approaches Flashcards
assumptions of behaviourism learning approach
- all behaviours are learnt from out environment
- animals and humans learn in the same way so behaviourists carry out experiments on animals and extrapolate the results to humans
- psychology should be scientific and objective therefore behaviourists use mainly laboratory experiments to achieve this
behaviourist approach
hard determinism
all behaviour is determined by our environment. we are passive and have little free will
behaviourist approach
classical conditioning definition
classical conditioning is learning through association which was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov. It is learning through that happens unconsciously. When you learn through classical conditioning, an automatic conditioned response is paired with a specific stimulus. This creates a behaviour.
behaviourist approach
what is the process of conditioning
classical conditioning is a process of learning by associating two stimuli together to learn a response. UCS produces a UCR (before conditioning), NS is associated with the UCS (during conditioning), NS produces a CR (after conditioning).
behaviourist approach
classical conditioning (AO1)
Classical conditioning is learning through association which was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov. It is learning that happens unconsciously. When you learn through classical conditioning, an automatic conditioned response is paired with a specific stimulus. This creates a behaviour.
process of conditioning
classical conditioning is a process of learning by associating two stimuli together to learn a response. UCS produces a UCR (before conditioning). NS is associated with the UCS (during conditioning). NS produces a CR (after conditioning).
Pavlov showed that dogs could be conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell if that sound was repeatedly presented at the same time they were given food. First the dogs were presented with the food, they salivated. The food was the unconditioned stimulus and salivation was the unconditioned response. Then Pavlov sounded the bell which is the neutral stimulus before giving the food. After ringing the bell a few times, the dog salivated when they heard the bell even when no food was given. The bell had not become a conditioned stimulus and salivation and become the conditioned response. The dogs had learnt to associate the bell with the food and the sound of the bell and salivation was triggered by the sound of the bell.
behaviourist approach
operant conditioning
positive reinforcement definition
receiving a reward
behaviourist approach
operant conditioning
negative reinforcement definition
occurs when performing an action stops something unpleasant from happening
behaviourist approach
operant conditioning
punishment definition
an unpleasant consequence
behaviourist approach
operant conditioning (AO1)
skinner argued that learning is an active process. when humans and animals act on and in their environment consequences follow these behaviours. if the consequences are pleasant they repeat the behaviour but if the consequences are unpleasant they do not repeat the behaviour. In the Skinner Box experiment, a hungry rat was placed in a cage. Every time he activated the lever a food pellet fell in the food dispenser. This is a positive reinforcement. The rats quickly learnt to go straight to he level after a few times of being put in the box. This suggests that positive reinforcement increases the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated. In another experiment, a rat was placed in a cage in which they were subjected to an uncomfortable electrical current as he moved around the cage the rat hit the lever, this immediately switched off the electrical current. This is negative reinforcement. The rats quickly learnt to go straight to the lever after a few times of being put in the box. This suggests that negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated.
behaviourist approach
strength (AO3)
experimental support: Pavlov showed that classical conditioning leads to learning by association. For example, Watson and Rayner classically conditioned an 11 month old boy (Little Albert) to fear rats by presenting them with a loud noise.This is a strength because the fact that Little Albert learned to fear white fluffy animals supports the role of Classical Conditioning in learning behaviour.
introduced scientific methods to psychology: Laboratory experiments were used with high control of extraneous variables. These experiments were replicable and the data obtained was objective (not influenced by an individual’s judgement or opinion) and measurable. This gave it more credibility.
had many useful practical applications: for example, this approach has allowed psychologists to develop successful therapies for treating abnormalities which require individuals to unlearn their disorder using the principles of classical conditioning. This is a strength because, the fact that flooding is such a successful treatment shows that if behaviours can be unlearned through classical conditioning then other behaviours that individuals learned must have developed through classical conditioning.
behaviourist approach
weakness (AO3)
animals not humans - Many of the experiments carried out were done on animals; we are different cognitively and physiologically, humans have different social norms and moral values these mediate the effects of the environment therefore we might behave differently from animals so the laws and principles derived from these experiments might apply more to animals than to humans. can’t extrapolate
reductionist- it attempts to reduce all aspects of human behaviour down to just one level of explanation.For example, the Behavioural approach reduces complex behaviours down to learning through our environment through association and rewards and punishment. This is a weakness because, the behavioural theory is an over-simplification of complex human behaviours. Surely our behaviour must be a product of nurture (experiences in our environment) and nature (our own biology, e.g. genes).
what is the social approach
this theory was developed by Albert Bandura. Bandura proposed SLT, sometimes called ‘observational learning’ which looks at how we learn by observing other people and imitating them, without conditioning.
Social learning theory is concerned with how people learn when they observe others. It can be seen as a bridge between the behaviourist approach and the cognitive approach.
Social approach
assumptions (AO1)
- humans learning is explained through observational learning or modelling, which involves identification, imitation and reinforcement
- meditating cognitive factors play an important role in observational learning. these include attention, retention, reproduction and motivation
- in vicarious reinforcement, reproduction of behaviour can be motivated when learners observe role models receiving reinforcement
- the majority of social learning theory research involves laboratory experiments in which quantifiable behaviour is observed.
social approach
learning by observation (AO1)
observational learning takes place in 4 steps:
- the behaviour must be modelled which means it must be carried out by a role model like a parent, friend or celebrity
- the observer must identify with the role model - normally because they are similar in appearance, gender, interests etc.
- the behaviour must be observed (mediational process) :
- attention: how much you concentrate on the model showing the behaviour
- retention - storing the behaviour you have witnessed
- reproduction - copying the behaviour you witnessed
- motivation - good reason to show the witnessed behaviour - the behaviour is imitated
social approach
learning by observation (AO1)
what is mediational process
- attention: how much you concentrate on the model showing the behaviour
- retention - storing the behaviour you have witnessed
- reproduction - copying the behaviour you witnessed
- motivation - good reason to show the witnessed behaviour
social approach
reciprocal determinism. soft determinism.
as well as being influenced by our environment, we also exert some influence upon it in return
social approach
Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” studies: imitative learning (AO1)
The experiment’s aim to investigate whether aggression can be learned through social learning theory principles.
72 children aged between 3 and 6 years old were put into one of three groups for 10 minutes.
The first group is ‘aggressive model’ - the child played in a room while an adult hit and shouted at a “Bobo doll”: a plastic inflatable toy doll which was heavy at the bottom and wobbled when hit. This group was further sub-divided by the gender of the child and the adult model.
In the ‘non aggressive model group’, the child played in a room while an adult played quietly with a construction set. This group was further sub-divided once again by the gender of the child and the adult model.
In the control group, the child did not see a model.
The children were deliberately frustrated by being taken int another room where they were told that they could not play with any toys. Then, they were placed alone in a room with a range of aggressive toys and non-aggressive toys and the Bobo doll for twenty minutes whilst being observed.
The results showed that children who saw the aggressive model produced more aggressive acts than those in either of the other two groups. Boys imitated same-sex models more than girls. Girls imitated more physical aggression if they saw male models, and more verbal aggression if they saw female models. Therefore, aggressive behaviour can be learned, in children, through observation and imitation of a model.
social approach
strength (AO3)
application to real world issues - It has long been a feature in explanations of criminal behaviour (Sykes and Matza, 1957) and recent research has continued that focus (Akers, 1998). It has also been used to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising: Andsager et al. (2006)found that ‘identification with a character or example may increase the likelihood that audiences will model behaviour presented in an anti-alcohol message’. Consequently, the principles of SLT can be used to provide a positive impact on promotional health campaigns, and indirectly help combat problem behaviours like alcoholism.
social approach
weakness (AO3)
issue of causality - It is not clear if people learn behaviour from models, or if they seek out models who exhibit behaviour or attitudes they already favour. Siegel and McCormick (2006), for example, argue that young people who hold deviant values and attitudes are more likely to associate with similarly-inclined peers because they are more fun to be with, and thus the reinforcement of ‘deviant’ behaviour is a two-way process and not necessarily the result of SLT itself. Also, SLT struggles to explain complex behaviours like gender development. Children are exposed to a whole host of influences when growing up, and these different influences interact in a complex way. Consequently, it is difficult to distinguish behaviours that develop because of SLT from the many other factors that contribute to human behaviour, which poses an issue for the social learning explanation of behaviour.
The SLT ignores developmental milestones - Such development stages typically occur irrespective of the environmental setting. The SLT does not account for behaviour when there is no role model. Negative behaviour such as criminal activities can occur without prior exposure to such behaviour.
the cognitive approach
what is the cognitive approach
the cognitive approach is focused on how mental processes affect our behaviour. It argues that internal mental processes should be studied scientifically. Cognitive psychology has been influenced by developments in computer science and analogies are often made between how a computer works and how we process information. Cognitive psychology is interested in how the brain inputs, stores and retrieves information.
the cognitive approach
assumptions (AO1)
- information received from our senses is processed by the brain and that this processing directs how we behave
- those internal mental processes cannot be observed directly but we can infer what a person is thinking based on how they act.
- schemas are mental structures that contain knowledge about objects and people derived from experience
- schemas play an important role in reconstructive memory
cognitive approach
soft determinism
argues we are free to choose what we think about and how we behave, but that it only operates within out existing approach
cognitive approach
the study of internal mental processes (AO1)
using experimental research methods, the cognitive approach studies internal mental processes such as attention, memory and decision-making. For example, an investigation might compare the abilities of groups to memorize a list of words, presenting them either verbally or visually to infer which type of sensory information is easiest to process, and could further investigate whether or not this changes with different word types or individuals
different models - proposed to attempt to explain and infer information about mental processes
- information processing model - describes the model as if a computer, in terms of the relationship between income information to be encoded, manipulating this mentally, and consequently directing an output. An example might be an artist looking at a picturesque landscape, deciding which paint colour suits a given area, before brushing the selected colour onto a canvas.
- computational model - compares with a computer, but focuses more on how we structure the process of reaching the behavioural output, without specifying when/how much information is dealt with.
- connectionist model - it looks at the mind as a complex network of neurons, which activate in regular configurations that characterize known associations between stimuli.
cognitive approach
what are the three different models proposed to attempt to explain and infer information about mental processes
information processing model
computational model
connectionist model
cognitive approach
the role of schemas (AO1)
an internal ‘script’ for how to act or what to expect from a given situation. For example, gender schemas assume how males/females behave and how is best to respond accordingly. e.g. a child may assume that all boys enjoy playing football. schemas are like stereotypes, and alter mental processing of incoming information.
cognitive approach
strength (AO3)
- models have presented a useful means to help explain internal mental processes
- the approach provides a strong focus on internal mental processes, which behaviourists before did not
- the experimental methods used by the approach are considered scientific.
cognitive approach
weakness (AO3)
- depends largely on controlled experiments to observe human behaviour which may lack ecological validity.
- does not take into account genetic factors; for example hereditary correlations of mental disorders
- reductionist to an extent, although case studies are taken into account, the behavioural approach attempts to apply the scientific view to human behaviour, which may be argued to be unique to each individual.
biological approach
what is the biological approach
The biological approach attempts to explain behaviour as the direct product of interactions within the body. The biological approach assumes that all human behaviour has biological origins and is innate.
biological approach
basic assumptions (AO1)
- we are influenced by our genetic make-up and genetic inheritance
- influenced by our central nervous system. According to the biological approach the brain is essential for thought and behaviour to occur
- influenced by our chemical processes such as the functioning of the brain. For example an imbalance of chemicals can lead to mental disorders such as bipolar
- humans have evolved through evolution, therefore we have much in common with animals
biological approach
biological determinism
hard determinism
much of our behaviour is determined by innate influences
very little free will