measures in controlled settings they may not always capture real world mental processes, complexity and ecological validity
Certain mental processes like descission making may be difficult to study in lab settings
-this is a weakness as the theories might not explain how the mind and memory works outside the lab
Cognitive A03 -soft determinism
-recognises our cognitive system can only operate with the limits of what we know but that we are free to think before responding to a stimulus
-also recognises that rather being completely controlled by our environment or being completely controlled by our genes, we can control how to behave
- strength as this is more of a reasonable ‘interactionist’ position than the hard determinism suggested by some other approaches like the behaviourist and biological approaches.
A01- humanistic approach- belief
-believes all people have free will and full consciousness over their choices
- they reject scientific methods hat attempt to establish general principles of human behaviour, because humans are unique and should be the study of subjective experience
A01- humanistic- self actualisation
-Maslow believed humans are motivated by need other than biological survival
- every person a the desire to become the best they can possibly be to achieve full potential
-this is ‘self actualisation’ where one has the desire to grow to their full potential ans self actualisation is the highest level
- the heirarcy ranges from basic needs to levels of psychological and actualisation needs they all must be met to reach self actualisation
A01- humanistic- congruence
-carl rogers Argued for a person to grow a persons self and ideal self( what they aspire to be) should have congruence
-of there is a huge gap between these two a person will be incongruent and self actualisation will not be met due to negative feeling of self worth that arise from incognuernce
- to reduce this gap rigers defevloped client centred therapy to help people cope with problems of everyday
-it can often be explained from unconditional love from parents, those who set boundaries on limited for love which cause psyciogical problems for their child in the future
A03- humanistic- applications strength
- major influnce of psycological counselling
-e.g many therapist use rogers ideas of unconditional positive regard to help clients work towards self awareness - this means its a useful theory with real world applications and has helped improve the outlook of may patients support from psycologicas issues
A03- humanistic - holistic and positive strength
- do not try and reduce behaviour down to simpler component parts
- for example biology; psychology reduce behaviour down to genes or neurochemical imbalances
- in contrast humanistic psychologists put forward a holistic view of human nature and is he only approach to consider all aspects f human nature while promoting free will and human choice
A03- humanistic - unrealistic weakness
-some cirifc argue that the humanistic approach offered an unrealistic view of human nature
- critics point to more sinister aspects of human nature and argue that humanism focuses on ‘growth orientated behaviour’ while ignoring individual capacity for self destruction
- however such critics argue that a focus of self development ignores situational factors that may provide a more realistic explanation of everyday human behaviours.
A01 biological approach-
-three main assumptions
- our behaviour is influenced by our genetic material which has evolved like our physical characteristics through evolutionary adaptation to meet the demands of our environment
-CNS is main focus when explaining behaviour as its the origin of how the world is seen and acted upon
- neurotransmitters are seen to infulence our behaviour as they influence our reactions to the environment
A01 biological approach- genes
- hi lights indulgence of genes on our behaviour
- genotype: individuals genetic makeup which dictates characteristics such as hair colour
Phenotype: when the genotype interact as with the environment - to highlight the influence of genotype twin studies are conducted on MZ and DZ twins to measure concordance rates
-e.g MZ twins the concordance rate for SZ was 48% compared to 17% for DZ