Approach to Head Injury Flashcards
Impairment of brain function as a result of mechanical force
- may cause permanent or temporary impairment
- may or may not cause structural damage to brain
- associated with diminished or altered state of consciousness
Trauma induced alteration of mental status which may or may not involve loss of counsciousness
- Rapid onset of short-lived impairment that resolves spontaneously
- clinical symptoms reflect functional disturbance rather than structural injury
- imaging usually normal
How are TBI severity’s ranked?
mild= GCS 14-15 (about 80% of head injuries)
moderate= GCS 9-13 (about 10% of head injuries
severe= GCS 3-8 (mortality approx. 40%) - only about 10% of these patients make even a moderate recovery
Glasgow Coma Scale for Eye opening
- 4 = spontaneous
- 3 = to voice
- 2 = to pain
- 1 = none
Glasgow Coma Scale for Verbal Response
- 5 = normal conservation
- 4 = disoriented conversation
- 3 = words, but not coherent
- 2 = no words, only sounds
- 1 = none
Glasgow Coma Scale Motor Response
- 6 = normal
- 5 = localized to pain
- 4 = withdraw to pain
- 3= decorticate posture (rigidity, clenched fists, legs held straight out, and arms bent inward toward the body with the wrists and fingers bend and held on the chest; mummy pose)
- 2 = decerebrate (an abnormal posture that can include rigidity, arms and legs held straight out, toes pointed downward, head and neck arched backwards)
- 1 = none
Direct tissue damage from traumatic mechanism (contusion, shearing, hemorrhage)
Primary injury
- Tissue damage (min to hours after the primary injury)
-Ion shifts, free radical production, etc leading to inflammation, cytotoxic edema and cell death - elevated ICP causes direct compressive damage and leads to ischemia, vascular compression, herniation
- additional insults (systemic hypotension, hypoxemia) will also lead to worse clincial outcomes
Secondary Injury
what are the 3 goals in approach to head injury?
- identify life-threatening injuries
- identify treatable mass lesions (i.e bleeding)
- prevent further brain injury
-minimize or prevent hypoxemia, anemia, hypotension, hyperglycemia, hyperthermia (things that will increase metabolic demand)
- prevent further brain injury
- Pupil size and reaction is a function of the Autonomic Nervous System
- parasympathetic innervation of the oculomotor nerve controls constriction of the pupil
- exits from the brainstem-any compression/swelling wil result in a dilated, non-reactive pupil
Pupillary response
the pupilary response could be fixed in what ways?
- single fixed and dilated pupil in unresponsive pt may indicate uncal herniation- will be same side lesion
- bilateral fixed and dilated pupils suggest increased ICP with poor brain perfusion, bilateral uncal herniation, drug effects, or severe hypoxia
- bilateral pinpoint suggests opiate use or pontine lesion
what are signs of a severe TBI?
- fixed or dilated pupils (uni or bilateral), decorticate (flexion) or decerebrate (extension) posturing, bradycardia, hypertension, respiratory depression)
- periorbital ecchymosis (raccoon eyes) battle signs, hemotympanum, CSF otorrhea, CSF rhinorrhea
If aggressive management is warranted for a head injury, what should be considered?
- Get patient to CT scan ASAP
- If GCS < 8 (or if uncooperative, combative) = intubation
-Etomidate, propofol for induction and succinylcholine/rocuronium are appropriate (agents that are long acting may mask neurologic changes (i.e, seizure) an those that can cause hypotension should be avoided - Aggressive fluid resuscitation to prevent hypotension and secondary brain injury
- single episode of hypotension/hypoxemia is associated with 150% increase in mortality
- Bleeding into the brain tissue
- usually a component of cerebral contusion
- disruption of the intraparechymal capillaries as the result of a contusion
- an intraparenchymal hemorrhage that displaces surrounding brain tissue appears as frankly hyperdense area on CT scanning with a hypodense (edematous) periphery
intracerebral hemorrhage
- These patients are twice as likely to die, remain in a persistent vegetative state or experience severe disability
- can be missed on early T
Subarachnoid hemorrhage