Approach Plates Flashcards
What items should be located and identified on an approach plate?
- Field Elevation
- Localizer Frequency
- FAP to MAP
- Marker Beacons
- Highest Obstacle
- Latitude/Longitude
- Final Approach Course
- VOR and items within
- All minimums.
What is the FAF on a precision approach and how is it identified?
The FAF on a precision approach is glideslope intercept and it is identified by the lightning bolt.
What is the FAF on a non-precision approach and how is it identified?
The FAF on a non-precision approach is the Maltese Cross (X), which is a specific point on the approach.
How are approach categories determined?
Approach category is determined by taking an aircraft’s stalling speed in landing configuration (VSO) and multiplying it by 1.3.
What is the formula to calculate the reference speed (Vref)?
VSO x 1.3 = Vref.
What category does the B-737 fall into?
Category C.
What category does the B-737 fall into when executing a circling approach?
Category D.
What type of approach is considered a precision approach?
The ILS is the ONLY precision approach.
What are the 4 components of an ILS?
- G – Glideslope (vertical guidance)
- L – Localizer (horizontal guidance)
- A – Approach Light System
- M – Marker Beacons
What happens at the FAF for pilots?
Pilots are established and stable on the final approach segment and the aircraft should be configured to land.
How do pilots execute the missed approach?
By following the directions outlined on the approach plate.
Are obstacles on an approach plate measured in AGL or MSL?
Everything is measured in MSL (mean sea level), except for HAT, which is AGL (above ground level).
What does DA stand for and when is it used?
DA – Decision Altitude, used on precision approaches.
What does MDA stand for and when is it used?
MDA - Minimum Descent Altitude, used on non-precision approaches.
What happens if the Localizer is lost on an ILS?
The approach is unusable without the localizer.
What can be attempted if the glideslope is lost?
A localizer approach may be attempted.
What are the ILS categories and their respective DH and RVR values?
- I: DH 200, RVR 2400
- I: DH 200, RVR 1800 (with centerline lighting)
- II (Restricted): DH 150, RVR 1600
- II: DH 100, RVR 1200
- IIIA: DH 0, RVR 700
- IIIB: DH 0, RVR 150
- IIIC: DH 0, RVR 0
What does a back triangle with the letter ‘A’ inside mean on an approach plate?
Nonstandard Alternate Minimums.
What does N/A next to the ‘A’ indicate?
That specific approach is not available as an alternate.
What are the standard alternate minimums?
- Precision: 600-2
- Non-Precision: 800-2
What does the black D denote on the approach plate?
Declared Distances: TORA, TODA, ASDA, LDA.
What are the standard takeoff visibility minimums for a 2-engine aircraft?
What are the standard takeoff visibility minimums for a 3+ engine aircraft?
If an approach plate notes ‘Radar Required’, what does that mean?
ATC’s radar must be in working order to fly the approach.
If an approach plate notes ‘DME Required’, what does that mean?
The aircraft must be equipped with DME.
When flying a circling approach, is there a HAT?
No, there is an HAA (Height Above Airport).
What options are available if an airport is below landing minimums as the aircraft approaches?
- Hold until the weather clears
- Divert to an alternate airport if fuel is limited.
Can pilots attempt an approach if the airport’s reported ceiling is below approach plate minimums but visibility is above landing minimums?
Yes, they may choose to attempt the approach up until the FAF.
Can you dispatch a flight to an airport if that destination is reporting below landing minima?