Approaches Flashcards
General template prior to operation
- Review the clinical information, confirm the approach method of fixation and equipment to be utilised and ensure has been discussed appropriately with the consultant
- Informed consent, mark the patient pre-operatively
- Ensure anaesthetic team and theatre team aware of the details of the case, and that the appropriate equipment is available
- If the senior operator, ensure I am comfortable with the procedure and have appropriate help available if required
- TTO in theatre, imaging intensifier available
- Position the patient, shave skin if required, padded bony prominences
- Scrub, appropriately prep and drape
- Posterolateral approach to the elbow
- Used for management of radial head - replacement / ORIF. LCL reconstruction or repair
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Can be supine or lateral position
- Consider sterile tourniquet
- Incision
- Feel for lateral epicondyle, olecranon and radial head
- Gently curved incision based over the lateral epicondyle extending over the radial head
- Internervous plane and superficial dissection
- Incise deep fascia
- Identify plane between ECU (PIN) and anconeus (radial n.)
- Maintain pronation to protect PIN
- Split the supinator fibres longitudinally, remaining on the posterior cortex of the radius
- Structures at risk
- Remain proximal to annular ligament where possible
- Release supinator along posterior border
- Anterolateral approach to elbow
- Exposure of radial head, coronoid, anterolateral distal humerus
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine position
- Sterile tourniquet
- Incision
- Incision from tip of lateral epicondyle, distally towards Lister’s tubercle
- Internervous plane and superficial dissection
- Plane between ECRB (radial n. or PIN), and EDC (PIN)
- Identify ECRB / EDC interval
- Expose the supinator deep to these
- Incise the lateral annular ligament and capsule
- Structures at risk
- PIN at high risk, keep forearm in pronation
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
- Radial nerve and recurrent radial artery
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine, with tourniquet
- Incision
- Biceps tendon insertion, to radial styloid
- Internervous plane
- Identify plane between brachioradialis (radial n.) and FCR (median n.)
- Dissection
- Develop this plane, identify SRN on undersurface of brachioradialis
- Radial artery and concurrent veins found under brachioradialis, retracted medially, many branches to brachioradialis that need to be coagulated
- Deeper, need to detach supinator / pronator teres / FDS / FPL / PQ - depending on the exposure required
- Structures at risk
- PIN if extending proximally
- Radial artery
Ulna shaft
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine, tourniquet
- Incision
- Along subcutaneous border of the ulna
- Internervous plane
- ECU (PIN) and FCU (ulna)
- Dissection
- Identify two muscles
- Incise fascia and develop plane
- Ulna nerve runs under FCU so care to remain subperiosteal
- Structures at risk
- Ulna nerve
- Ulna artery
Ulna shaft
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine, tourniquet
- Incision
- Along subcutaneous border of the ulna
- Internervous plane
- ECU (PIN) and FCU (ulna)
- Dissection
- Identify two muscles
- Incise fascia and develop plane
- Ulna nerve runs under FCU so care to remain subperiosteal
- Structures at risk
- Ulna nerve
- Ulna artery
Anterior humerus
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine or beach chair
- Usually no tourniquet
- Incision
- Coracoid process, along deltopectoral groove and lateral border of biceps muscle
- Internervous plane
- Proximally - deltoid (axillary) and pec major (medial and lateral pectoral)
- Distally - medial fibres of brachialis (musculocutaneous) and lateral fibres of brachialis (radial)
- Dissection
- Proximal dissection
- Use cephalic vein to identify plane between pec major and deltoid, can be retracted either way
- Develop plane down to deltoid tuberosity
- Care retracting deltoid and putting too much pressure on axillary
- Incise periosteum just lateral to insertion of pec major - some of insertion may need to be lifted
- If need to exposure the head and neck of the humerus, then incise subscapularis muscle and capsule
- Distal dissection
- Incise deep fascia in line with skin incision
- Identify plane between biceps and brachialis - retract biceps medially
- Distally is the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (terminal branch of musculocutaneous) - care to avoid this
- Split the fibres of brachialis longitudinally down to bone
- Proximal dissection
- Structures at risk
- Radial nerve - in spiral groove proximally and lateral anterior compartment distally
- Axillary nerve - excessive retraction of deltoid
- Anterior circumflex humeral vessels - cross the field around pec insertion
Posterior humerus
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Usually lateral incision, no tourniquet
- Incision
- Midline humeral shaft
- Internervous plane
- No true internervous plane
- Dissection
- Work radially to find the posterior cutaneous branch of the radial nerve, this can be followed proximally to identify the radial nerve
- Identify plane between long and lateral head of triceps and develop this
- Medial head of triceps may need to be split longitudinally
- Structures at risk
- Radial nerve
- Posterior cutaneous branch of radial nerve
- Deep brachial artery - runs with radial nerve
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine / beach chair
- Sandbag under scapula
- Incision
- Coracoid process to deltoid tuberosity
- Internervous plane
- Deltoid (axillary), pec major (lat med pectoral nerves)
- Dissection
- Cephalic vein, can be retracted either way
- Plane between deltoid and pec major
- Identify conjoint tendon and retract it medially, if further exposure is required a coracoid osteotomy can be done
- Incise subscapularis, with stay sutures to repair later
- Incise through capsule
- Structures at risk
- Cephalic vein
- Musculocutaneous nerve - enters coracobrachialis muscle medially, so just remain lateral
- Axillary nerve - In danger when retracting deltoid, and when incising subscapuslaris as it sits just inferior to it going through the quadrangular space
Lower limb fasciotomies
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine, no tourniquet
- Incision
- Lateral - halfway between fibula and tibial crest
- Medial - 2cm posterior to the border the tibia
- Dissection
- Lateral
- Identify SPN at distal aspect of wound
- Localise the inter muscular septum at the proximal end of the wound
- Incision anterior and posterior to this
- Using mayo scissors, release the fascia the entire length
- Assess muscle colour
- Medial
- Identify saphenous vein and nerve
- Incise the fascia in line with incision and assess musculature of superficial compartment
- Soleus muscle retracted posteriorly and then deep fascia incised
- NV bundle is just beneath this
- Lateral
- Structures at risk
- Saphenous nerve and vein
- Superficial peroneal nerve
- Posterior NV bundle
Lower limb fasciotomies
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine, no tourniquet
- Incision
- Lateral - halfway between fibula and tibial crest
- Medial - 2cm posterior to the border the tibia
- Dissection
- Lateral
- Identify SPN at distal aspect of wound
- Localise the inter muscular septum at the proximal end of the wound
- Incision anterior and posterior to this
- Using mayo scissors, release the fascia the entire length
- Assess muscle colour
- Medial
- Identify saphenous vein and nerve
- Incise the fascia in line with incision and assess musculature of superficial compartment
- Soleus muscle retracted posteriorly and then deep fascia incised
- NV bundle is just beneath this
- Lateral
- Structures at risk
- Saphenous nerve and vein
- Superficial peroneal nerve
- Posterior NV bundle
- Humerus
- Proximal 1/3 - Lateral
- Middle 1/3 - Anterior
- Distal 1/3 - Medial epicondyle
- Ulna
- Anywhere
- Radius
- Proximal - NO
- Middle - Dorsal - dorsal/lateral
- Distal - Lateral - dorsal/lateral (care to avoid SRN too distal and too lateral)
- 2nd metacarpal bone
- One in head, one in base - angled 45 deg dorsal/lateral
- Pelvis
- Iliac crest - 2x pins immediately pastier to ASIS
- Drill only cortex
- Insert pins by hand
- Angle down towards ischial spine
- Pins can also be placed through AIIS, more stable but more technically challenging
- Iliac crest - 2x pins immediately pastier to ASIS
- Femur
- Lateral always safe
- Anterior safe in middle / distal
- Distally can go lateral → medial to skeletal traction
- Tibia
- Subcutaneous border along entire length
- Calcaneus
- Medial to lateral
- 2cm inferior to medial mal, 2cm anterior to posterior border of calc
- Base of 1st metatarsal
Anterior approach hip
- Also Smith-Petersen approach
- Anterior approach THA / washout of joint / open reduction of NOF fracture
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine position, potentially specialised traction table
- Incision
- Longitudinal incision, inferior and lateral to ASIS
- Internervous plane
- TFL (superior gluteal) and sartorious (femoral)
- Dissection
- Identify plane between TFL and sartorious - usually 4-5cm below ASIS
- Care to avoid LFCN
- Incise the deep fascia on the medial side of TFL
- Detatch TFL at its origin
- Identify ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery
- Identify plane between gluteus medius and rectus femoris and retract RF medially - needs to be detached from its origins at AIIS, superior acetabulum and hip capsule
- Incise capsule with T-shaped incision
- Structures at risk
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Femoral nerve and artery
- Ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery
Posterior approach hip
- Lateral position, padding, drape whole leg
- Approach
- Incision centred just posterior to centre of femur and GT, curves posteriorly
- Superficial dissection, haemostasisi
- Knife to fascia distally, extend proximally where it becomes more musculature
- Charnley retractor
- Internal rotation of the leg
- Need to identify the SERs and specifically piriformis posteriorly
- Homen put over gluteus minimise and beneath gluteus medius
- Incise through plane between minimus and piriformis
- Homen then between piriformis and minimus
- Diathermy to release piriformis and the proximal SERs, with stay sutures
- Dislocate head
- Structures at risk
- Sciatic nerve
Anterolateral approach tibial plateau
- Positioning and tourniquet
- Supine, tourniquet, sterile triangle bolster to help with positioning
- Incision
- L-shaped incision, commencing just distal to the joint line, anteriorly over Gerdy’s tubercle, then down anterolateral shaft, lateral to patella tendon
- Internervous plane
- No internervous plane
- Dissection
- Incise through subcutaneous tissue, haemostasis
- Incise joint capsule transversely just below the lateral meniscus
- Incise through fascia overlying tibialis anterior, strip off tibialis anterior medially
- Detatch lateral meniscus from its inferior attachments, using stay sutures
- Structures at risk
- Common peroneal nerve, however should be posterior to the operating zone