Approach to infectious disease ER Flashcards
Fever in the ER
- Very common ED complaint
- Normally 36.5- 37.5℃
- Various causes, but obviously infection is considered
most common - Broad DDx, and cause is not always clear
- Body temperature controlled by the hypothalamus
specific cytokines trigger elevation of the set point - Much like a thermostat in a house, during a fever, the
hypothalamic set point is raised to 37 -39℃ - A process of vasoconstriction, shivering raises the body’s
core temperature - Rectal temperature is more accurate than oral, which
tends to be lower
Fever vs hyperthermia
- Fever differs from hyperthermia, in which the
hypothalamus set point is unchanged - The elevated core temperature in hyperthermia can be
from various factors, hot environment etc. and can reach
higher temperatures than seen in fever - Hyperthermia typically not affected by antipyretics
- Hyperthermia is an uncontrolled increase and will exceed
the bodies capacity for heat regulation
Fever causes
- Infections
- Malignancy
- Inflammation
- Autoimmune diseases
- Medications- “Drug Fever”
Fever may not be produced in _____
newborns, elderly,
immunocompromised patients, etc
______ is considered
the Gold Standard for
meningitis, encephalitis, SAH
and other neurologic conditions
Lumbar puncture
Lumbar Puncture contraindications
- Typically a CT head is completed prior to the LP to rule out a space occupying lesion and/or increased intracranial pressure
Lumbar Puncture indications
– Suspected meningitis, encephalitis
– Suspected SAH
– CNS disease eg. Guillain-Barre syndrome or MS, CNS cancers
– Therapeutic relief of idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Lumbar Puncture collection
- Aseptic technique is critical
- Use the manometer in the
spinal tray to measure
opening pressure - Collect at least 1 mL in each
of 4 tubes - Fluid is used for analysis,
culture and PCR
Spinal Hematoma
– Ominous complication of LP- severe or persistent back pain, radicular pain,
new neuro symptoms, cauda equina Sx
– Most present in 6 hrs, Risks recall contraindications eg. anticoagulants
– STAT MRI and neurosurgical consultation
Post-lumbar puncture headache
– CSF leak, 24-48 hrs, most common. Tx- Spontaneous resolve or blood
patch if persistent
The key to rabies management is having an understanding of ______
pre- and post- exposure prophylaxis
In North America major vectors of rabies are:
include foxes, coyotes, bats,
skunks, raccoon.
Rabies and Dogs
- In the case of domesticated dogs in the US, the
large majority are vaccinated, although a dog
bite is a reportable event. Check dog Hx. - Rabies cases do occur in the US (38 cases from
2003-2016) - Worldwide, 99% of rabies is acquired by dog
bites - In the US, the majority of rabies cases are from
bats. Cases with unknown source do occur
Pathophysiology of Rabies
- Virus transmission is due to direct contact with salivary contact
- Source is salivary glands of the biting animal, and virus is deposited in tissues
- The rabies virus is a Lyssavirus. Replicates in the mammalian central nervous system, and is not associated with insect transmission.
- Long incubation period 20-90 days
- Ascends and replicates along peripheral neuronal axons,
progressing towards the spinal cord, and CNS - Replication in gray matter leads to spread to all tissues and organ systems
- Rabies encephalitis is a CNS infection with leukocyte infiltration, focal hemorrhage and demyelination in the gray matter
Rabies Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
- Rabies vaccine is available, and can be offered
pre-exposure based on risk to individual
– Recreational or occupational exposure - lab workers, cavers, animal-control, wildlife worker, etc.
– Can be received from health department, PCP, veterinarian
– Vaccine given for pre-exposure does not negate need for
post-exposure treatment, but recommendations are
different. Patients need to be made aware of this